; ported to AHK v2.0-beta by @krasnovpro ; https://www.autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=1229 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Name ..........: TrayIcon library ; Description ...: Provide some useful functions to deal with Tray icons. ; AHK Version ...: AHK_L x32/64 Unicode ; Code from .....: Sean (http://www.autohotkey.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=17314) ; Author ........: Cyruz (http://ciroprincipe.info) (http://ahkscript.org/boards/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=1229) ; Mod from ......: Fanatic Guru - Cyruz ; License .......: WTFPL - http://www.wtfpl.net/txt/copying/ ; Version Date ..: 2019.03.12 ; Upd.20160120 ..: Fanatic Guru - Went through all the data types in the DLL and NumGet and matched them up to MSDN ; ...............: which fixed idCmd. ; Upd.20160308 ..: Fanatic Guru - Fix for Windows 10 NotifyIconOverflowWindow. ; Upd.20180313 ..: Fanatic Guru - Fix problem with "VirtualFreeEx" pointed out by nnnik. ; Upd.20180313 ..: Fanatic Guru - Additional fix for previous Windows 10 NotifyIconOverflowWindow fix breaking non ; ...............: hidden icons. ; Upd.20190312 ..: Cyruz - Added TrayIcon_Set, code merged and refactored. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Function ......: TrayIcon_GetInfo ; Description ...: Get a series of useful information about tray icons. ; Parameters ....: sExeName - The exe for which we are searching the tray icon data. Leave it empty to receive data for ; ...............: all tray icons. ; Return ........: oTrayInfo - An array of objects containing tray icons data. Any entry is structured like this: ; ...............: oTrayInfo[A_Index].idx - 0 based tray icon index. ; ...............: oTrayInfo[A_Index].idcmd - Command identifier associated with the button. ; ...............: oTrayInfo[A_Index].pid - Process ID. ; ...............: oTrayInfo[A_Index].uid - Application defined identifier for the icon. ; ...............: oTrayInfo[A_Index].msgid - Application defined callback message. ; ...............: oTrayInfo[A_Index].hicon - Handle to the tray icon. ; ...............: oTrayInfo[A_Index].hwnd - Window handle. ; ...............: oTrayInfo[A_Index].class - Window class. ; ...............: oTrayInfo[A_Index].process - Process executable. ; ...............: oTrayInfo[A_Index].tray - Tray Type (Shell_TrayWnd or NotifyIconOverflowWindow). ; ...............: oTrayInfo[A_Index].tooltip - Tray icon tooltip. ; Info ..........: TB_BUTTONCOUNT message - http://goo.gl/DVxpsg ; ...............: TB_GETBUTTON message - http://goo.gl/2oiOsl ; ...............: TBBUTTON structure - http://goo.gl/EIE21Z ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TrayIcon_GetInfo(sExeName := "") { dhw := A_DetectHiddenWindows DetectHiddenWindows(1) oTrayInfo := [] for sTray in ["Shell_TrayWnd", "NotifyIconOverflowWindow"] { idxTB := TrayIcon_GetTrayBar(sTray) pidTaskbar := WinGetPID("ahk_class " sTray) hProc := DllCall("OpenProcess", "UInt",0x38, "Int",0, "UInt",pidTaskbar) pRB := DllCall("VirtualAllocEx", "Ptr",hProc, "Ptr",0, "UPtr",20, "UInt",0x1000, "UInt",0x04) btn := Buffer(A_Is64bitOS ? 32 : 20, 0) nfo := Buffer(A_Is64bitOS ? 32 : 24, 0) tip := Buffer(128 * 2, 0) res := SendMessage(TB_BUTTONCOUNT := 0x0418, 0, 0, "ToolbarWindow32" idxTB, "ahk_class " sTray) Loop res { SendMessage(TB_GETBUTTON := 0x0417, A_Index - 1, pRB, "ToolbarWindow32" idxTB, "ahk_class " sTray) DllCall("ReadProcessMemory", "Ptr",hProc, "Ptr",pRB, "Ptr",btn.Ptr, "UPtr",btn.Size, "UPtr",0) iBitmap := NumGet(btn, 0, "Int") idCmd := NumGet(btn, 4, "Int") fsState := NumGet(btn, 8, "UChar") fsStyle := NumGet(btn, 9, "UChar") dwData := NumGet(btn, A_Is64bitOS ? 16 : 12, "UPtr") iString := NumGet(btn, A_Is64bitOS ? 24 : 16, "Ptr") DllCall("ReadProcessMemory", "Ptr",hProc, "Ptr",dwData, "Ptr",nfo.Ptr, "UPtr",nfo.Size, "UPtr",0) hWnd := NumGet(nfo, 0, "Ptr") uId := NumGet(nfo, A_Is64bitOS ? 8 : 4, "UInt") msgId := NumGet(nfo, A_Is64bitOS ? 12 : 8, "UPtr") hIcon := NumGet(nfo, A_Is64bitOS ? 24 : 20, "Ptr") nPid := WinGetPID("ahk_id " hWnd) sProcess := WinGetProcessName("ahk_id " hWnd) sClass := WinGetClass("ahk_id " hWnd) if not sExeName or sExeName == sProcess or sExeName == nPid { DllCall("ReadProcessMemory" , "Ptr",hProc, "Ptr",iString, "Ptr",tip.Ptr, "UPtr",tip.Size, "UPtr",0) oTrayInfo.Push(Map( "idx" , A_Index - 1 , "idcmd" , idCmd , "pid" , nPid , "uid" , uId , "msgid" , msgId , "hicon" , hIcon , "hwnd" , hWnd , "class" , sClass , "process" , sProcess , "tooltip" , StrGet(tip.Ptr, "UTF-16") , "tray" , sTray)) } } DllCall("VirtualFreeEx", "Ptr",hProc, "Ptr",pRB, "UPtr",0, "UInt",0x8000) DllCall("CloseHandle", "Ptr",hProc) } DetectHiddenWindows(dhw) return oTrayInfo } ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Function .....: TrayIcon_Hide ; Description ..: Hide or unhide a tray icon. ; Parameters ...: idCmd - Command identifier associated with the button. ; ..............: sTray - Place where to find the icon ("Shell_TrayWnd" or "NotifyIconOverflowWindow"). ; ..............: bHide - True for hide, False for unhide. ; Info .........: TB_HIDEBUTTON message - http://goo.gl/oelsAa ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TrayIcon_Hide(idCmd, sTray := "Shell_TrayWnd", bHide := true) { dhw := A_DetectHiddenWindows DetectHiddenWindows(1) idxTB := TrayIcon_GetTrayBar() SendMessage(TB_HIDEBUTTON := 0x0404, idCmd, bHide, "ToolbarWindow32" idxTB, "ahk_class " sTray) SendMessage(0x001A, 0, 0,, "ahk_class " sTray) DetectHiddenWindows(dhw) } ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Function .....: TrayIcon_Delete ; Description ..: Delete a tray icon. ; Parameters ...: idx - 0 based tray icon index. ; ..............: sTray - Place where to find the icon ("Shell_TrayWnd" or "NotifyIconOverflowWindow"). ; Info .........: TB_DELETEBUTTON message - http://goo.gl/L0pY4R ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TrayIcon_Delete(idx, sTray := "Shell_TrayWnd") { dhw := A_DetectHiddenWindows DetectHiddenWindows(1) idxTB := TrayIcon_GetTrayBar() SendMessage(TB_DELETEBUTTON := 0x0416, idx, 0, "ToolbarWindow32" idxTB, "ahk_class " sTray) SendMessage(0x001A, 0, 0,, "ahk_class " sTray) DetectHiddenWindows(dhw) } ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Function .....: TrayIcon_Remove ; Description ..: Remove a Tray icon. It should be more reliable than TrayIcon_Delete. ; Parameters ...: hWnd - Window handle. ; ..............: uId - Application defined identifier for the icon. ; Info .........: NOTIFYICONDATA structure - https://goo.gl/1Xuw5r ; ..............: Shell_NotifyIcon function - https://goo.gl/tTSSBM ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TrayIcon_Remove(hWnd, uId) { NID := Buffer(2 * 384 + A_PtrSize * 5 + 40, 0) NumPut("UPtr", NID.Size, NID, 0) NumPut("UPtr", hWnd, NID, A_PtrSize) NumPut("UPtr", uId, NID, A_PtrSize * 2) return DllCall("Shell32.dll\Shell_NotifyIcon", "UInt",0x2, "UInt",NID.Ptr) } ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Function .....: TrayIcon_Move ; Description ..: Move a tray icon. ; Parameters ...: idxOld - 0 based index of the tray icon to move. ; ..............: idxNew - 0 based index where to move the tray icon. ; ..............: sTray - Place where to find the icon ("Shell_TrayWnd" or "NotifyIconOverflowWindow"). ; Info .........: TB_MOVEBUTTON message - http://goo.gl/1F6wPw ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TrayIcon_Move(idxOld, idxNew, sTray := "Shell_TrayWnd") { dhw := A_DetectHiddenWindows DetectHiddenWindows(1) idxTB := TrayIcon_GetTrayBar() SendMessage 0x452, idxOld, idxNew, "ToolbarWindow32" idxTB, "ahk_class " sTray ; TB_MOVEBUTTON := 0x452 DetectHiddenWindows(dhw) } ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Function .....: TrayIcon_Set ; Description ..: Modify icon with the given index for the given window. ; Parameters ...: hWnd - Window handle. ; ..............: uId - Application defined identifier for the icon. ; ..............: hIcon - Handle to the tray icon. ; ..............: hIconSmall - Handle to the small icon, for window menubar. Optional. ; ..............: hIconBig - Handle to the big icon, for taskbar. Optional. ; Return .......: True on success, false on failure. ; Info .........: NOTIFYICONDATA structure - https://goo.gl/1Xuw5r ; ..............: Shell_NotifyIcon function - https://goo.gl/tTSSBM ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TrayIcon_Set(hWnd, uId, hIcon, hIconSmall := 0, hIconBig := 0) { dhw := A_DetectHiddenWindows DetectHiddenWindows(1) if hIconSmall SendMessage(WM_SETICON := 0x0080, 0, hIconSmall,, "ahk_id " hWnd) if hIconBig SendMessage(WM_SETICON := 0x0080, 1, hIconBig,, "ahk_id " hWnd) DetectHiddenWindows(dhw) NID := Buffer(2 * 384 + A_PtrSize * 5 + 40, 0) NumPut("UPtr", NID.Size, NID, 0) NumPut("UPtr", hWnd, NID, (A_PtrSize == 4)? 4 : 8) NumPut("UPtr", uId, NID, (A_PtrSize == 4)? 8 : 16) NumPut("UPtr", 2, NID, (A_PtrSize == 4)? 12 : 20) NumPut("UPtr", hIcon, NID, (A_PtrSize == 4)? 20 : 32) return DllCall("Shell32.dll\Shell_NotifyIcon", "UInt",NIM_MODIFY := 0x1, "Ptr",NID.Ptr) } ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Function .....: TrayIcon_GetTrayBar ; Description ..: Get the tray icon handle. ; Parameters ...: sTray - Traybar to retrieve. ; Return .......: Tray icon handle. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TrayIcon_GetTrayBar(sTray := "Shell_TrayWnd") { idxTB := "", nTB := "" dhw := A_DetectHiddenWindows DetectHiddenWindows(1) for k in WinGetControls("ahk_class " sTray) if RegExMatch(k, "(?<=ToolbarWindow32)\d+(?!.*ToolbarWindow32)", &nTB) loop nTB[] { hWnd := ControlGetHwnd("ToolbarWindow32" A_Index, "ahk_class " sTray) hParent := DllCall("GetParent", "Ptr",hWnd) sClass := WinGetClass("ahk_id " hParent) if not (sClass == "SysPager" or sClass == "NotifyIconOverflowWindow") continue idxTB := A_Index break } DetectHiddenWindows(dhw) return idxTB } ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Function .....: TrayIcon_GetHotItem ; Description ..: Get the index of tray's hot item. ; Return .......: Index of tray's hot item. ; Info .........: TB_GETHOTITEM message - http://goo.gl/g70qO2 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TrayIcon_GetHotItem() { idxTB := TrayIcon_GetTrayBar() return SendMessage(TB_GETHOTITEM := 0x0447, 0, 0, "ToolbarWindow32" idxTB, "ahk_class Shell_TrayWnd") << 32 >> 32 } ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Function .....: TrayIcon_Button ; Description ..: Simulate mouse button click on a tray icon. ; Parameters ...: sExeName - Executable Process Name of tray icon (case sensitive). ; ..............: sButton - Mouse button to simulate (L, M, R). ; ..............: bDouble - True to double click, false to single click. ; ..............: nIdx - Index of tray icon to click if more than one match. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TrayIcon_Button(sExeName, sButton := "L", bDouble := false, nIdx := 1) { dhw := A_DetectHiddenWindows DetectHiddenWindows(1) sButton := "WM_" sButton "BUTTON" oIcons := TrayIcon_GetInfo(sExeName) if bDouble action("DBLCLK") else action("DOWN"), action("UP") DetectHiddenWindows(dhw) action(arg) { static actions := Map( "WM_MOUSEMOVE" ,0x0200, "WM_LBUTTONDOWN",0x0201, "WM_LBUTTONUP",0x0202 , "WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK",0x0203, "WM_RBUTTONDOWN",0x0204, "WM_RBUTTONUP",0x0205 , "WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK",0x0206, "WM_MBUTTONDOWN",0x0207, "WM_MBUTTONUP",0x0208 , "WM_MBUTTONDBLCLK",0x0209) PostMessage(oIcons[nIdx]["msgid"], oIcons[nIdx]["uid"], actions[sButton arg],, "ahk_id " oIcons[nIdx]["hwnd"]) } }