这是尝试引入 AHK v2回调创建 到 AHK v1 的功能。在 AHK v2 中,注册回调被替换为回调创建。
#NoEnv #SingleInstance force ; https://github.com/HelgeffegleH/AHK-misc./blob/master/functions/callbackcreate/callbackcreate.ahk ; https://www.autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=53457 ; 这是尝试引入 AHK v2回调创建 到 AHK v1 的功能。在 AHK v2 中,注册回调被替换为回调创建。 ; 官方示例1 callback := CallbackCreate("TheFunc", "F&", 3) ; 必须为 32 位指定参数列表大小。 DllCall(callback, float, 10.5, int64, 42) TheFunc(params) { MsgBox % NumGet(params+0, "float") ", " NumGet(params+A_PtrSize, "int64") } ; 官方示例2 i := new myClass("Apple") callbackFunc := objbindmethod(i, "myMethod", "BoundParam1") address := CallbackCreate(callbackFunc,, 1) dllcall(address, "int", 37) callbackfree(address) return class myClass { __new(name){ this.name := name } myMethod(arg1, arg2){ msgbox % this.name "`n" arg1 "`n" arg2 } } return CallbackCreate(Function , Options := "", ParamCount := ""){ ; Address := CallbackCreate(Function , Options := "", ParamCount := Function.MinParams) ; see: https://lexikos.github.io/v2/docs/commands/CallbackCreate.htm ; Note that the v2 version doesn't affect A_EventInfo, this version does. /* This function fails when: Function is not an object or a valid function name. Function has a MinParams property which exceeds the number of parameters that the callback will supply. ParamCount is negative. ParamCount is omitted and: 1) Function has no MinParams property; or 2) the & option is used with the standard 32-bit calling convention. */ local ; Input validation start. This is partly 'ported' from BIF_CallbackCreate (a097) if (!io := isobject(Function)) && !isfunc(Function) throw exception("Parameter #1 invalid.", -1) fn := "" ; If a function name was passed, retrieve the function reference below. minparams := ( io ? Function : fn := func(Function) ).MinParams if (minparams != "") if minparams is not number ; if the MinParams property doesn't return a number, minparams is 0. minparams := 0 has_minparams := minparams != "" ? true : false minparams := has_minparams ? minparams : 0 use_cdecl := instr(options, "C") require_param_count := a_ptrsize == 4 && !use_cdecl pass_params_pointer := instr(options, "&", true) if (ParamCount != "") { actual_param_count := ParamCount if ( actual_param_count < 0 || ( has_minparams && (pass_params_pointer ? 1 : actual_param_count) < minparams ) ) throw exception("Parameter #3 invalid.", -1) } else if (!has_minparams || (pass_params_pointer && require_param_count)) { throw exception("Parameter #3 must not be blank in this case.", -1) } else { actual_param_count := minparams } if (a_ptrsize == 4 && (!use_cdecl && actual_param_count > 31) ) throw exception("Parameter #3 invalid.", -1) ; Input validation end. Function := io ? Function : fn ; Make sure Function is a function reference and not just a name, avoids finding the reference on each callback. cbo := { actual_param_count : actual_param_count ; Callback object, its address is passed to the callback router vi a_eventinfo , pass_params_pointer : pass_params_pointer , Function : Function } if (fn && !pass_params_pointer && !fn.isvariadic) { ; Meaning the name of a non variadic function was passed as Function, and not using the '&' option. ; No need to route the callback. cb := registercallback(fn.name, options, actual_param_count) } else { ; A Function object or name of a variadic function or '&' option was passed. Needs to route the callback static router_fn := "__callbackcreate_router__" cb := registercallback(router_fn, options, actual_param_count, &cbo) } if !cb ; Hopefully, this shouldn't happen throw exception("registercallback failed") objaddref( &cbo ) ; This is decremented in CallbackFree when freeing the callback. CallbackFree(cbo, cb) ; Add to cache. return cb ; Return the callback address } CallbackFree(Address, cb := "") { ; Address, the address to free. ; cb, internal use, always omit. Used for setting/getting callback functions ; see: https://lexikos.github.io/v2/docs/commands/CallbackCreate.htm static callback_cache := [] ; Contains all callback objects. if cb { ; add to cache if isobject(Address) return callback_cache[ cb ] := Address throw exception("?") } if address is not number address := 0 if (address < 65536 && address >= 0) throw exception("Parameter #1 invalid.", -1) ; Free the address and callback object. dllcall("GlobalFree", "Ptr", Address, "Ptr") objrelease( &callback_cache.delete( Address ) ) return } __callbackcreate_router__(p*) { ; Help function. ; Routes all callbacks. ; Since this function is variadic, all parameters are passed by address. static p_type := a_ptrsize == 4 ? "uint" : "int64" local cbo := object( a_eventinfo ) ; a_eventinfo contains the address of the callback object. if !cbo.pass_params_pointer { ; The '&' option was not used, fetch all parameters and pass directly to the script callback. args := [] loop % cbo.actual_param_count args.push( numget(p+0, a_ptrsize * (a_index-1), p_type) ) } else { ; using the "&" option, just pass the pointer to the arguments to the script callback. args := [p] } return cbo.function.call( args* ) ; Call script callback }