;=========================================== ; 【AHK机器码生成器】 v2.5 By FeiYue ; ; 使用方法: ; ; 1、下载安装【TDM-GCC】的64位版到D盘的TDM-GCC-64目录,下载网址为: ; https://sourceforge.net/projects/tdm-gcc/files/latest/download ; ; 2、下载安装【TCC】的32位和64位版到AHK的TCC-32和TCC-64目录,下载网址为: ; https://bellard.org/tcc/ ; ; 3、选择C代码后,按【 Alt+C 】热键生成 GCC 编译的机器码, ; 或者按【 Ctrl+Alt+C 】热键生成 TCC 编译的机器码 ; ;=========================================== ; https://www.autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?t=18405 !c:: ; 选择C代码后用 GCC 编译 ^!c:: ; 选择C代码后用 TCC 编译 ClipSaved:=ClipboardAll Clipboard= Send {Ctrl Down}c{Ctrl Up} ClipWait, 3 s:=Clipboard, Clipboard:=ClipSaved if s= { MsgBox, 4096, Error, The contents of the copy are empty! Exit } Loop, 2 { i:=A_Index-1, s%i%:="`r`n " (i ? "x64":"x32") ":=""""" . RegExReplace(Tcc(s,i,A_ThisLabel="!c"), ".{1,64}", "`r`n . ""$0""") } MsgBox, 4096, MCode has been generated! (32 + 64), % Clipboard:=s0 . s1 . "`r`n MCode(MyFunc, A_PtrSize=8 ? x64:x32)" s:=s0:=s1:="" return Tcc(s, win64=0, gcc=0, add=0) { dir:=A_IsCompiled ? A_ScriptDir : RegExReplace(A_AhkPath,"\\[^\\]+$") if (gcc=1) exe1:="D:\TDM-GCC-64\bin\gcc.exe" else exe1:=dir (win64 ? "\TCC-64":"\TCC-32") "\tcc.exe" IfNotExist, %exe1% { MsgBox, 4096, Tip, Can t Find %exe1% ! return } if (add=1) { Loop, 4 s%A_Index%:="int _add" A_Index "_() { return 0x11111111; }" s:=s1 "`n" s2 "`n" s3 "`n" s "`n" s4 "`n" } dir:=A_Temp FileDelete, % cpp:=dir "\~5.c" FileDelete, % obj:=dir "\~5.obj" FileDelete, % log:=dir "\~5.log" FileAppend, % StrReplace(s,"`r"), %cpp% killcmd(1) arg:=(win64 ? " -m64 ":" -m32 ") " -O2 " RunWait, %ComSpec% /c ""%exe1%" %arg% -c -o "%obj%" "%cpp%" 2>"%log%"",, Hide killcmd(0) hex:=(add=1) ? bin2hex(obj) : obj2hex(obj) FileRead, s, %log% FileDelete, %cpp% FileDelete, %obj% FileDelete, %log% if StrLen(hex)<2 { MsgBox, 4096, Tip, C Compile Error`n`n%s% return } if (add=1) { p1:=RegExMatch(hex, "i)B811111111.{0,8}?C3", r) p2:=InStr(hex,r,0,p1+1), p3:=InStr(hex,r,0,p2+1) p4:=InStr(hex,r,0,0), len:=p3-p2, i:=0 Loop, % (len-StrLen(r))//2 if !(SubStr(hex,p1-2-i,2)=SubStr(hex,p3-2-i,2) && SubStr(hex,p1-2-i,2)=SubStr(hex,p4-2-i,2) && (i+=2)) Break if (p1 && p2 && p3) hex:=SubStr(hex, p3+len-i, p4-p3-len) } return hex } killcmd(f=0) { SplitPath, ComSpec, cmd Loop { Process, Exist, %cmd% if !(pid:=ErrorLevel) Break Process, Close, %pid% Process, WaitClose, %pid%, 3 } SetTimer, killcmd, % f ? 5000 : "Off" } bin2hex(obj, addr=0, size=0) { if (addr=0) { if !(r:=FileExist(obj)) or InStr(r,"D") return FileGetSize, size, %obj% FileRead, bin, *c %obj% addr:=&bin } ListLines, % (lls:=A_ListLines=0?"Off":"On")?"Off":"Off" SetBatchLines, % (bch:=A_BatchLines)?"-1":"-1" SetFormat, IntegerFast, % (fmt:=A_FormatInteger)?"H":"H" VarSetCapacity(hex, (2*size+1)*(1+!!A_IsUnicode)) Loop, %size% hex.=SubStr(0x100+(*addr++),-1) SetFormat, IntegerFast, %fmt% SetBatchLines, %bch% ListLines, %lls% return hex } obj2hex(obj) { if !(r:=FileExist(obj)) or InStr(r,"D") return FileGetSize, size, %obj% FileRead, bin, *c %obj% p:=&bin if !(NumGet(p+0,"uchar")=0x7f && StrGet(p+1,3,"CP0")="ELF") { if (StrGet(p,2,"CP0")="MZ") && (StrGet(p+NumGet(p+0x3C,"uint"),4,"CP0")="PE") return usOptHdrSZ := NumGet(p+0, 16, "ushort") Loop % usNumSec := NumGet(p+0, 2, "ushort") { sh := 20+usOptHdrSZ+(A_Index-1)*40 if (sh>size || A_Index>100) return sh_flags := NumGet(p+0, sh+36, "uint") name:=StrGet(p+sh, 8, "CP0") if (name=".text") && (sh_flags & 0x20) { sh_offset := NumGet(p+0, sh+20, "uint") sh_size := NumGet(p+0, sh+16, "uint") return bin2hex("", p+sh_offset, sh_size) } } return } x64:=(EI_CLASS := NumGet(p+0, 4, "char"))=2 ptr:=(x64 ? "uint64" : "uint") e_ehsize:=NumGet(p+0, (x64?52:40), "ushort") if (e_ehsize!=(x64?64:52)) return e_shoff := NumGet(p+0, (x64?40:32), ptr) e_shentsize := NumGet(p+0, (x64?58:46), "ushort") e_shnum := NumGet(p+0, (x64?60:48), "ushort") e_shstrndx := NumGet(p+0, (x64?62:50), "ushort") sh := e_shoff+e_shstrndx*e_shentsize pstr := NumGet(p+0, sh+(x64?24:16), ptr) + p Loop % e_shnum { sh := e_shoff+(A_Index-1)*e_shentsize if (sh>size || A_Index>100) return sh_flags := NumGet(p+0, sh+8, ptr) sh_name := NumGet(p+0, sh+0, "uint") name := StrGet(pstr+sh_name, 8, "CP0") if (name=".text") && (sh_flags & 0x4) { sh_offset := NumGet(p+0, sh+(x64?24:16), ptr) sh_size := NumGet(p+0, sh+(x64?32:20), ptr) return bin2hex("", p+sh_offset, sh_size) } } } MCode(ByRef code, hex) { ListLines, % (lls:=A_ListLines=0?"Off":"On")?"Off":"Off" SetBatchLines, % (bch:=A_BatchLines)?"-1":"-1" VarSetCapacity(code, len:=StrLen(hex)//2) Loop, % len NumPut("0x" SubStr(hex,2*A_Index-1,2),code,A_Index-1,"uchar") DllCall("VirtualProtect","ptr",&code,"ptr",len,"uint",0x40,"ptr*",0) SetBatchLines, %bch% ListLines, %lls% }