; 自己修改了一套通用并美观的AHK界面模板,方便修改里面的控件内容后直接使用即可 ; 参考至:https://www.autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=3851 #SingleInstance Force SetBatchLines -1 Menu Tray, Icon, Shell32.dll, 174 Window := {Width: 530, Height: 360, Title: "Menu Interface"} ; Version: "0.3" Navigation := ["General", "Advanced", "Language", "Theme", "---", "Help", "About"] Gui -Resize -MinimizeBox +HwndhGui ; 加上-DPIScale,页面缩放比例会不正常 Gui Color, FFFFFF Gui Add, Picture, x0 y0 w1699 h1 +0x4E +HwndhDividerLine1 ; 分割线 从左到右【顶部菜单栏】 Gui Add, Slider, w1 h1 ; 处理默认焦点虚线问题 Gui Add, Tab2, x-666 y10 w1699 h334 -Wrap +Theme -Tabstop Buttons HwndhTabControl Gui Tab Gui Add, Picture, x-3999 y-3999 w96 h32 vpMenuHover +0x4E +HwndhMenuHover ; 菜单悬停 Gui Add, Picture, x0 y18 w4 h32 vpMenuSelect +0x4E +HwndhMenuSelect ; 菜单选择 Gui Add, Picture, x96 y0 w1 h1340 +0x4E +HwndhDividerLine3 ; 分割线 从上到下 Gui Add, Progress, x0 y0 w96 h799 +0x4000000 +E0x4 Disabled BackgroundF7F7F7 ; 左侧常态背景色 ; 左侧Tab标题的 字体大小 和 字体加粗 Gui Font, Bold c808080 Q5, Microsoft YaHei UI Loop % Navigation.Length() { GuiControl,, %hTabControl%, % Navigation[A_Index] "|" If (Navigation[A_Index] = "---") Continue Gui Add, Text, % "x0 y" (32*A_Index)-24 " h32 w96 Center +0x200 BackgroundTrans gMenuClick vMenuItem" . A_Index, % Navigation[A_Index] } Gui Font ; 右侧顶部Tab标题的字体大小【可删除】 Gui Font, s15 Q5 c000000, Microsoft YaHei UI Gui Add, Text, x117 y4 w140 h32 +0x200 vPageTitle Gui Add, Picture, % "x110 y38 w" (Window.Width-110)-16 " h1 +0x4E +HwndhDividerLine2" ; 分割线 Gui Font Gui Tab, 1 Gui Font, W560, Microsoft YaHei UI Gui Add, Text, Section x116 y50 BackgroundWhite, Select your primary button Gui Add, DropDownList, xs+10 w80 vPrimaryButton Choose1, Left||Right Gui Font, W560, Microsoft YaHei UI Gui Add, Text, xs yp+40, Cursor Speed Gui Font Gui Add, Slider, vMySlider NoTicks, 50 Gui Font, W560, Microsoft YaHei UI Gui Add, Text, yp+40 , Roll the mouse wheel to scrol Gui Font Gui Add, Radio, xs+10 yp+22 h14 Checked, Multiple lines at a time Gui Add, Radio, xs+10 y+8 h14, On screen at a time Gui Font, W560, Microsoft YaHei UI Gui Add, Checkbox, xs yp+36 h14, Mouse Button Tips Gui Font Gui Tab, 2 Gui Add, ListView, % "x116 y50 w" (Window.Width-110)-30, Col1|Col2 LV_Add("", "ListView", "Example"), LV_ModifyCol() Gui Tab, 3 Gui Add, MonthCal, x116 y50 Gui Tab, 4 Gui Add, DateTime, x116 y50, LongDate Gui Tab, 5 ; Skipped Gui Tab, 6 Gui Add, GroupBox, % "x116 y50 w" (Window.Width-110)-30, GroupBox Gui Tab, 7 Gui Add, TreeView, x116 y50 w220 h148 P1 := TV_Add("First parent"), P1C1 := TV_Add("Parent 1's first child", P1) Gui Show, % " w" Window.Width " h" Window.Height, % Window.Title SetPixelColor("E9E9E9", hMenuHover) SetPixelColor("0078D7", hMenuSelect) Loop 4 SetPixelColor("D8D8D8", hDividerLine%A_Index%) SelectMenu("MenuItem1") OnMessage(0x200, "WM_MOUSEMOVE") Return MenuClick: SelectMenu(A_GuiControl) Return GuiClose: ExitApp WM_MOUSEMOVE(wParam, lParam, Msg, Hwnd) { Global hMenuSelect Static hover := {} if (wParam = "timer") { MouseGetPos,,,, hControl, 2 if (hControl != hwnd) && (hControl != hMenuSelect) { SetTimer,, Delete GuiControl, Move, pMenuHover, x-9999 y-9999 OnMessage(0x200, "WM_MOUSEMOVE") , hover[hwnd] := False } } else { if (InStr(A_GuiControl, "MenuItem") = True) { GuiControl, MoveDraw, pMenuHover, % "x0 y" (32*SubStr(A_GuiControl, 9, 2))-24 hover[hwnd] := True , OnMessage(0x200, "WM_MOUSEMOVE", 0) , timer := Func(A_ThisFunc).Bind("timer", "", "", hwnd) SetTimer %timer%, 15 } else if (InStr(A_GuiControl, "MenuItem") = False) GuiControl, Move, pMenuHover, x-9999 y-9999 } } SelectMenu(Control) { Global Loop % Navigation.Length() SetControlColor("808080", Navigation[A_Index]) ; 左侧未选中按钮的颜色 SetControlColor("237FFF", Control) ; 左侧选中按钮的颜色 GuiControl, Move, pMenuSelect, % "x0 y" (32*SubStr(Control, 9, 2))-20 " w4 h24" GuiControl, Choose, %hTabControl%, % SubStr(Control, 9, 2) GuiControl,, PageTitle, % Navigation[SubStr(Control, 9, 2)] } SetControlColor(Color, Control) { GuiControl, +c%Color%, %Control% ; 由于 Tab2 控件的重绘问题而需要 GuiControlGet, ControlText,, %Control% GuiControlGet, ControlHandle, Hwnd, %Control% DllCall("SetWindowText", "Ptr", ControlHandle, "Str", ControlText) GuiControl, MoveDraw, %Control% } SetPixelColor(Color, Handle) { VarSetCapacity(BMBITS, 4, 0), Numput("0x" . Color, &BMBITS, 0, "UInt") , hBM := DllCall("Gdi32.dll\CreateBitmap", "Int", 1, "Int", 1, "UInt", 1, "UInt", 24, "Ptr", 0) , hBM := DllCall("User32.dll\CopyImage", "Ptr", hBM, "UInt", 0, "Int", 0, "Int", 0, "UInt", 0x2008) , DllCall("Gdi32.dll\SetBitmapBits", "Ptr", hBM, "UInt", 3, "Ptr", &BMBITS) return DllCall("User32.dll\SendMessage", "Ptr", Handle, "UInt", 0x172, "Ptr", 0, "Ptr", hBM) }