一个 快速文本菜单工具 (QuickTextMenu) 的实现,通过 AutoHotkey (AHK) 脚本,用户可以快速插入特殊字符、符号或预定义的文本,同时支持菜单嵌套、动态绑定和多种定制化操作。



; #include QuickTextMenu.ahk

#SingleInstance Force

; https://www.autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=70736
QuickTextMenu("QTPunctuation", StrSplit("°,–,—,§,¶,«,»,‹,›,"
                    . "¡ +Break,¿,‼,‽,‰,©,®,™", ",")* )

QuickTextMenu("QTSymbols", StrSplit("↑,↓,←,→,"
                  . "▲ +Break,▼,◄,►,"
                  . "△ +Break,▽,◁,▷,"
                  . "■ +Break,□,▪,▫,"
                  . "○ +Break,●,◦,•,"
                  . "† +Break,‡,◊", ",")* )

; Even Greek and accented characters are case-insensitive menu shortcuts, so
; you need to make 2 separate menus for upper and lower cases.
QuickTextMenu("QTGreekUpper", StrSplit("Α,Β,Γ,Δ,Ε,Ζ,Η,Θ,"
                   . "Ι +Break,Κ,Λ,Μ,Ν,Ξ,Ο,Π,"
                   . "Ρ +Break,Σ,Τ,Υ,Φ,Χ,Ψ,Ω", ",")* )
QuickTextMenu("QTGreekLower", StrSplit("α,β,γ,δ,ε,ζ,η,θ,"
                   . "ι +Break,κ,λ,μ,ν,ξ,ο,π,"
                   . "ρ +Break,σ,τ,υ,φ,χ,ψ,ω", ",")* )

QuickTextMenu("QTAccentUpper", StrSplit("À,Á,Â,Ã,Ä,Å,Æ,Ç,"
                    . "È +Break,É,Ê,Ë,Ì,Í,Î,Ï,"
                    . "Ð +Break,Ñ,Ò,Ó,Ô,Õ,Ö,Ø,"
                    . "Ù +Break,Ú,Û,Ü,Ý,Þ,ß", ",")* )
QuickTextMenu("QTAccentLower", StrSplit("à,á,â,ã,ä,å,æ,ç,"
                    . "è +Break,é,ê,ë,ì,í,î,ï,"
                    . "ð +Break,ñ,ò,ó,ô,õ,ö,ø,"
                    . "ù +Break,ú,û,ü,ý,þ", ",")* )

QuickTextMenu("QTChain1", StrSplit("
(LTrim Comments
    &Hello&_	+Next QTChain2
    H&owdy&_	+Next QTChain2
    H&i&_		+Next QTChain2
)", "`n")* )
QuickTextMenu("QTChain2", StrSplit("
(LTrim Comments
)", "`n")* )

QuickTextMenu("QTBlurbs", StrSplit("
(LTrim Join^ Comments		;Join lines with caret, because newlines are embedded in the insert text.
              ;Don't use pipe either, due to call syntax, just in case.
    This is line 1.`nThis is line 2.
    Fox				+Text Something about a fox...`n`tand a log, right?
)", "^")* )

QuickTextMenu("QTInfo1", StrSplit("
(LTrim Comments
    &Name			+Text Santa Claus
    &Address		+Text 1 North Pole Lane
    &City			+Text North Pole
    &Zip			+Text 00000
    Cell &Phone		+Text (111) REINDEER
)", "`n")* )

QuickTextMenu("QTMain", StrSplit("
(LTrim Comments
    &Chaining example	+Menu QTChain1
    &Blurbs				+Menu QTBlurbs
    &Information		+Menu QTInfo1
    &Punctuation		+Menu QTPunctuation
    &Symbols			+Menu QTSymbols
    &Greek Upper		+Menu QTGreekUpper
    &Greek Lower		+Menu QTGreekLower
    &Accented Upper		+Menu QTAccentUpper
    &Accented Lower		+Menu QTAccentLower
    &ctLabel			+Call calltest							;Example of calling an label.
    ctFunc1				+Call calltestfunc|Hello world!|		;Example of calling a function!
    ctFunc2				+Call calltestfunc|Bye cruel world!|
)", "`n")* )

Return	;end auto-exec section

; Use %A_CaretX%, %A_CaretY% to have the menu popup at the text cursor.  For some reason, this is
; also necessary for the chained menus to function properly.

F1::Menu, QTChain1, Show, %A_CaretX%, %A_CaretY%
F2::Menu, QTMain, Show, %A_CaretX%, %A_CaretY%

:x*:]``::Menu, QTChain1, Show, %A_CaretX%, %A_CaretY%
:x*:]\::Menu, QTMain, Show, %A_CaretX%, %A_CaretY%

  msgbox Call label test!

calltestfunc(msg) {
  msgbox % "Call function test with argument:`n" msg

    Inspired/derived/robbed from jackdunning's HotstringMenu

  Requires AHK 1.1.28+.

  QuickTextMenu(MenuName, MenuArray*)
    MenuName	String, Name of the AutoHotkey menu created by the function call.
    MenuArray*	Array of strings, each string defines a menu entry of the following form:

    <Label/insertion text>([ `t]+)[<Options>]
      - Options begin with the first plus ('+') preceded by either a space or tab.
        (i.e. the string is split on " +" and "`t+")
      - The portion before the first option is the label/insertion text.
      - The label and options are trimmed of leading/ending spaces and tabs, so that
        a line continuation can be aligned in columns for ease of reading.  See below
        for how to add leading/endig spaces and tabs.

    Labels follow AHK rules, plus the following features and limitations.
      - By default, the text appearing before the options defines the menu item's
        label AND the text to be inserted.

      - Auto-shortcut keys.
        - "&#" will be replaced with the numeric position of the item in the menu.
        - "&@" will be replaced with the lettered position of the item in the menu.
        - NOTE: The above are stripped from the insert text.
        - Don't combine with the standard AHK shortcut.  (Untested, but probably a bad idea.)

      - Leading/ending space and tab
        - "&_" will be replaced with a single space.
        - "&>" with be replaced with a single tab ("`t").
      - Normal AHK shortcuts will be cleaned to make the insert text.
        - For example, "&Hello world!" will be triggered by hitting the H key, and the
          text inserted at the cursor will be "Hello world!".

      +Label <string>		-	Defines a different label, separating it from the insertion text.
      +Text <string>		-	Defines a different insertion text, separating it from the label.
      +Menu <menuname>	-	Opens <menuname> as a submenu.  No text is output.
      +Next <menuname>	-	Inserts the text for the current menu item, then opens <menuname>
                  and the new cursor location.  (I call this "chaining" menus.)
      +Break				-	Make the current item the first item in the next column of this
                  menu.  (Sets the AHK option +BarBreak.)
      +Call <label>		-	Invokes the label <label>, when the menu item is chosen.  No
                  text is output by menu label/text.

      +Call <funcname>|<pipe-seperated list of arguments>
                -	Invokes the function, passing it the arguments, when the menu
                  item is chosen. No text is output by menu label/text.
                -	NOTE: Parentheses cannot be used, because this would conflict
                  with the line continuation syntax of AHK 1.1.

      -	When defining menus using line continuation sections, make sure the Join string
        and the StrSplit() delimiter are the same.
      -	If labels and/or text use "`n" or "`t", then it is suggested that the caret ('^')
        be used as the Join/StrSplit delimiter.
      -	It is recommended that the pipe ('|') not be used, as it used by the
        function calling syntax.

  Author: Lorien
    14-Dec-2019		Initial release.
    15-Dec-2019		Fix leading/ending space/tabs.  Honor "&&"s.  Add WinWaitNotActive to handler function.

QuickTextMenu(MenuName, MenuArray*) {
  ArrayLength := MenuArray.SetCapacity(0) ; Get array size
;	dbgtxt := ""
  For Key, Item in MenuArray {
    args := StrSplit(Item, [" +", "`t+"], " `t") ;Split the string "[ \t]\+", and trim whitespace.

;		dbgtxt .= Key "|" Item "|" "len=" args.MaxIndex() "`n"

    itemLabel := args.RemoveAt(1)
;		dbgtxt .= "`tItem label/text = |" itemLabel "|`n"

    ;Make text from itemLabel
    itemString := RegExReplace(itemLabel, "&[#@]\s*", "")	;Remove auto-number/-letter shortcut
    itemString := StrReplace(itemString, "&_", " ") 		;Un-escape space characters.
    itemString := StrReplace(itemString, "&>", "`t") 		;Un-escape tab characters.
    itemString := RegExReplace(itemString, "&(\w)", "$1")	;Menu shortcut '&'.
    itemString := StrReplace(itemString, "&&", "&") 	  	;Replace "&&" with '&'

    ;Process any options
    Loop % args.MaxIndex()  {
;			dbgtxt .= "`t|" args[A_Index] "|`n"

      ;Spit options into the first word, and the rest of the string as the argument(s).
      pos := InStr(args[A_Index], " ")
      If (pos > 0) {
        option := SubStr(args[A_Index], 1, pos - 1)
        optionArg := SubStr(args[A_Index], pos + 1)
      } Else {
        option := args[A_Index]		;If no space found, than option is the whole string.
        optionArg := ""
      If (option = "Break") {
        itemOptions .= "+BarBreak"
      If (option = "Menu") {
        itemMenu := ":" optionArg
        itemString := ""	;Menus do not insert their text.  Use 'Next' to chain menus.
      If (option = "Next") {
        itemMenu := optionArg
        itemLabel .= "..."  ;Add ellipsis to show that another menu follows to continue the text.
      If (option = "Label") {
        itemLabel := optionArg		;Set the label to the option argument.
      If (option = "Text") {
        itemString := optionArg		;Set the insert string to the option argument.
      If (option = "Call") {			;Call a label or function.
        itemString := ""
        If (InStr(optionArg, "|") = 0) {
          itemCall := optionArg
        } Else {
          farray := StrSplit(optionArg, "|")
          f := farray.RemoveAt(1)
          itemCall := Func(f).Bind(farray*)


    ;Auto-label codes applied here, in case +Label was used.
    itemLabel := StrReplace(itemLabel, "&#", "&" Key)			;Convert auto-number to index value
    itemLabel := StrReplace(itemLabel, "&@", "&" Chr(Key+96))	;Convert auto-letter to index letter
    itemLabel := StrReplace(itemLabel, "&_", "") 	;Remove escaped space characters from the label.
    itemLabel := StrReplace(itemLabel, "&>", "") 	;Remove escaped tab characters from the label.
;		dbgtxt .= ">>" MenuName "|" itemLabel " | " itemString " | " itemMenu " | " itemOptions "|" itemCall "`n"

    If (itemString <> "") {
      ; Bind output data to the QuickTextMenuHandler()
      Handler := Func("QuickTextMenuHandler").Bind(itemString, itemMenu)
      Menu, % MenuName, Add, % itemLabel, % Handler, % itemOptions

    } Else If (itemCall <> "") {	;Call existing code label/function
      Menu, % MenuName, Add, % itemLabel, % itemCall, % itemOptions

    } Else {
;			msgbox % MenuName "`n" itemLabel " `n " itemString " `n " itemMenu " `n " itemOptions "`n" itemCall "`n"
      Menu, % MenuName, Add, % itemLabel, % itemMenu, % itemOptions

    itemLabel := ""
    itemString := ""
    itemMenu := ""
    itemOptions := ""
    itemCall := ""
;	msgbox % dbgtxt

QuickTextMenuHandler(InsertText, NextMenu) {
  If (InsertText != "") {
    WinWaitNotActive, #32768
    SendInput {Raw}%InsertText%%A_EndChar%
  If (NextMenu != "") {
    WinWaitNotActive, #32768
    Menu, %NextMenu%, Show, %A_CaretX%, %A_CaretY%

