展示了一个功能强大的 ListView 编辑和添加行的脚本。它允许用户通过双击、按钮或其他操作在 ListView 中动态 添加 或 编辑 行内容。它还支持可配置的控件类型(如 Edit
; 【更多例子详见链接】https://www.autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=55019 #NoEnv SetBatchLines -1 SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; 另一个链接是界面漂亮,但是有BUG。 ; https://www.autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?p=304129#p304129 gui, add, listview, w310 vLV1 gLVEvents BackgroundWhite Grid, Id|A|B|C|D loop, 5 LV_ModifyCol(a_index, 55) ;columns change columns width loop, 4 LV_Add("", a_index) ;add rows gui, add, button, xm gAdd, Add gui, add, button, x+5 gEdit, Edit gui, add, text, x+5, "选择:双击行编辑它们!" gui, show return LVEvents: ;_____________ LVEvents ________________ if (A_GuiEvent = "DoubleClick") LV_AddEditRow(A_Gui, A_GuiControl, "Modify") return Edit: ;____________ Edit _______________ LV_AddEditRow(A_Gui, "LV1", "Modify") return Add: ;____________ Add _______________ LV_AddEditRow(A_Gui, "LV1", "Add") return guiclose: ;_____________ gui close _______________ exitapp LV_AddEditRow(GuiWnd, LVCtrl, Status, Optns := "") ;_______________ Add/Edit ListView Controls Rows - v1.0 (Function) ___________________ { ;Local ;uncomment this line if you use AutoHotKey v1.1.27+ ;Force all variables in this function to be "Local" vars (with no exceptions) ;"Force-local" mode (only supported on AutoHotKey v1.1.27+) ;this function was tested in AutoHotKey ;Local TempControlId ;this line was disabled because otherwise it would switch the function mode from "assume-Local" to "assume-Global" (makes all variables global by default) Static ControlHwndId := [], CtrlType := [], CtrlHwnd := [] ;declare the variable as an object and remember its values between function calls Static GuiWindow, LVControl, FocusedRow, TotalCols, Options, GuiHwnd ;"Static" variables, remember values between function calls if (Status = "GetVar") return, (%LVCtrl%) ;return the values of static variables from this function if (Status = "GetObject") ;return the values of static Objects from this function return, %GuiWnd%[LVCtrl] GuiWindow := GuiWnd LVControl := LVCtrl Options := Optns.Clone() ;"Clone()", Returns a shallow (not always a 100% clone???) copy of the object. ;"Clone()" creates a new object from the object referenced by "Optns" variable! ;then, "Options" variable will reference that newly created/cloned object! Gui, %GuiWindow%:Default ;forces Built-in ListView Functions to operate upon the indicated gui window Gui, ListView, % LVControl ;forces built-in ListView functions to operate upon the indicated Listview Control (the control must belong to the indicated gui window above) FocusedRow := LV_GetNext(0, "Focused") ;Search for the focused row ("0", the search starts from row number 1! ;there is never more than one focused row in the entire list, and sometimes there is none at all! if (Status = "Modify" and FocusedRow = 0) { msgbox, 8240, Warning!, No row is selected! Please, select a row to be modified! ;"8240" sum of 8192 and 48 (8192 for "Task Modal" option \ 48 for Icon Exclamation + sound) ;"52" sum of 4 and 48 (4 for "yes - no" options \ 48 for Icon Exclamation + sound) gui, LVAddEditRow:Destroy return } TotalCols := LV_GetCount("Col") ;the function returns the number of columns in the control gui, LVAddEditRow:Default gui, destroy Gui +HwndGuiHwnd loop, % TotalCols { Gui, %GuiWindow%:Default ;forces Built-in ListView Functions to operate upon the indicated gui window LV_GetText(TempHeader, 0, a_index) ;"0" is the columns header row / "a_index" is the column number if (Status = "Modify") LV_GetText(TempText, FocusedRow, a_index) ;"a_index" is the column number gui, LVAddEditRow:Default TempIndex := a_index loop { if (Options["BeforeCell" TempIndex "Ctrl" a_index "Type"] = "") break else { gui, add, % Options["BeforeCell" TempIndex "Ctrl" a_index "Type"], % "+HwndTempControlId " Options["BeforeCell" TempIndex "Ctrl" a_index "Options"], % Options["BeforeCell" TempIndex "Ctrl" a_index "Text"] TempKey := Options["BeforeCell" TempIndex "Ctrl" a_index "Hwnd"] CtrlHwnd[TempKey] := TempControlId } } gui, add, text, % Options["Cell" a_index "HeaderOptions"], % TempHeader ;Ternary operator, ( ? = if ) and ( : = else ) ControlType := ControlOption := ControlText := "" ;blank\empty values ControlType := CtrlType[a_index] := Options["Cell" a_index "Type"] != "" ? Options["Cell" a_index "Type"] : "Edit" if (ControlType = "Checkbox") { ControlOption := Status = "Add" ? "" : "Checked" TempText } else if (ControlType = "DateTime") { TempText := TempText = "" ? "None" : RegExReplace(TempText, "\D") ;"\D" means any non-digit (remove any non-digit characters) ControlOption := Status = "Add" ? "" : "Choose" TempText } else if (ControlType = "ListBox" or ControlType = "DropDownList" or ControlType = "DDL") { if (Status = "Modify") { TempIndex := a_index TempList := Options["Cell" TempIndex "Text"], Options["Cell" TempIndex "Text"] := "" loop, parse, TempList, | { if (A_LoopField == "") ;if blank\empty (== is case-sensitive) continue ;Skips the rest of the current loop iteration and begins a new one. Valid inside any kind of loop. TempString := A_LoopField loop, parse, TempText, | { if ("S" TempString == "S" A_LoopField) ;"==" is case-sensitive, "S" forces "string" comprisons and avoids "number" comparisons! { TempString .= "|" break } } Options["Cell" TempIndex "Text"] .= TempString "|" } } } else if (ControlType != "Edit" and ControlType != "ComboBox") { if (ControlType = "MonthCal") TempText := RegExReplace(TempText, "\Q/") ;remove any "/" character if (Status = "Modify") ControlText := TempText, Options["Cell" a_index "Text"] := "" } gui, add, % ControlType, % "+HwndTempControlId " Options["Cell" a_index "Options"] " " ControlOption, % Options["Cell" a_index "Text"] ControlText if (Status = "Modify") { if (ControlType = "Edit" or ControlType = "ComboBox") ControlSetText, , % TempText, % "ahk_id" TempControlId ;"ControlSetText" prevents "EOL" (End of LIne Translation), no "`n" is translated to "`r`n" } ControlHwndId[a_index] := TempControlId ;the variable must be declared as an object first ("ControlHwndId := []") TempKey := Options["Cell" a_index "Hwnd"] CtrlHwnd[TempKey] := TempControlId TempIndex := a_index loop { if (Options["AfterCell" TempIndex "Ctrl" a_index "Type"] = "") break else { if (a_index = "1" and Status = "Modify" and Options["AfterCell" TempIndex "Ctrl" a_index "Type"] = "UpDown") Options["AfterCell" TempIndex "Ctrl" a_index "Text"] := RegExReplace(TempText, "\.|,") ;Regex removes thousands separator (. or ,) gui, add, % Options["AfterCell" TempIndex "Ctrl" a_index "Type"], % "+HwndTempControlId " Options["AfterCell" TempIndex "Ctrl" a_index "Options"], % Options["AfterCell" TempIndex "Ctrl" a_index "Text"] TempKey := Options["AfterCell" TempIndex "Ctrl" a_index "Hwnd"] CtrlHwnd[TempKey] := TempControlId } } } TempText := "" ;make variable blank (free memory) if (Status = "Modify") GuiCaption := ButtonCaption := "Modify" else GuiCaption := ButtonCaption := "Add" gui, add, button, xm gLVAddEditRowLabel Default, % ButtonCaption if (Status = "Modify") { gui, add, button, x+5 gLVAddEditRowLabel , Add gui, add, button, x+5 gLVAddEditRowLabel , Delete } gui, add, button, x+5 gLVAddEditRowGuiClose, Cancel gui, show, , % GuiCaption return LVAddEditRowLabel: ;_________ Function Label __________ Gui, %GuiWindow%:Default ;forces Built-in ListView Functions to operate upon the indicated gui window Gui, ListView, % LVControl ;forces built-in ListView functions to operate upon the indicated Listview Control (the control must belong to the indicated gui window above) if (a_guicontrol = "Delete") { LV_Delete(FocusedRow) FocusedRow := LV_GetNext(0, "Focused") ;Search for the focused row ("0", the search starts from row number 1! } if (a_guicontrol = "Add" or a_guicontrol = "Modify") { if (a_guicontrol = "Add") { FocusedRow := LV_Insert(Options["NewRowIndex"] = "" ? LV_GetCount() + 1 : Options["NewRowIndex"], Options["NewRowOptions"]) ;The function adds a new row to the specified index position (if the ListView control does not have the "Sort" or "SortDesc" style) ;The function returns the new row number, which is not necessarily the specified index position if the ListView has the "Sort" or "SortDesc" style. ;Ternary operator, (? = if) and (: = else) ;if Options["NewRowIndex"] is blank\empty, the new row will be inserted to the end of the listview control, "LV_GetCount() + 1" ;for some reason, the Options["NewRowOptions"] prevents Autohotkey from crashing if Options["NewRowIndex"] is blank/empty and the ListView control contains "Sort" or "SortDesc" options } if (a_guicontrol = "Modify") { LV_Modify(FocusedRow, Options["RowOptions"]) } loop, % TotalCols { if (CtrlType[a_index] = "Edit" or CtrlType[a_index] = "ComboBox") ControlGetText, TempText, , % "ahk_id" ControlHwndId[a_index] ;"ControlGetText" prevents EOL "End of line translation", no "`r`n" is translated to "`n" else GuiControlGet, TempText, LVAddEditRow:, % ControlHwndId[a_index] if (CtrlType[a_index] = "DateTime") { if (TempText != "") FormatTime, TempText, % TempText, yyyy-MM-dd/HH:mm:ss ;"HH" 24-hour format (00 – 23) } else if (CtrlType[a_index] = "MonthCal") { if (TempText != "") { Loop, Parse, TempText, - { TempText := a_index = 1 ? "" : TempText FormatTime, TempTime, % A_LoopField, yyyy/MM/dd ;"MonthCal" does not retrieve "HH24MISS" time portion , retrieves only "YYYYMMDD" Date TempText .= TempTime "-" } TempText := RegExReplace(TempText, "-$") ;remove the last "-" character at the end of the string } } LV_Modify(FocusedRow, "Col" a_index, TempText) } } LV_Modify(0, "-Select") ;Deselect all rows LV_Modify(FocusedRow, "Focus Select Vis") ;"vis", Ensures that the specified row is completely visible by scrolling the ListView, if necessary. ;"Vis", has an effect only for "LV_Modify()" function! (does not work with "LV_Add()" function!) ;"Focus", Sets keyboard focus to the row / "Select", highlight the row LVAddEditRowGuiClose: ;_______ LVAddEditRow Gui Close _______ LVAddEditRowGuiEscape: Gui, %GuiWindow%:Default ;forces Built-in ListView Functions to operate upon the indicated gui window Gui, ListView, % LVControl ;forces built-in ListView functions to operate upon the indicated Listview Control (the control must belong to the indicated gui window above) GuiControl, Focus, % A_DefaultListView ;"A_DefaultListView" supported from [v1.1.23+] if (Options["GoSub"] != "") ;if not blank/empty GoSub, % Options["GoSub"] ;"GoTo" is not allowed inside functions, only "GoSub" is! TempText := "", ControlHwndId := [], CtrlType := [], CtrlHwnd := [], Options := [] ;make variable blank (free memory) gui, LVAddEditRow:Destroy ;by destroying the gui window, "a_guicontrol" will be made blank\empty! return }