创建一个带有多种交互控件的 GUI 界面,其中包含按钮、编辑框以及可动态调整大小的功能。它通过一些高级逻辑(如 NotStr
; https://www.autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=74948 #NoEnv #Warn #SingleInstance, Force Gui, -DPIScale s := 11, DPI := A_ScreenDPI Gui, Font, % "s" . s-( DPI<=96 ? 0 : DPI<=120 ? 1 : DPI<=144 ? 2 : 3), Calibri Gui, Margin, 25, 15 Gui, Add, Text, xm ym w175 h30 0x200, SetBatchLines Gui, Add, Text, xm wp h30 0x200, DetectHiddenWindows Gui, Add, Text, xm wp h30 0x200, Process priority Gui, Add, Button, x+10 ym w75 h30 gSubRoutine, % T1 := "" Gui, Add, Button, wp hp gSubRoutine, % T2 := "Off" Gui, Add, Button, wp hp w140 gSubRoutine, % T3 := "Normal" Gui, Add, Text, xm , Use Alt+Arrow key to adjust the size of edit control Gui, Add, Edit, xm w325 h120, Hello world! Gui, Show,, NotStr() Demo T4 := "", T5 := "" Return SubRoutine: GuiControlGet, Button, Focus Switch (Button) { case "Button1" : { GuiControl,,Button1, % T1 := NotStr(T1, "-1") SetBatchLines, %T1% } case "Button2" : { GuiControl,,Button2, % T2 := NotStr(T2, "On|Off") DetectHiddenWindows, %T2% } case "Button3" : { GuiControl,,Button3, % T3 := NotStr(T3, "Low BelowNormal Normal AboveNormal High", " ") Process,Priority,, %T3% } } Return EditWidth: Switch (A_ThisHotkey) { Case "!Right" : GuiControl,Move,Edit1, % T4 := NotStr(T4, "w425 w525 w625 w700 w900 w325", " ") Case "!Left" : GuiControl,Move,Edit1, % T4 := NotStr(T4, "w900 w700 w625 w525 w425 w325", " ") Case "!Up" : GuiControl,Move,Edit1, % T5 := NotStr(T5, "h180 h240 h320 h480 h120", " ") case "!Down" : GuiControl,Move,Edit1, % T5 := NotStr(T5, "h480 h320 h240 h180 h120", " ") } Gui, Show, Center AutoSize Return #IfWinActive NotStr() Demo ahk_class AutoHotkeyGUI !Right:: GoSub, EditWidth !Left:: GoSub, EditWidth !Up:: GoSub, EditWidth !Down:: GoSub, EditWidth #IfWinActive NotStr(S:="", Z:="", D:="|") { ; NotStr v0.6b By SKAN on D34M/D34R @ tiny.cc/notstr Local Q, LS:=StrLen(S), LZ:=StrLen(Z), LD:=StrLen(D), P1, P2, Q Return SubStr(LZ?Z:1,(P1:=LS+LZ=0||S=Z?1:InStr(Z,(S)(D),0,0-LZ+LS+LD)?LS+LD+1:InStr(Z,(D)(S),0,LZ -LS)?1:(Q:=InStr(Z,(D)(S)(D)))?Q+LD+LS+LD:1),(LS+LZ=0?2:S=Z?1:(Q:=InStr(Z,D,0,P1))?Q:LZ+1)-P1) }