; 以下函数来自AHK-Rare,测试都失效了。留个备份 ; 如果在编辑控件中选择了文本,则返回布尔值 Edit_TextIsSelected(Control="", WinTitle="") { Edit_Standard_Params(Control, WinTitle) return Edit_GetSelection(start, end, Control, WinTitle) and (start!=end) } ; 在编辑控件中获取选定的文本 Edit_GetSelection(ByRef start, ByRef end, Control="", WinTitle="") { Edit_Standard_Params(Control, WinTitle) VarSetCapacity(start, 4), VarSetCapacity(end, 4) SendMessage, 0xB0, &start, &end, %Control%, %WinTitle% ; EM_GETSEL if (ErrorLevel="FAIL") return false start := NumGet(start), end := NumGet(end) return true } ; 在编辑控件中选择文本 Edit_Select(start=0, end=-1, Control="", WinTitle="") { ; Selects text in a text box, given absolute character positions (starting at 0.) ; start: Starting character offset, or -1 to deselect. ; end: Ending character offset, or -1 for "end of text." Edit_Standard_Params(Control, WinTitle) SendMessage, 0xB1, start, end, %Control%, %WinTitle% ; EM_SETSEL return (ErrorLevel != "FAIL") } ; 在编辑控件中选择一行 Edit_SelectLine(line=0, include_newline=false, Control="", WinTitle="") { ; Selects a line of text. ; line: One-based line number, or 0 to select the current line. ; include_newline: Whether to also select the line terminator (`r`n). Edit_Standard_Params(Control, WinTitle) ControlGet, hwnd, Hwnd,, %Control%, %WinTitle% if (!WinExist("ahk_id " hwnd)) return false if (line<1) ControlGet, line, CurrentLine SendMessage, 0xBB, line-1, 0 ; EM_LINEINDEX offset := ErrorLevel SendMessage, 0xC1, offset, 0 ; EM_LINELENGTH lineLen := ErrorLevel if (include_newline) { WinGetClass, class lineLen += (class="Edit") ? 2 : 1 ; `r`n : `n } ; Select the line. SendMessage, 0xB1, offset, offset+lineLen ; EM_SETSEL return (ErrorLevel != "FAIL") } ; 在编辑控件中删除一行 Edit_DeleteLine(line=0, Control="", WinTitle="") { ; Deletes a line of text. ; line: One-based line number, or 0 to delete current line. Edit_Standard_Params(Control, WinTitle) ; Select the line. if (Edit_SelectLine(line, true, Control, WinTitle)) { ; Delete it. ControlSend, %Control%, {Delete}, %WinTitle% return true } return false } ; 这些是用于编辑控件的辅助函数 Edit_Standard_Params(ByRef Control, ByRef WinTitle) { if (Control = "A" && WinTitle="") { ; Control is "A", use focused control. ControlGetFocus, Control, A WinTitle = A } else if (Control+0!="" && WinTitle="") { ; Control is numeric, assume its a ahk_id. WinTitle := "ahk_id " . Control Control := "" } }