; AHK Version ...: AHK_L x64 Unicode ; Win Version ...: Windows 7 Professional x64 SP1 ; Description ...: Shows Info about Total, Free, Used Memory in MB; ; Total Memory in Percentage & Clear unused Memory Function ; Version .......: v0.6 ; Modified ......: 2014.05.14-1948 ; Author ........: jNizM ;@Ahk2Exe-SetName SysMeter ;@Ahk2Exe-SetDescription SysMeter ;@Ahk2Exe-SetVersion v0.6 ;@Ahk2Exe-SetCopyright Copyright (c) 2013-2014`, jNizM ;@Ahk2Exe-SetOrigFilename SysMeter.ahk ; https://github.com/jNizM/SysMeter ; GLOBAL SETTINGS =================================================================== ;#Warn #NoEnv #SingleInstance Force SetBatchLines -1 global name := "sysmeter" ; gui name global version := "v0.6" ; version number global inifile := "sysmeter.ini" ; filename of .ini global showDate := 0 ; toggle show date, time & uptime (0 = Off | 1 = On) global showPerc := 1 ; toggle between % and GB (0 = GB | 1 = % ) global aot := 0 ; toggle alwaysontop (0 = Off | 1 = On) global cgbg := "464646" ; gui background color global cpcpu := "13a7c7" ; progressbar color cpu global cpmem := "13a7c7" ; progressbar color ram & swp global cphdd := "13a7c7" ; progressbar color hdd global cpbg := "686868" ; progressbar background color ; LOAD INI SETTINGS ================================================================= if FileExist(inifile) { IniRead, winx, % inifile, settings, winPosX IniRead, winy, % inifile, settings, winPosY IniRead, showDate, % inifile, settings, showDate IniRead, showPerc, % inifile, settings, showPerc IniRead, aot, % inifile, settings, alwaysOnTop IniRead, tran, % inifile, settings, transparency IniRead, cgbg, % inifile, colors, color_guibg IniRead, cpcpu, % inifile, colors, color_pgbar_cpu IniRead, cpmem, % inifile, colors, color_pgbar_mem IniRead, cphdd, % inifile, colors, color_pgbar_hdd IniRead, cpbg, % inifile, colors, color_pgbg } ; MENU ============================================================================== Menu, Tray, DeleteAll Menu, Tray, NoStandard Menu, Tray, Add, Save Settings, Menu_SaveSettings Menu, Tray, Add, Menu, Menu_color, Add, Blue, Menu_Color_Blue Menu, Menu_color, Add, Lime, Menu_Color_Lime Menu, Menu_color, Add, Red, Menu_Color_Red Menu, Menu_color, Add, Purple, Menu_Color_Purple Menu, Menu_color, Add, Mix, Menu_Color_Mix Menu, Tray, Add, Color Scheme, :Menu_Color Menu, Tray, Add, Menu, Tray, Add, Toggle Time / Uptime, Menu_Time Menu, Tray, % ((showDate = "1") ? "Check" : "Uncheck"), Toggle Time / Uptime Menu, Tray, Add, Toggle Percentage, Menu_Percentage Menu, Tray, % ((showPerc = "1") ? "Check" : "Uncheck"), Toggle Percentage Menu, Tray, Add, Menu, Tray, Add, Reset Transparency, Menu_Transparency Menu, Tray, Add, Toggle AlwaysOnTop, Menu_AlwaysOnTop Menu, Tray, % ((aot = "1") ? "Check" : "Uncheck"), Toggle AlwaysOnTop Menu, Tray, Add, Show/Hide, Menu_ShowHide Menu, Tray, Add, Menu, Tray, Add, Exit, Close Menu, Tray, Default, Show/Hide ; GUI MAIN ========================================================================== Create_Gui: Gui +LastFound -Caption +ToolWindow +hwndhMain Gui, Margin, 10, 10 Gui, Color, % cgbg Gui, Font, s10 cFFFFFF bold, Agency FB if (showDate = 1) { Gui, Add, Text, xm ym w120 0x200 vTTIM, Gui, Add, Text, x+5 yp w75 0x202 vTUPT, Gui, Add, Text, xm y+7 w50 0x200, % "CPU" } else { Gui, Add, Text, xm ym w50 0x200, % "CPU" } Gui, Add, Text, x+5 yp w145 0x202 vTCPU, Gui, Add, Progress, xm y+2 w200 h6 c%cpcpu% Background%cpbg% vPCPU, Gui, Add, Text, xm y+7 w50 0x200, % "RAM" Gui, Add, Text, x+5 yp w145 0x202 vTRAM, Gui, Add, Progress, xm y+2 w200 h6 c%cpmem% Background%cpbg% vPRAM, Gui, Add, Text, xm y+7 w50 0x200, % "SWAP" Gui, Add, Text, x+5 yp w145 0x202 vTSWP, Gui, Add, Progress, xm y+2 w200 h6 c%cpmem% Background%cpbg% vPSWP, DriveGet, DrvLstFxd, List, FIXED loop, Parse, DrvLstFxd { Gui, Add, Text, xm y+7 w50 0x200, %A_Loopfield%:\ Gui, Add, Text, x+5 yp w145 0x202 vP%A_Loopfield%RV, Gui, Add, Progress, xm y+2 w200 h6 c%cphdd% Background%cpbg% vT%A_Loopfield%RV, } Gui, Show, % ((winX != "") ? winX : "") ((winY != "") ? winY : "") AutoSize, % name WinSet, Transparent, % ((tran != "") ? tran : 200), % name WinSet, AlwaysOnTop, % ((aot = "1") ? "On" : "Off"), % name OnMessage(0x201, "WM_LBUTTONDOWN") OnMessage(0x219, "WM_DEVICECHANGE") SetTimer, Update, 1000 return ; SCRIPT ============================================================================ Update: if (showDate = 1) { GuiControl,, TTIM, % A_DD ". " A_MMMM " " A_YYYY " " A_Hour ":" A_Min ":" A_Sec GuiControl,, TUPT, % "UP: " GetDurationFormat(DllCall("Kernel32.dll\GetTickCount64", "UInt64") / 1000) } CPU := CPULoad() GuiControl,, TCPU, % CPU " %" GuiControl,, PCPU, % CPU GMSEx := GlobalMemoryStatusEx() GMSExM01 := GMSEx[1] ; MemoryLoad in % GMSExM02 := Round(GMSEx[2] / 1024**3, 2) ; Total Physical Memory in MB GMSExM03 := Round(GMSEx[3] / 1024**3, 2) ; Available Physical Memory in MB GMSExM04 := Round(GMSExM02 - GMSExM03, 2) ; Used Physical Memory in MB GMSExM05 := Round(GMSExM04 / GMSExM02 * 100, 2) ; Used Physical Memory in % GMSExS01 := Round(GMSEx[4] / 1024**3, 2) ; Total PageFile in MB GMSExS02 := Round(GMSEx[5] / 1024**3, 2) ; Available PageFile in MB GMSExS03 := Round(GMSExS01 - GMSExS02, 2) ; Used PageFile in MB GMSExS04 := Round(GMSExS03 / GMSExS01 * 100, 2) ; Used PageFile in % GuiControl,, TRAM, % ((showPerc = "1") ? GMSExM05 " %" : GMSExM04 "/" GMSExM02 " GB") GuiControl,, PRAM, % GMSExM05 GuiControl,, TSWP, % ((showPerc = "1") ? GMSExS04 " %" : GMSExS03 "/" GMSExS01 " GB") GuiControl,, PSWP, % GMSExS04 loop, Parse, DrvLstFxd { i := A_LoopField DriveGet, cap%i%, Capacity, %i%:\ DriveSpaceFree, free%i%, %i%:\ used%i% := cap%i% - free%i% perc%i% := used%i% / cap%i% * 100 GuiControl,, P%i%RV, % ((showPerc = "1") ? round(perc%i%, 2) " %" : round((used%i% / 1024), 2) "/" round((cap%i% / 1024), 2) " GB") GuiControl,, T%i%RV, % perc%i% } return Menu_SaveSettings: IniSettings(showDate, showPerc, cgbg, cpcpu, cpmem, cphdd, cpbg) return Menu_Color_Blue: cgbg := "464646" cpcpu := "13a7c7" cpmem := "13a7c7" cphdd := "13a7c7" cpbg := "686868" Gui, Destroy gosub Create_Gui return Menu_Color_Lime: cgbg := "464646" cpcpu := "b7fe36" cpmem := "b7fe36" cphdd := "b7fe36" cpbg := "686868" Gui, Destroy gosub Create_Gui return Menu_Color_Red: cgbg := "464646" cpcpu := "ff4444" cpmem := "ff4444" cphdd := "ff4444" cpbg := "686868" Gui, Destroy gosub Create_Gui return Menu_Color_Purple: cgbg := "464646" cpcpu := "aa66cc" cpmem := "aa66cc" cphdd := "aa66cc" cpbg := "686868" Gui, Destroy gosub Create_Gui return Menu_Color_Mix: cgbg := "464646" cpcpu := "32cd32" cpmem := "ff8c00" cphdd := "1e90ff" cpbg := "686868" Gui, Destroy gosub Create_Gui return Menu_Time: showdate := (showdate = "0") ? "1" : "0" Menu, Tray, ToggleCheck, Toggle Time / Uptime Gui, Destroy gosub Create_Gui return Menu_Percentage: showPerc := (showPerc = "0") ? "1" : "0" Menu, Tray, ToggleCheck, Toggle Percentage return Menu_Transparency: WinSet, Transparent, 200, % name return Menu_AlwaysOnTop: ToggleAlwaysOnTop() return Menu_ShowHide: ToggleShowHide() return ^WheelUp::GUITrans(1) ^WheelDown::GUITrans(0) ; FUNCTIONS ========================================================================= WM_LBUTTONDOWN(wParam, lParam, msg, hwnd) ; WM_LBUTTONDOWN() by an AHK-Member { global hMain if (hwnd = hMain) { PostMessage, 0xA1, 2,,, % name } } WM_DEVICECHANGE(wParam, lParam, msg, hwnd) { global hMain if (wParam = 0x8000 || wParam = 0x8004) { Thread, NoTimers Gui, Destroy gosub Create_Gui } } GUITrans(b := 1) ; GUITrans() by jNizM { WinGet, ct, Transparent, % name WinSet, Transparent, % ((b = 1) ? ct + 1 : ct - 1), % name } ToggleAlwaysOnTop() ; ToggleAlwaysOnTop() by jNizM { WinGet, WS_EX_TOPMOST, ExStyle, % name if (WS_EX_TOPMOST & 0x8) { WinSet, AlwaysOnTop, Off, % name Menu, Tray, Uncheck, Toggle AlwaysOnTop aot := 0 } else { WinSet, AlwaysOnTop, On, % name Menu, Tray, Check, Toggle AlwaysOnTop aot := 1 } } ToggleShowHide() { WinGet, WS_VISIBLE, Style, % name if (WS_VISIBLE & 0x10000000) { WinHide, % name } else { WinShow, % name WinSet, AlwaysOnTop, Toggle, % name WinSet, AlwaysOnTop, Toggle, % name } } IniSettings(showDate, showPerc, cgbg, cpcpu, cpmem, cphdd, cpbg) ; IniSettings() by jNizM { WinGetPos, winX, winY,,, % name IniWrite, % "X" winX, % inifile, settings, winPosX IniWrite, % "Y" winY, % inifile, settings, winPosY IniWrite, % showDate, % inifile, settings, showDate IniWrite, % showPerc, % inifile, settings, showPerc WinGet, ct, Transparent, % name IniWrite, % ct, % inifile, settings, transparency IniWrite, % aot, % inifile, settings, alwaysontop IniWrite, % cgbg, % inifile, colors, color_guibg IniWrite, % cpcpu, % inifile, colors, color_pgbar_cpu IniWrite, % cpmem, % inifile, colors, color_pgbar_mem IniWrite, % cphdd, % inifile, colors, color_pgbar_hdd IniWrite, % cpbg, % inifile, colors, color_pgbg } GetDurationFormat(ullDuration, lpFormat := "d'd 'hh:mm:ss") ; GetDurationFormat() by jNizM { if (ullDuration < 86400) { lpFormat := SubStr(lpFormat, - 7) } VarSetCapacity(lpDurationStr, 128, 0) DllCall("GetDurationFormat", "UInt", 0x400 , "UInt", 0 , "Ptr", 0 , "Int64", ullDuration * 10000000 , "WStr", lpFormat , "WStr", lpDurationStr , "Int", 2048) return lpDurationStr } CPULoad() ; CPULoad() by SKAN { static PIT, PKT, PUT if (Pit = "") { return 0, DllCall("GetSystemTimes", "Int64P", PIT, "Int64P", PKT, "Int64P", PUT) } DllCall("GetSystemTimes", "Int64P", CIT, "Int64P", CKT, "Int64P", CUT) IdleTime := PIT - CIT, KernelTime := PKT - CKT, UserTime := PUT - CUT SystemTime := KernelTime + UserTime return ((SystemTime - IdleTime) * 100) // SystemTime, PIT := CIT, PKT := CKT, PUT := CUT } GlobalMemoryStatusEx() ; GlobalMemoryStatusEx() by jNizM { static MSEX, init := VarSetCapacity(MSEX, 64, 0) && NumPut(64, MSEX, "UInt") if (DllCall("GlobalMemoryStatusEx", "Ptr", &MSEX)) { return { 1 : NumGet(MSEX, 4, "UInt") , 2 : NumGet(MSEX, 8, "UInt64"), 3 : NumGet(MSEX, 16, "UInt64") , 4 : NumGet(MSEX, 24, "UInt64"), 5 : NumGet(MSEX, 32, "UInt64") } } } ; EXIT ============================================================================== Close: GuiClose: GuiEscape: ExitApp