; =============================================================================================================================== ; Make the windows 10 taskbar translucent (blur) ; https://autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=26752 ; =============================================================================================================================== /* TaskBar_SetAttr(option, color) option -> 0 = off 1 = gradient (+color) 2 = transparent (+color) 3 = blur color -> ABGR (alpha | blue | green | red) 0xffd7a78f */ TaskBar_SetAttr(accent_state := 0, gradient_color := "0x01000000") { static init, hTrayWnd, ver := DllCall("GetVersion") & 0xff < 10 static pad := A_PtrSize = 8 ? 4 : 0, WCA_ACCENT_POLICY := 19 if !(init) { if (ver) throw Exception("Minimum support client: Windows 10", -1) if !(hTrayWnd := DllCall("user32\FindWindow", "str", "Shell_TrayWnd", "ptr", 0, "ptr")) throw Exception("Failed to get the handle", -1) init := 1 } accent_size := VarSetCapacity(ACCENT_POLICY, 16, 0) NumPut((accent_state > 0 && accent_state < 4) ? accent_state : 0, ACCENT_POLICY, 0, "int") if (accent_state >= 1) && (accent_state <= 2) && (RegExMatch(gradient_color, "0x[[:xdigit:]]{8}")) NumPut(gradient_color, ACCENT_POLICY, 8, "int") VarSetCapacity(WINCOMPATTRDATA, 4 + pad + A_PtrSize + 4 + pad, 0) && NumPut(WCA_ACCENT_POLICY, WINCOMPATTRDATA, 0, "int") && NumPut(&ACCENT_POLICY, WINCOMPATTRDATA, 4 + pad, "ptr") && NumPut(accent_size, WINCOMPATTRDATA, 4 + pad + A_PtrSize, "uint") if !(DllCall("user32\SetWindowCompositionAttribute", "ptr", hTrayWnd, "ptr", &WINCOMPATTRDATA)) throw Exception("Failed to set transparency / blur", -1) return true } ; =============================================================================================================================== ; TaskBar_SetAttr(1, 0xc1e3c791) ; <- Set gradient with color 0xd7a78f ( rgb = 0x91c7e3 ) and alpha 0xc1 ; sleep 3000 TaskBar_SetAttr(2, 0x90191919) ; <- Set transparent with color 0xd7a78f ( rgb = 0x91c7e3 ) and alpha 0xa1 ; sleep 3000 ; TaskBar_SetAttr(2) ; <- Set transparent ; sleep 3000 ; TaskBar_SetAttr(3) ; <- Set blur ; sleep 3000 ; TaskBar_SetAttr(0) ; <- Set standard value ExitApp /* Since clicking on Win-Start will reset the taskbar, it will be the best solution to use a SetTimer with x ms to set the Attribute #NoEnv #Persistent #SingleInstance Force SetBatchLines -1 SetTimer, UPDATE_TASKBAR, 100 return UPDATE_TASKBAR: TaskBar_SetAttr(3) return */ ; =============================================================================================================================== /* Shell_TrayWnd -> Main TaskBar Shell_SecondaryTrayWnd -> 2nd TaskBar (on multiple monitors) */ /* C++ ========================================================================================================================== BOOL GetWindowCompositionAttribute( _In_ HWND hWnd, _Inout_ WINDOWCOMPOSITIONATTRIBDATA* pAttrData ); BOOL SetWindowCompositionAttribute( _In_ HWND hWnd, _Inout_ WINDOWCOMPOSITIONATTRIBDATA* pAttrData ); typedef struct _WINDOWCOMPOSITIONATTRIBDATA { WINDOWCOMPOSITIONATTRIB Attrib; PVOID pvData; SIZE_T cbData; } WINDOWCOMPOSITIONATTRIBDATA; typedef enum _WINDOWCOMPOSITIONATTRIB { WCA_UNDEFINED = 0, WCA_NCRENDERING_ENABLED = 1, WCA_NCRENDERING_ENABLED = 1, WCA_NCRENDERING_POLICY = 2, WCA_TRANSITIONS_FORCEDISABLED = 3, WCA_ALLOW_NCPAINT = 4, WCA_CAPTION_BUTTON_BOUNDS = 5, WCA_NONCLIENT_RTL_LAYOUT = 6, WCA_FORCE_ICONIC_REPRESENTATION = 7, WCA_EXTENDED_FRAME_BOUNDS = 8, WCA_HAS_ICONIC_BITMAP = 9, WCA_THEME_ATTRIBUTES = 10, WCA_NCRENDERING_EXILED = 11, WCA_NCADORNMENTINFO = 12, WCA_EXCLUDED_FROM_LIVEPREVIEW = 13, WCA_VIDEO_OVERLAY_ACTIVE = 14, WCA_FORCE_ACTIVEWINDOW_APPEARANCE = 15, WCA_DISALLOW_PEEK = 16, WCA_CLOAK = 17, WCA_CLOAKED = 18, WCA_ACCENT_POLICY = 19, WCA_FREEZE_REPRESENTATION = 20, WCA_EVER_UNCLOAKED = 21, WCA_VISUAL_OWNER = 22, WCA_LAST = 23 } WINDOWCOMPOSITIONATTRIB; typedef struct _ACCENT_POLICY { ACCENT_STATE AccentState; DWORD AccentFlags; DWORD GradientColor; DWORD AnimationId; } ACCENT_POLICY; typedef enum _ACCENT_STATE { ACCENT_DISABLED = 0, ACCENT_ENABLE_GRADIENT = 1, ACCENT_ENABLE_TRANSPARENTGRADIENT = 2, ACCENT_ENABLE_BLURBEHIND = 3, ACCENT_INVALID_STATE = 4 } ACCENT_STATE; _ACCENT_FLAGS { DrawLeftBorder = 0x20, DrawTopBorder = 0x40, DrawRightBorder = 0x80, DrawBottomBorder = 0x100, DrawAllBorders = (DrawLeftBorder | DrawTopBorder | DrawRightBorder | DrawBottomBorder) } ============================================================================================================================== */