实现一个悬浮在桌面上的 富文本展示工具,从剪贴板中获取 HTML 格式或纯文本格式的内容,渲染为富文本内容并显示在 GUI 中。用户可以通过快捷键控制显示或隐藏 GUI,且支持简单的交互功能。
; By Tmz ; ahk的gui中调用activeX空间渲染从粘贴板中获取的带格式的文本(html格式),然后通过快捷键悬浮在桌面上。 ; F1:显示gui ; Shift+F1:隐藏/显示gui ; 拖动:选中任意文本内容,然后鼠标变为箭头即可拖动 ; ESC : 退出当前选中gui #SingleInstance, off OnExit,OnExit $F1:: ; xx1=C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\xx1.html ; xx2=C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\xx2.html ; xx3=C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\xx3.html IfExist, %xx1% FileDelete ,%xx1% IfExist, %xx2% FileDelete ,%xx2% IfExist, %xx3% FileDelete ,%xx3% ;获取容器高度 html:=ClipboardGet_HTML("html") FileAppend, %html%,%xx1% ,UTF-8 if(html=0) ;普通文本格式 { ;组装html html:=getHtml() FileAppend, %html%, %xx3%,UTF-8 } html:=changeHtml(html) if(html=0) { html:=getHtml() html:=changeHtml(html) } FileAppend, %html%, %xx2%,UTF-8 HTML_page:=html width_outter:=getClipboardMaxLineWidthPX() width_outter:=width_outter<250?250:width_outter width_outter:=width_outter>850?850:width_outter width_inner:=width_outter+20 wpx:= "w" width_outter wpx2:="w" width_inner ; wpx2:="w600" Gui New Gui Add, ActiveX, x0 y0 %wpx2% h870 vWB, Shell.Explorer ; The final parameter is the name of the ActiveX component. WB.silent := true ;Surpress JS Error boxes Display(WB,HTML_page) ;Wait for IE to load the page, before we connect the event handlers while WB.readystate != 4 or WB.busy sleep 10 ;;获取内部div高度 hdiv:=WB.document.getElementById("mainDiv").offsetHeight hdiv:=hdiv>850?850:hdiv hpx:="h" hdiv ;Use DOM access just like javascript! Gui +AlwaysOntop Gui -Caption +Border +ToolWindow Gui Show, %wpx% %hpx% return ;隐藏或显示桌面上的展示,贴图操作 DetectHiddenText, On shift_f1_flag:=0 $+F1:: if(!shift_f1_flag) WinHide ,%A_ScriptName% else WinShow ,%A_ScriptName% shift_f1_flag:=!shift_f1_flag send {Shift down}{F1}{Shift up} return GuiClose: Gui Destroy OnExit: FileDelete,%A_Temp%\*.DELETEME.html ;clean tmp file Gui Destroy return GuiEscape: Gui Destroy return ;------------------ Display(WB,html_str) { Count:=0 while % FileExist(f:=A_Temp "\" A_TickCount A_NowUTC "-tmp" Count ".DELETEME.html") Count+=1 FileAppend,%html_str%,%f%,UTF-8 WB.Navigate("file://" . f) } ;获取粘贴板的html格式数据 ClipboardGet_HTML( byref Data ) { ; http://www.autohotkey.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=392624#392624 If CBID := DllCall( "RegisterClipboardFormat", Str,"HTML Format", UInt ) If DllCall( "IsClipboardFormatAvailable", UInt,CBID ) <> 0 If DllCall( "OpenClipboard", UInt,0 ) <> 0 If hData := DllCall( "GetClipboardData", UInt,CBID, UInt ) DataL := DllCall( "GlobalSize", UInt,hData, UInt ) , pData := DllCall( "GlobalLock", UInt,hData, UInt ) , Data := StrGet( pData, dataL, "UTF-8" ) , DllCall( "GlobalUnlock", UInt,hData ) DllCall( "CloseClipboard" ) Return dataL ? Data : 0 } ;获取粘贴板的html,并添加一些内容<head>...</head> 和 <div>....<div> changeHtml(clipHtml) { ;屏蔽浏览器间隙 head=<html><head><style>*{margin: 0px;padding: 0px;}#mainDiv{overflow-x: visible;padding: 10px;}</style></head> ;主div用于测量高度 beginDiv=<body id="body1"><div id="mainDiv" contenteditable="true" > endDiv=</div></body> js=<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">if(document.getElementsByTagName("pre")[0]!=null){var rgb = document.getElementsByTagName("pre")[0].style.backgroundColor;document.getElementById("body1").style.backgroundColor = rgb;document.getElementById("body1").style.backgroundColor = rgb;}document.onkeypress = function() {var evt = (evt) ? evt : window.event;if(evt.keyCode==80){document.execCommand("Copy");}evt.keyCode = 0;evt.returnValue = false }</script> endDiv:=endDiv js beginCount:=0 htmlTxt:="" Loop, parse, clipHtml, `n, `r { index:=A_Index if(index=6 &&!A_LoopField ) ;不处理office系列的各种格式 return 0 if index> 6 { tempField:=A_LoopField if(index=7 && strBeginWith(tempField,"<html>")) StringReplace, tempField, tempField, <html> , % head if(inStr(tempField,"<body>") && !beginCount) { StringReplace, tempField, tempField, <body>, % beginDiv beginCount+=1 } htmlTxt:=htmlTxt tempField "`r`n" } } StringGetPos, position, htmlTxt, </body> ,R str1:=SubStr(htmlTxt,1,positIon) str2:=SubStr(htmlTxt,position+1) StringReplace, str2, str2, </body>, % endDiv htmlTxt:=str1 str2 return htmlTxt } ;获取粘贴板最长行的像素 getClipboardMaxLineWidthPX() { a_length:=9 ;字符占用宽度 b_length:=18 ;汉字占用宽度 clip:=clipboard max_width_px:=0 Loop, parse, clip, `n, `r { index:=A_Index line:=A_loopfield temp_width_px:=0 Loop, parse, line { char:=A_loopfield if chr(char)<128 temp_width_px:=temp_width_px+a_length else temp_width_px:=temp_width_px+b_length } ;msgBox % "temp_width_px:"temp_width_px " max_width_px:"max_width_px if(temp_width_px >max_width_px) max_width_px:=temp_width_px } return max_width_px } ;粘贴板文本转为html格式文件 getHtml() { clip:=clipboard head=<html><head><meta charset="utf-8"><style>body { background-color:#3c3f41; font-family:"Trebuchet MS", Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:15px; color:#ffffff;line-height:18px;letter-spacing:1.06px}</style></head><body> head:= "1`r`n2`r`n3`r`n4`r`n5`r`n6`r`n" head Loop, parse, clip, `n, `r { line:=A_loopField StringReplace, line, line,% " " ,% " ",All head:=head "<p>" line "</p>" } head:=head "</body></html>" return head } strBeginWith(str,suffix) { return str!=LTrim(str,suffix) } ;移动选框 WM_LBUTTONDOWN(){ Static init:=OnMessage(0x0201, "WM_LBUTTONDOWN") if(A_Cursor="Arrow") PostMessage, 0xA1, 2 } ;当前窗口GUI界面 #If WinActive(A_ScriptName) $^c:: ;获取选中文本 ; tooltip ctl+c ControlSend,% "Internet Explorer_Server1" , P, %A_ScriptName% return ; msgBox % VB #If