实现了一个基于 AutoHotkey (AHK) 的屏幕保护程序 (screensaver)
注意,使用此脚本后。如果不输入正确的密码,任务管理器会被禁用。需要到注册表将HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System 设置为0才能解锁
; 改pwd = [password goes here]成自己的密码,输入密码后按回车关闭屏幕保护 ; 注意,使用此脚本后。如果不输入正确的密码,任务管理器会被禁用。 ; 需要到注册表将HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System 设置为0才能解锁 ; https://www.autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=73108 ; ------------------------------ ; SCREENSAVER ; This AutoHotkey script creates a screensaver that displays a photo, along with the user's name, ; e-mail address, and telephone number. The user must type a password to exit the script. ; The program waits for invisible keyboard input from the user. A maximum number of attempts is specified. ; If the maximum number of attempts is exceeded, the script will lock the workstation. ; The Windows Task Manager will be disabled while the screensaver is active. ; The password is stored in plain text here, so this script file should be protected against unauthorized access. ; The script will not steal the focus if lost. If the focus is lost, click on the screensaver before entering the password. ; This script can be compiled with Ahk2Exe. ; In the script below, the user can modify placeholders designated with brackets. ; By Michael Weiner on 29 February 2020 ; Copyright 2020 Michael Weiner ; ------------------------------ ; Personal information: modify placeholders in brackets name = [name goes here] email = [e-mail address goes here] phone = [phone number goes here] photo = [full path to photo goes here] icon = [full path to icon goes here] ; This is the tray icon, though the screensaver will actually cover the tray. pwd = [password goes here] ; To exit this script, user should type this, and then press ENTER. ; ------------------------------ ; Variables below can also be modified as needed maxTries := 3 ; Number of password attempts before locking the workstation hpad := 70 ; Horizontal padding between photo and text vpad := 30 ; Vertical padding among name, e-mail address, and phone number fontName = Arial fontSize := 30 textColor = White bkg = 000000 ; Background color (000000 = black) formWidth := 0 ; Width of zero will make the password entry form invisible onTop = True ; True if screensaver should stay on top of other windows taskManager = True ; True if Windows Task Manager should be disabled while screensaver is active ; ------------------------------ ; Variables below should not be modified tries := 0 ; Keep track of the number of password attempts enable := 0 disable := 1 ; ------------------------------ ; Do some initial setup If (pwd = "[password goes here]") { MsgBox, 48, Error, 尚未设置密码。正在中止。 ExitApp } If FileExist(icon) Menu, Tray, Icon, %icon% ; Set the tray icon If (onTop = "True") Gui +AlwaysOnTop -Caption -MinimizeBox -MaximizeBox ; Keep the screensaver on top of other windows Gui, Color, %bkg%, %bkg% ; Set up the background colors ; Define the password input form Gui, Font, s10, %fontName% Gui, Add, Edit, x90 y90 w%formWidth% Lowercase Password ventry ; Text entry field Gui, Add, Button, x+10 default w%formWidth%, OK ; Pressing ENTER will run subroutine "ButtonOK" ; Define the photo If FileExist(photo) Gui, Add, Picture, x80 y80, %photo% ; Define the photo to be displayed ; Define the text color, user's name, e-mail address, and phone number to be displayed Gui, Font, s%fontSize%, %fontName% Gui, Add, Text, x+%hpad% y130 c%textColor%, %name% Gui, Add, Text, y+%vpad% c%textColor%, %email% Gui, Add, Text, y+%vpad% c%textColor%, Ph %phone% ; Finish set(taskManager,disable) MouseMove, 220, 570 Gui, Show, Maximize ; Show the screensaver using the definitions above focus() Return ; ============================================ ButtonOK: Gui, Submit, NoHide ; Save the user's entry in variable "entry" tries++ If (tries >= maxTries) AND (entry <> pwd) { DllCall("LockWorkStation") Sleep, 3000 } If (tries >= maxTries) OR (entry = pwd) { set(taskManager,enable) ExitApp } focus() Return ; -------------------------------------------- focus() ; Clear, and focus on, the password entry field { GuiControl,, entry ; Clear the password entry field GuiControl, Focus, entry } ; -------------------------------------------- set(tm,status) { If (tm = "True") RegWrite, REG_DWORD, HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System, DisableTaskMgr, %status% }