主要功能是创建一个旋钮控件(Rotary Knob),并在 GUI 中显示和交互。用户可以通过鼠标拖动模拟旋钮转动,从而动态调整旋钮的值(范围为 0 到 360)。
旋钮 - 电位器Gui.ahk
; 原版有4旋钮的示例 ; https://www.autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=77311 Gui, Color, Black SetBatchLines -1 hGui := WinExist() Gui, +Lastfound size=75 ; 在35到150之间效果最佳 PotNow = 0 Gui, add, Text, x2 y5 h%size% w%size% hwndhText1 gt1, Gui, Add, Progress, x5 y+5 w%size% cBlue Range0-360 vp1, %PotNow% Gui, Show, , 1 Pot RotaryKnob(hText1,size,PotNow,1) Return t1: MouseGetPos, , OutY StartPoint := OutY Loop { KeyIsDown := GetKeyState("LButton") If (KeyIsDown = 1) { MouseGetPos, , OutY PotSet := StartPoint-OutY+PotNow If PotSet < 0 PotSet = 0 If PotSet > 360 PotSet = 360 RotaryKnob(hText1,size,PotSet,1) GuiControl, , p1, %PotSet% Sleep, 50 } If (KeyIsDown = 0) { PotNow := PotSet Break } } Return ; Oringal concept by ahklerner ; https://autohotkey.com/board/topic/64700-rotary-knob-for-a-gui/#entry408451 ; Edited to be used as a library function by x32 ; https://www.autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=77311 RotaryKnob(hWnd,Size,angle,tn) { Global x = 1 y = 1 canvas_size := Size knob_size := canvas_size * 1.05 indicator_size := canvas_size /9 GetXY(pos_x := x+(knob_size/2)-4,pos_y := y+(knob_size/2)-4, knob_size / 3, angle) hDc := DllCall("GetDC", "uint", hText%tn%) DllCall("Ellipse", "uint", hDc, "int", x, "int", y, "int", knob_size, "int", knob_size) DllCall("Ellipse", "uint", hDc, "int", x+2, "int", y+2, "int", knob_size-2, "int", knob_size-2) DllCall("Ellipse", "uint", hDc, "int", pos_x, "int", pos_y, "int", pos_x + indicator_size, "int", pos_y + indicator_size) } GetXY(Byref x0, byref y0, r, angle) { x0 := x0-sin(angle*4*ATan(1)/180)*r y0 := y0+cos(angle*4*ATan(1)/180)*r }