Gui, SpanCalc:Add, Text, , Enter Date One: Gui, SpanCalc:Add, DateTime, vDate1, LongDate Gui, SpanCalc:Add, Text, , Enter Date Two: Gui, SpanCalc:Add, DateTime, vDate2, LongDate Gui, SpanCalc:Add, Button, , Calculate Gui,SpanCalc:Show, , Calculate How Long Return ; SpanCalcButtonCalculate: Gui, Submit, NoHide HowLong(Date1,Date2) MsgBox, , TimeSpan Calculation, Years %Years%`rMonths %Months%`rDays %Days% %Past% Return HowLong(FromDay,ToDay) { Global Years,Months,Days,Past Past := "" FromDay := SubStr(FromDay,1,8) ToDay := SubStr(ToDay,1,8) ; If two dates identical If (ToDay = FromDay) { Years := 0, Months := 0, Days := 0 Return } ; Added to swap dates if in reverse order (looking back). The calculation remains the same. If (ToDay < FromDay) { Temp := Today ToDay := FromDay FromDay := Temp Past := "Ago" } Years := % SubStr(ToDay,5,4) - SubStr(FromDay,5,4) < 0 ? SubStr(ToDay,1,4)-SubStr(FromDay,1,4)-1 : SubStr(ToDay,1,4)-SubStr(FromDay,1,4) FromYears := Substr(FromDay,1,4)+years . SubStr(FromDay,5,4) If (Substr(FromYears,5,2) <= Substr(ToDay,5,2)) and (Substr(FromYears,7,2) <= Substr(ToDay,7,2)) Months := Substr(ToDay,5,2) - Substr(FromYears,5,2) Else If (Substr(FromYears,5,2) < Substr(ToDay,5,2)) and (Substr(FromYears,7,2) > Substr(ToDay,7,2)) Months := Substr(ToDay,5,2) - Substr(FromYears,5,2) - 1 Else If (Substr(FromYears,5,2) > Substr(ToDay,5,2)) and (Substr(FromYears,7,2) <= Substr(ToDay,7,2)) Months := Substr(ToDay,5,2) - Substr(FromYears,5,2) +12 Else If (Substr(FromYears,5,2) >= Substr(ToDay,5,2)) and (Substr(FromYears,7,2) > Substr(ToDay,7,2)) Months := Substr(ToDay,5,2) - Substr(FromYears,5,2) +11 If (Substr(FromYears,7,2) <= Substr(ToDay,7,2)) FromMonth := Substr(ToDay,1,4) . SubStr(ToDay,5,2) . Substr(FromDay,7,2) Else If Substr(ToDay,5,2) = "01" FromMonth := Substr(ToDay,1,4)-1 . "12" . Substr(FromDay,7,2) Else FromMonth := Substr(ToDay,1,4) . Format("{:02}", SubStr(ToDay,5,2)-1) . Substr(FromDay,7,2) Date1 := Substr(FromMonth,1,6) . "01" Date2 := Substr(ToDay,1,6) . "01" Date2 -= Date1, Days If (Date2 < Substr(FromDay,7,2)) and (Date2 != 0) FromMonth := Substr(FromMonth,1,6) . Date2 ToDay -= %FromMonth% , d Days := ToDay } ; Enable mousewheel in AutoHotkey GUIs #If MouseIsOver("ahk_class AutoHotkeyGUI") WheelUp::Send {Up} WheelDown::Send {Down} #If MouseIsOver(WinTitle) { MouseGetPos,,, Win Return WinExist(WinTitle . " ahk_id " . Win) }