/* 基于标签矩阵的无鼠标屏幕点击器 按 右Ctrl键 显示和关闭标签矩阵 标签矩阵显示时,使用使用方向键进行移动, 配合shift键和ctrl键可以降低移动速度(要么shift+方向, 要么shift+ctrl+方向) 标签矩阵显示时, 连续输入标签对应的两个字母,鼠标将会移动到对应标签的左上角位置进行点击 基于 AHKCoordGrid v2.5.1 https://www.autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?t=51201 修改 */ #SingleInstance SetBatchLines, -1 SetWinDelay, -1 DetectHiddenWindows, On ; AHK脚本以管理员权限自启 if !A_IsAdmin && !RegExMatch(_:=DllCall("GetCommandLine", "Str"), " /restart(?!\S)") RunWait % "*RunAs " RegExReplace(_, "^\"".*?\""\K|^\S*\K", " /restart") flag_zimu_up := 1 VerticalScale := 1 ; 标签网格的行数列数,越大越密集,默认26*26 numberOfRows := 26 ; numberOfRows := 6 numberOfCols := 26 ; numberOfCols := 6 GridHeight := VerticalScale * A_ScreenHeight GridWidth := A_ScreenWidth rowSpacing := GridHeight / numberOfRows colSpacing := GridWidth / numberOfCols x_offset :=colSpacing/2 * 0.6 y_offset :=rowSpacing/2 * 0.6 AscA := 97 KeyArray := ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z"] #IfWinNotActive CoordGrid #IfWinNotExist CoordGrid global VerticalScale, numberOfRows, numberOfCols, GridHeight, GridWidth, rowSpacing, colSpacing, KeyArray global hGui,flag_zimu_up RControl:: rowCounter := 0 Loop { rowYCoord := rowCounter * rowSpacing + y_offset rowYCoordAlpha := KeyArray[rowCounter+1] if(flag_zimu_up){ StringUpper, rowYCoordAlpha, rowYCoordAlpha } colCounter := 0 Loop { colXCoord := colCounter * colSpacing + x_offset colXCoordAlpha := KeyArray[colCounter+1] if(flag_zimu_up){ StringUpper, colXCoordAlpha, colXCoordAlpha } gui, add, text, w15 h15 x%colXCoord% y%rowYCoord% border 0x201 readonly -Background cRed, %colXCoordAlpha%%rowYCoordAlpha% colCounter := colCounter + 1 } Until colCounter = numberOfcols rowCounter := rowCounter + 1 } Until rowCounter = numberOfRows Gui, Color, 000115 Gui, Show, W1920 H1050 NoActivate, CoordGrid Gui -Caption +AlwaysOnTop Gui +hwndhGui WinSet, Transcolor, 000115, CoordGrid Return #IfWinNotExist #IfWinNotActive #if WinExist("CoordGrid") and isGuiHide() RControl:: winmove , CoordGrid,,0,0 Gui Show,NA ; KeyWait, RControl Return #if WinExist("CoordGrid") and !isGuiHide() RControl:: Gui Hide ; KeyWait, RControl Return ; 使用方向键移动网格,加上shift键减速,加ctrl键再减速 left:: WinGetPos , currentposX, currentposY,,, CoordGrid winmove, CoordGrid,, % currentposX-10 return right:: WinGetPos , currentposX, currentposY,,, CoordGrid winmove, CoordGrid,, % currentposX+10 return Up:: WinGetPos , currentposX, currentposY,,, CoordGrid winmove, CoordGrid,, , % currentposY-10 return Down:: WinGetPos , currentposX, currentposY,,, CoordGrid winmove, CoordGrid,, , % currentposY+10 return +left:: WinGetPos , currentposX, currentposY,,, CoordGrid winmove, CoordGrid,, % currentposX-5 return +right:: WinGetPos , currentposX, currentposY,,, CoordGrid winmove, CoordGrid,, % currentposX+5 return +Up:: WinGetPos , currentposX, currentposY,,, CoordGrid winmove, CoordGrid,, , % currentposY-5 return +Down:: WinGetPos , currentposX, currentposY,,, CoordGrid winmove, CoordGrid,, , % currentposY+5 return +^left:: WinGetPos , currentposX, currentposY,,, CoordGrid winmove, CoordGrid,, % currentposX-2 return +^right:: WinGetPos , currentposX, currentposY,,, CoordGrid winmove, CoordGrid,, % currentposX+2 return +^Up:: WinGetPos , currentposX, currentposY,,, CoordGrid winmove, CoordGrid,, , % currentposY-2 return +^Down:: WinGetPos , currentposX, currentposY,,, CoordGrid winmove, CoordGrid,, , % currentposY+2 return ; 在一定时间内输入两个字母,则鼠标移动到相应的位置进行点击 a:: gosub, RunKey b:: gosub, RunKey c:: gosub, RunKey d:: gosub, RunKey e:: gosub, RunKey f:: gosub, RunKey g:: gosub, RunKey h:: gosub, RunKey i:: gosub, RunKey j:: gosub, RunKey k:: gosub, RunKey l:: gosub, RunKey m:: gosub, RunKey n:: gosub, RunKey o:: gosub, RunKey p:: gosub, RunKey q:: gosub, RunKey r:: gosub, RunKey s:: gosub, RunKey t:: gosub, RunKey u:: gosub, RunKey v:: gosub, RunKey w:: gosub, RunKey x:: gosub, RunKey y:: gosub, RunKey z:: gosub, RunKey Runkey: if (winc_presses > 0) { winc_presses += 1 Return } winc_presses = 1 SetTimer, TheKey, 1000 Return TheKey: SetTimer, TheKey, off if (winc_presses = 2) { NavigateToCoord() } winc_presses = 0 Return ; 光标移动到相应的标签位置(左上角)进行点击 NavigateToCoord() { CoordMode, Mouse, Screen global VeraaticalScale, numberOfRows, numberOfCols, GridHeight, GridWidth, rowSpacing, colSpacing global x_offset,y_offset XCoordInput := SubStr(A_PriorHotkey,1,1) YCoordInput := SubStr(A_ThisHotkey,1,1) XCoordToUse := ConvertInputCoord(XcoordInput, "X") YCoordToUse := ConvertInputCoord(YcoordInput, "Y") XCoord := (XCoordToUse) * colSpacing + x_offset YCoord := (YCoordToUse) * rowSpacing + y_offset WinGetPos , currentposX, currentposY,,, CoordGrid MouseMove, % currentposX+XCoord, % currentposY+YCoord,0 sleep, 100 Gui Hide sleep, 100 Click Return } ConvertInputCoord(coordInput, XorY) { global AscA coordAsc := Asc(coordInput) if (XorY = "X") { coordToUse := coordAsc - AscA } else { coordToUse := coordAsc - AscA } coordToUse := floor(coordToUse) Return coordToUse } #if ; 全局快捷键 !F11::Suspend !F10::Edit !F12::Reload ; run,"%A_AhkPath%" /restart /cp65001 "%A_ScriptFullPath%" return isGuiHide(){ global hGui WinGet, Style, Style, ahk_id %hGui% If (Style & 0x10000000){ ; 0x10000000 is WS_VISIBLE Return 0 } Else { Return 1 } }