; 之前写的通过hook资源管理器获取文本插入点坐标 这篇文章用了hook方式获取光标坐标,这是一种高成本高风险的方式,老实说不太推荐使用。经过一段时间的研究发现,除了过去已有的ACC(MSAA)途径,UIA也提供了相应的一种获取光标坐标的方法:IUIAutomationTextRange::GetBoundingRectangles 它一直被我忽略了。Explorer应该也是调用了这个方法。
; 下面提供封装好的函数,它结合了ACC和UIA,目前测试下来适用于包括单纯靠Win32的GetCaretPos和ACC无法获取坐标的Windows Terminal窗口,以及UWP这种Metro风格窗口在内的大部分窗口。对部分游戏和工业软件的自绘窗口可能依然无能为力,毕竟实现MSAA和UIA接口的主动权在软件开发者手里。

; By Tebayaki
  CoordMode, ToolTip, Screen
  if (hwnd := GetCaretPosEx(x, y, w, h)) {
    WinGetClass, classname, ahk_id %hwnd%
    ToolTip, %classname%, x, y + h
  else {

GetCaretPosEx(byref x = 0, byref y = 0, byref w = 0, byref h = 0) {
  x := y := w := h := hwnd := 0
  static iUIAutomation, hOleacc, IID_IAccessible, guiThreadInfo, init
  if !init {
    init := true
      iUIAutomation := ComObjCreate("{E22AD333-B25F-460C-83D0-0581107395C9}", "{30CBE57D-D9D0-452A-AB13-7AC5AC4825EE}")
    hOleacc := DllCall("LoadLibrary", "str", "Oleacc.dll", "ptr")
    VarSetCapacity(IID_IAccessible, 16), NumPut(0x11CF3C3D618736E0, IID_IAccessible, "int64"), NumPut(0x719B3800AA000C81, IID_IAccessible, 8, "int64")
    VarSetCapacity(guiThreadInfo, size := (A_PtrSize == 8 ? 72 : 48)), NumPut(size, guiThreadInfo, "uint")
  if !iUIAutomation || DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(iUIAutomation + 0), 8 * A_PtrSize), "ptr", iUIAutomation, "ptr*", eleFocus) || !eleFocus
    goto useAccLocation
  ; Check read only property
  if !DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(eleFocus + 0), 16 * A_PtrSize), "ptr", eleFocus, "int", 10002, "ptr*", valuePattern) && valuePattern
    if !DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(valuePattern + 0), 5 * A_PtrSize), "ptr", valuePattern, "int*", isReadOnly) && isReadOnly
      goto cleanUp
  ; Plan A applies to windows that implement IAccessible, such as chrome
  if DllCall("GetGUIThreadInfo", "uint", DllCall("GetWindowThreadProcessId", "ptr", WinExist("A"), "ptr", 0, "uint"), "ptr", &guiThreadInfo)
    hwndFocus := NumGet(guiThreadInfo, A_PtrSize == 8 ? 16 : 12, "ptr")
  if !hwndFocus
    hwndFocus := WinExist()
  if hOleacc && !DllCall("Oleacc\AccessibleObjectFromWindow", "ptr", hwndFocus, "uint", 0xFFFFFFF8, "ptr", &IID_IAccessible, "ptr*", accCaret) && accCaret {
    VarSetCapacity(id, 24, 0), NumPut(3, id, "ushort")
    if !DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(accCaret + 0), 22 * A_PtrSize), "ptr", accCaret, "int*", x, "int*", y, "int*", w, "int*", h, "ptr", &id) {
      hwnd := hwndFocus
      goto cleanUp
  if iUIAutomation && eleFocus {
    ; use IUIAutomationTextPattern2::GetCaretRange
    if DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(eleFocus + 0), 16 * A_PtrSize), "ptr", eleFocus, "int", 10024, "ptr*", textPattern2, "int") || !textPattern2
    || DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(textPattern2 + 0), 10 * A_PtrSize), "ptr", textPattern2, "int*", isActive, "ptr*", caretTextRange) || !caretTextRange || !isActive
    || DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(caretTextRange + 0), 10 * A_PtrSize), "ptr", caretTextRange, "ptr*", rects) || !rects || (rects := ComObject(0x2005, rects, 1)).MaxIndex() < 3
      goto useGetSelection
    x := rects[0], y := rects[1], w := rects[2], h := rects[3], hwnd := hwndFocus
    goto cleanUp
    ; use IUIAutomationTextPattern::GetSelection
    if DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(eleFocus + 0), 16 * A_PtrSize), "ptr", eleFocus, "int", 10014, "ptr*", textPattern) || !textPattern
    || DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(textPattern + 0), 5 * A_PtrSize), "ptr", textPattern, "ptr*", selectionRangeArray) || !selectionRangeArray
    || DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(selectionRangeArray + 0), 3 * A_PtrSize), "ptr", selectionRangeArray, "int*", length) || !length
    || DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(selectionRangeArray + 0), 4 * A_PtrSize), "ptr", selectionRangeArray, "int", 0, "ptr*", selectionRange) || !selectionRange
    || DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(selectionRange + 0), 10 * A_PtrSize), "ptr", selectionRange, "ptr*", rects) || !rects
      goto useGUITHREADINFO
    rects := ComObject(0x2005, rects, 1)
    if rects.MaxIndex() < 3 && DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(selectionRange + 0), 6 * A_PtrSize), "ptr", selectionRange, "int", 0)
    || DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(selectionRange + 0), 10 * A_PtrSize), "ptr", selectionRange, "ptr*", rects) || !rects || (rects := ComObject(0x2005, rects, 1)).MaxIndex() < 3
      goto useGUITHREADINFO
    x := rects[0], y := rects[1], w := rects[2], h := rects[3], hwnd := hwndFocus
    goto cleanUp
  if hwndCaret := NumGet(guiThreadInfo, A_PtrSize == 8 ? 48 : 28, "ptr") {
    VarSetCapacity(clientRect, 16)
    if DllCall("GetWindowRect", "ptr", hwndCaret, "ptr", &clientRect) {
      offset := A_PtrSize == 8 ? 56 : 32
      w := NumGet(guiThreadInfo, offset + 8, "int") - NumGet(guiThreadInfo, offset, "int")
      h := NumGet(guiThreadInfo, offset + 12, "int") - NumGet(guiThreadInfo, offset + 4, "int")
      DllCall("ClientToScreen", "ptr", hwndCaret, "ptr", &guiThreadInfo + offset)
      x := NumGet(guiThreadInfo, offset, "int")
      y := NumGet(guiThreadInfo, offset + 4, "int")
      hwnd := hwndCaret
  for _, p in [eleFocus, valuePattern, textPattern2, caretTextRange, textPattern, selectionRangeArray, selectionRange, accCaret]
    (p && ObjRelease(p))
  return hwnd

