; 通过对当前光标状态的判断,来切换上下左右键的功能 #NoEnv ; #NoTrayIcon ; 可以关闭托盘图标显示 #SingleInstance Force SetBatchLines -1 Return F1::MsgBox % "获取当前光标状态:" GetCursorShape() ; 数字小键盘的上下左右 $Numpad2:: GetCaret(x, y) if (GetCursorShape()!=163200) and (x!=0) and (y!=0) { Send {Down} return } Send {Numpad2} return $Numpad4:: GetCaret(x, y) if (GetCursorShape()!=163200) and (x!=0) and (y!=0) { Send {Left} return } Send {Numpad4} return $Numpad6:: GetCaret(x, y) if (GetCursorShape()!=163200) and (x!=0) and (y!=0) { Send {Right} return } Send {Numpad6} return $Numpad8:: GetCaret(x, y) if (GetCursorShape()!=163200) and (x!=0) and (y!=0) { Send {Up} return } Send {Numpad8} return GetCursorShape() { static Ptr:=(A_PtrSize ? "Ptr":"UInt"), PtrSize:=(A_PtrSize=8 ? 8:4) VarSetCapacity(CursorInfo, 40, 0) ; 创建 光标信息 结构(申请空间大一点没关系) NumPut(16+PtrSize, CursorInfo, 0, "int") ; 写入 结构 的大小cbSize(必须准确) DllCall("GetCursorInfo", Ptr,&CursorInfo) ; 获取光标信息填入结构 bShow :=NumGet(CursorInfo, 4, "int") ; 读取光标状态 flags字段 hCursor :=NumGet(CursorInfo, 8, Ptr) ; 读取光标句柄 if (!bShow) return 0 VarSetCapacity(IconInfo, 40, 0) ; 创建 图标信息 结构(申请空间大一点没关系) DllCall("GetIconInfo", Ptr,hCursor, Ptr,&IconInfo) ;获取 图标信息填入结构 hBMMask :=NumGet(IconInfo, 8+PtrSize, Ptr) hBMColor:=NumGet(IconInfo, 8+PtrSize*2, Ptr) MaskCode:=ColorCode:=0, size:=16*16 VarSetCapacity(lpvMaskBits, size//4, 0) ; 创造 数组-掩码图信息,每个字节含4个掩码位 DllCall("GetBitmapBits", Ptr,hBMMask, "int",size//4, Ptr,&lpvMaskBits) Loop, % size//4 MaskCode += NumGet(lpvMaskBits, A_Index-1, "UChar") if (hBMColor) { VarSetCapacity(lpvColorBits, size*4, 0) ; 创造 数组-彩色图信息,每个彩色位占4个字节 DllCall("GetBitmapBits", Ptr,hBMColor, "int",size*4, Ptr,&lpvColorBits) Loop, % size ; 只读取彩色位中的绿色分量 ColorCode += NumGet(lpvColorBits, A_Index*4-3, "UChar") } DllCall("DeleteObject", Ptr,hBMMask) ; *清理掩码图 DllCall("DeleteObject", Ptr,hBMColor) ; *清理彩色图 return MaskCode . ColorCode ;输出特征码 } GetCaret(Byref CaretX="", Byref CaretY="") { static init CoordMode, Caret, Screen CaretX:=A_CaretX, CaretY:=A_CaretY if (!CaretX or !CaretY) Try { if (!init) init:=DllCall("LoadLibrary","Str","oleacc","Ptr") VarSetCapacity(IID,16), idObject:=OBJID_CARET:=0xFFFFFFF8 , NumPut(idObject==0xFFFFFFF0?0x0000000000020400:0x11CF3C3D618736E0, IID, "Int64") , NumPut(idObject==0xFFFFFFF0?0x46000000000000C0:0x719B3800AA000C81, IID, 8, "Int64") if DllCall("oleacc\AccessibleObjectFromWindow", "Ptr",WinExist("A"), "UInt",idObject, "Ptr",&IID, "Ptr*",pacc)=0 { Acc:=ComObject(9,pacc,1), ObjAddRef(pacc) , Acc.accLocation(ComObj(0x4003,&x:=0), ComObj(0x4003,&y:=0) , ComObj(0x4003,&w:=0), ComObj(0x4003,&h:=0), ChildId:=0) , CaretX:=NumGet(x,0,"int"), CaretY:=NumGet(y,0,"int") } } return {x:CaretX, y:CaretY} }