; load v1 librarys lib := import_v1lib("LibPath", "AHK.exe") lib := import_v1lib(["Lib1Path", "Lib2Path"], "AHK.exe") lib := import_v1lib("test(a){`n}", "AHK.dll") ; Call a function named 'Function' in the target library: lib.Function(params) lib.Function ; Retrieve a global variable: value := lib["VarName"] ; Set a global variable: lib["VarName"] := value lib.VarName := value ; Create a class instance value := lib["__AHKv1LibHelper"].__New("ClassName", params) value := lib["__AHKv1LibHelper"].__New(lib["ClassName"].NestedClass, params)
/** * import ahk v1 library to v2. It can call v1 functions and classes, read and modify global variables. * * - import v1 lib `v1 := import_v1lib("gdip_all.ahk", "ahkv1.exe")` * - create class instance `v1["__AHKv1LibHelper"].__New("classname", params)` or `v1["__AHKv1LibHelper"].__New(v1["classname"], params)` * - call functions `v1.funcname(params)`, *no param* `v1.funcname` * - set global variable `v1.varname := "str"` or `v1["varname"] := {}` * - retrieve global variable `MsgBox(v1["varname"])` * * @param pathsorcode The paths of the include script files or ahk v1 code. `Array or String` * @param ahkv1runtime The path of the AutoHotkey v1 runtime (AutoHotkey.exe or AutoHotkey.dll). */ import_v1lib(pathsorcode, ahkv1runtime := "C:\Program Files\AutoHotkey\AutoHotkey.exe") { static IDispatch := Buffer(16), _ := NumPut("int64", 0x20400, "int64", 0x46000000000000c0, IDispatch) lresult := DllCall("oleacc\LresultFromObject", "ptr", IDispatch, "ptr", 0, "ptr", ObjPtr(client := { proxy: 0 }), "ptr") ; free com marshal on fail autofree := { ptr: lresult, __Delete: (s) => DllCall("oleacc\ObjectFromLresult", "ptr", s, "ptr", IDispatch, "ptr", 0, "ptr*", ComValue(9, 0)) } if !FileExist(ahkv1runtime) throw Error("AutoHotkey v1 runtime isn't exist") if pathsorcode is Array { t := pathsorcode, pathsorcode := "" for p in t pathsorcode .= "`n#include " p } v1script := Format(" ( #Persistent #NoTrayIcon class __AHKv1LibHelper { __New(name, args*) { static _ := (VarSetCapacity(IDispatch, 16), NumPut(0x46000000000000c0, NumPut(0x20400, IDispatch, "int64"), "int64"), DllCall("oleacc\ObjectFromLresult", "ptr", {}, "ptr", &IDispatch, "ptr", 0, "ptr*", idisp := 0), ComObject(9, idisp).proxy := new __AHKv1LibHelper(), ObjRelease(idisp)) return IsObject(name) ? new name(args*) : new %name%(args*) } __Call(name, args*) { return %name%(args*) } __Get(name) { global return val := %name% } __Set(name, val) { global return %name% := val } __Delete() { SetTimer ExitApp, -1 return ExitApp: ExitApp } } {} )", lresult, FileExist(pathsorcode) ? "#include " pathsorcode : pathsorcode) if ahkv1runtime ~= "i)\.dll$" { if !DllCall("GetModuleHandle", "str", ahkv1runtime) && !DllCall("LoadLibrary", "str", ahkv1runtime) throw Error("load AutoHotkey.dll fail") if !hThread := DllCall(ahkv1runtime "\ahktextdll", "str", v1script, "str", "", "str", "", "cdecl ptr") throw Error("Failed to load script") while !client.proxy Sleep(10) } else { exec := ComObject("WScript.Shell").Exec('"' ahkv1runtime '" /ErrorStdOut *') exec.StdIn.Write(v1script), exec.StdIn.Close() while exec.Status = 0 && !client.proxy Sleep(10) if exec.Status != 0 { ex := Error("Failed to load script") if RegExMatch(err := exec.StdErr.ReadAll(), "s)(.*?) \((\d+)\) : ==> (.*?)(?:\s*Specifically: (.*?))?\R?$", &m) ex.Message .= "`n`nReason:`t" m[3] "`nLine text:`t" m[4] "`nFile:`t" m[1] "`nLine:`t" m[2] throw ex } } autofree.DeleteProp("__Delete") return client.proxy }