; 更多Emoji文字表情获取:https://www.emojiall.com/zh-hans/all-emojis

; 💬🗨👁️‍🗨️

Gui Add, Text, w-2 h-2 Section

Gui Add, Text, Section, 测试:
Gui Add, Edit, ys-4
Gui Add, Button, ys-5, 💬️
Gui Add, Button, ys-5, 🗨
Gui Add, Button, ys-5, ❔
Gui Show, , 窗口👁️‍🗨️

清理Emoji符号 := RegExReplace(Clipboard, ".*[\xA9\xAE\x{2000}-\x{3300}\x{1F000}-\x{1FBFF}]")

#Hotstring EndChars ()[]{}:;'"/\,.?!`n `t

:*:!cheese::🧀                          ; food, dairy
:*:!unicorn::🦄                          ; animal
:*:!alarm-clock::⏰                               ; time, clock
:*:!stopwatch::⏱                               ; time, clock
:*:!timer-clock::⏲                               ; time, clock
:*:!hourglass-with-flowing-sand::⏳                               ; time, clock
:*:!black-sun-with-rays::☀                                 ; weather
:*:!cloud::☁                                 ; weather, rain
:*:!umbrella::☂                                 ; weather, rain
:*:!snowman::☃                                 ; weather, winter
:*:!hot-beverage::☕                                 ; coffee, cocoa, tea
:*:!skull-and-crossbones::☠                                 ; danger, poison
:*:!radioactive-sign::☢                                 ; danger, poison
:*:!biohazard-sign::☣                                 ; danger, poison
:*:!aries::♈                                 ; zodiac, astrology, astrological signs
:*:!taurus::♉                                 ; zodiac, astrology, astrological signs
:*:!gemini::♊                                 ; zodiac, astrology, astrological signs
:*:!cancer::♋                                 ; zodiac, astrology, astrological signs
:*:!leo::♌                                 ; zodiac, astrology, astrological signs
:*:!virgo::♍                                 ; zodiac, astrology, astrological signs
:*:!libra::♎                                 ; zodiac, astrology, astrological signs
:*:!scorpius::♏                                 ; zodiac, astrology, astrological signs
:*:!sagittarius::♐                                 ; zodiac, astrology, astrological signs
:*:!capricorn::♑                                 ; zodiac, astrology, astrological signs
:*:!aquarius::♒                                 ; zodiac, astrology, astrological signs
:*:!pisces::♓                                 ; zodiac, astrology, astrological signs
:*:!spades::♠                                 ; cards, suits, games
:*:!clubs::♣                                 ; cards, suits, games
:*:!hearts::♥                                 ; cards, suits, games
:*:!diamonds::♦                                 ; cards, suits, games
:*:!warning-sign::⚠                                 ; danger, poison
:*:!high-voltage-sign::⚡                                 ; danger, high voltage
:*:!coffin::⚰                                 ; funeral, death
:*:!funeral-urn::⚱                                 ; funeral, death
:*:!soccer-ball::⚽                                 ; sports
:*:!baseball::⚾                                 ; sports
:*:!snowman-without-snow::⛄                                 ; weather, winter
:*:!sun-behind-cloud::⛅                                 ; weather, rain
:*:!thunder-cloud-and-rain::⛈                                 ; weather, rain
:*:!ophiuchus::⛎                                 ; constellation, stars
:*:!church::⛪                     ; building, church
:*:!skier::⛷                        ; occupation, job, career, profession, people, sports, recreation
:*:!person-with-ball::⛹                        ; occupation, job, career, profession, people, sports, recreation
:*:!tent::⛺                                 ; camping, recreation
:*:!foggy::🌁                                 ; weather
:*:!closed-umbrella::🌂                                 ; weather, rain
:*:!chestnut::🌰                                 ; plant, gardening
:*:!seedling::🌱                                 ; plant, gardening
:*:!evergreen-tree::🌲                                 ; plant, gardening
:*:!deciduous-tree::🌳                                 ; plant, gardening
:*:!palm-tree::🌴                                 ; plant, gardening
:*:!cactus::🌵                                 ; plant, gardening, desert
:*:!hot-pepper::🌶                                 ; plant, gardening, mexican food, spicy
:*:!tulip::🌷                                 ; plant, gardening
:*:!cherry-blossom::🌸                                 ; plant, gardening
:*:!rose::🌹                                 ; plant, gardening
:*:!hibiscus::🌺                                 ; plant, gardening
:*:!sunflower::🌻                                 ; plant, gardening
:*:!blossom::🌼                                 ; plant, gardening
:*:!ear-of-maize::🌽                                 ; plant, gardening
:*:!ear-of-rice::🌾                                 ; plant, gardening
:*:!herb::🌿                                 ; plant, gardening
:*:!four-leaf-clover::🍀                                 ; plant, gardening
:*:!maple-leaf::🍁                                 ; plant, gardening
:*:!fallen-leaf::🍂                                 ; plant, gardening
:*:!leaf-fluttering-in-wind::🍃                                 ; plant, gardening
:*:!mushroom::🍄                                 ; plant, gardening, food
:*:!tomato::🍅                                 ; plant, gardening, food
:*:!aubergine::🍆                                 ; plant, gardening, eggplant, food
:*:!grapes::🍇                                 ; plant, gardening, food
:*:!melon::🍈                                 ; plant, gardening, food
:*:!watermelon::🍉                                 ; plant, gardening, food 
:*:!tangerine::🍊                                 ; plant, gardening, food
:*:!lemon::🍋                                 ; plant, gardening, food
:*:!banana::🍌                                 ; plant, gardening, food
:*:!pineapple::🍍                                 ; plant, gardening, food
:*:!red-apple::🍎                                 ; plant, gardening, food
:*:!green-apple::🍏                                 ; plant, gardening, food
:*:!pear::🍐                                 ; plant, gardening, food
:*:!peach::🍑                                 ; plant, gardening, food
:*:!cherries::🍒                                 ; plant, gardening, food
:*:!strawberry::🍓                                 ; plant, gardening, food
:*:!hamburger::🍔                                 ; food, eat
:*:!slice-of-pizza::🍕                                 ; food, eat
:*:!meat-on-bone::🍖                                 ; food, eat, beef, pork
:*:!poultry-leg::🍗                                 ; food, eat, chicken
:*:!rice-cracker::🍘                                 ; food, eat
:*:!rice-ball::🍙                                 ; food, eat
:*:!cooked-rice::🍚                                 ; food, eat
:*:!curry-and-rice::🍛                                 ; food, eat
:*:!steaming-bowl::🍜                                 ; food, eat
:*:!spaghetti::🍝                                 ; food, eat
:*:!bread::🍞                                 ; food, eat
:*:!french-fries::🍟                                 ; food, eat, potato
:*:!roasted-sweet-potato::🍠                                 ; food, eat
:*:!sushi::🍣                                 ; food, eat, seafood
:*:!fried-shrimp::🍤                                ; food, eat, seafood
:*:!fish-cake-with-swirl-design::🍥                                ; food, eat, seafood
:*:!soft-ice-cream::🍦                                ; food, eat, dessert, dairy
:*:!shaved-ice::🍧                                ; food, eat, dessert
:*:!ice-cream::🍨                                ; food, eat, dessert, dairy
:*:!doughnut::🍩                                ; food, eat, dessert
:*:!cookie::🍪                                ; food, eat, dessert
:*:!chocolate-bar::🍫                                ; food, eat, dessert
:*:!candy::🍬                                ; food, eat, dessert
:*:!lollipop::🍭                                ; food, eat, dessert
:*:!custard::🍮                                ; food, eat, dessert
:*:!honey-pot::🍯                                ; food, eat, dessert
:*:!shortcake::🍰                                ; food, eat, dessert
:*:!bento-box::🍱                                ; food, eat
:*:!pot-of-food::🍲                                ; food, eat
:*:!cooking::🍳                                ; food, eat
:*:!knife-and-fork::🍴                                ; food, eat
:*:!teacup-without-handle::🍵                                ; food, eat, drinks
:*:!sake-bottle-and-cup::🍶                                ; food, eat, drinks
:*:!wine-glass::🍷                                ; food, eat, drinks
:*:!cocktail-glass::🍸                                ; food, eat, drinks
:*:!tropical-drink::🍹                                ; food, eat, drinks
:*:!beer-mug::🍺                                ; food, eat, drinks
:*:!clinking-beer-mugs::🍻                                ; food, eat, drinks
:*:!baby-bottle::🍼                                ; food, eat, drinks
:*:!knife-and-fork-with-plate::🍽                                ; food, eat
:*:!bottle-with-popping-cork::🍾                                ; food, eat, drinks
:*:!popcorn::🍿                                ; food, eat, snack
:*:!birthday-cake::🎂                                ; food, eat, dessert, holiday, date
:*:!jack-o-lantern::🎃                                ; holiday, date, halloween
:*:!christmas-tree::🎄                                ; holiday, date, vacation
:*:!father-christmas::🎅                                ; holiday, date, vacation
:*:!fireworks::🎆                                ; holiday, date, vacation, fourth of july
:*:!firework-sparkler::🎇                                ; holiday, date, vacation, fourth of july
:*:!balloon::🎈                                ; holiday, date, vacation, party, birthday
:*:!party-popper::🎉                                 ; holiday, date, vacation
:*:!saxophone::🎷                                ; music, instrument, musical
:*:!guitar::🎸                                ; music, instrument, musical
:*:!piano::🎹                                ; music, instrument, musical
:*:!trumpet::🎺                                ; music, instrument, musical
:*:!violin::🎻                                ; music, instrument, musical
:*:!musical-score::🎼                                ; music, instrument, musical
:*:!running-shirt-with-sash::🎽                             ; sports, games
:*:!tennis-racquet-and-ball::🎾                             ; sports, games
:*:!ski-and-ski-boot::🎿                             ; sports, games
:*:!basketball-and-hoop::🏀                             ; sports, games
:*:!chequered-flag::🏁                             ; sports, games, car racing
:*:!snowboarder::🏂                             ; sports, games
:*:!runner::🏃                             ; sports, games
:*:!surfer::🏄                             ; sports, games
:*:!sports-medal::🏅                             ; sports, games
:*:!trophy::🏆                             ; sports, games
:*:!horse-racing::🏇                             ; sports, games
:*:!american-football::🏈                             ; sports, games
:*:!rugby-football::🏉                             ; sports, games
:*:!swimmer::🏊                             ; sports, games
:*:!weight-lifter::🏋                             ; sports, games
:*:!golfer::🏌                             ; sports, games
:*:!racing-motorcycle::🏍                             ; sports, games
:*:!racing-car::🏎                             ; sports, games
:*:!cricket-bat-and-ball::🏏                             ; sports, games
:*:!volleyball::🏐                             ; sports, games
:*:!field-hockey-stick-and-ball::🏑                             ; sports, games
:*:!ice-hockey-stick-and-puck::🏒                             ; sports, games
:*:!table-tennis-paddle-and-ball::🏓                             ; sports, games
:*:!camping::🏕                          ; activities, vacation
:*:!beach::🏖                          ; activities, vacation
:*:!building-construction::🏗                          ; building, construction, city
:*:!house-buildings::🏘                          ; building, construction, city
:*:!cityscape::🏙                          ; building, construction, city
:*:!derelict-house-building::🏚                          ; building, construction, city
:*:!classical-building::🏛                          ; building, construction, city
:*:!desert::🏜                          ; terrain, geography
:*:!desert-island::🏝                          ; terrain, geography
:*:!national-park::🏞                          ; activities, vacation
:*:!stadium::🏟                          ; activities, vacation, sports
:*:!house-building::🏠                          ; building, construction, city
:*:!house-with-garden::🏡                          ; building, construction, city
:*:!office-building::🏢                          ; building, construction, city
:*:!japanese-post-office::🏣                          ; building, construction, city
:*:!european-post-office::🏤                          ; building, construction, city
:*:!hospital::🏥                          ; building, construction, city, medical
:*:!bank::🏦                          ; building, construction, city
:*:!automated-teller-machine::🏧                          ;money, atm, cash
:*:!hotel::🏨                          ; building, construction, city
:*:!love-hotel::🏩                          ; building, construction, city
:*:!convenience-store::🏪                          ; building, construction, city
:*:!school::🏫                          ; building, construction, city, education
:*:!department-store::🏬                          ; building, construction, city
:*:!factory::🏭                          ; building, construction, city
:*:!japanese-castle::🏯                          ; building, construction, city
:*:!european-castle::🏰                          ; building, construction, city
:*:!waving-white-flag::🏳                          ; surrender
:*:!badminton-racquet-and-shuttlecock::🏸                          ; sports
:*:!bow-and-arrow::🏹                          ; sports
:*:!amphora::🏺                          ; vase
:o:!rat::🐀                          ; animal, rodent
:o:!mouse::🐁                          ; animal, rodent
:o:!ox::🐂                          ; animal, rodent
:*:!water-buffalo::🐃                          ; animal, zoo
:o:!cow::🐄                          ; animal, farm
:o:!tiger::🐅                          ; animal, zoo
:o:!leopard::🐆                          ; animal, zoo
:o:!rabbit::🐇                          ; animal, rodent
:o:!cat::🐈                          ; animal
:o:!dragon::🐉                          ; animal
:o:!crocodile::🐊                          ; animal, zoo
:o:!whale::🐋                          ; animal
:o:!snail::🐌                          ; animal
:o:!snake::🐍                          ; animal
:o:!horse::🐎                          ; animal, farm
:o:!ram::🐏                          ; animal, farm
:o:!goat::🐐                          ; animal, farm
:o:!sheep::🐑                          ; animal, farm
:o:!monkey::🐒                          ; animal, zoo
:o:!rooster::🐓                          ; animal, farm
:o:!chicken::🐔                          ; animal, farm
:o:!dog::🐕                          ; animal, farm
:o:!pig::🐖                          ; animal, farm
:o:!boar::🐗                          ; animal, zoo
:o:!elephant::🐘                          ; animal, zoo
:o:!octopus::🐙                          ; animal, sea
:*:!spiral-shell::🐚                          ; sea, beach
:*:!bug::🐛                          ; bug, insect
:*:!ant::🐜                          ; bug, insect
:*:!honeybee::🐝                          ; bug, insect
:*:!lady-beetle::🐞                          ; bug, insect
:*:!fish::🐟                          ; animal, sea, water
:*:!tropical-fish::🐠                          ; animal, sea, water
:*:!blowfish::🐡                          ; animal, sea, water
:*:!turtle::🐢                          ; animal, sea, water
:*:!hatching-chick::🐣                          ; animal, farm
:*:!baby-chick::🐤                          ; animal, farm
:*:!front-facing-baby-chick::🐥                          ; animal, farm
:*:!bird::🐦                          ; animal
:*:!penguin::🐧                          ; animal, zoo
:*:!koala::🐨                          ; animal, zoo
:*:!poodle::🐩                          ; animal, zoo
:*:!dromedary-camel::🐪                          ; animal, zoo
:*:!bactrian-camel::🐫                          ; animal, zoo
:*:!dolphin::🐬                          ; animal, zoo
:*:!mouseface::🐭                          ; animal, rodent
:*:!cowface::🐮                          ; animal, farm
:*:!tigerface::🐯                          ; animal, zoo
:*:!rabbitface::🐰                          ; animal
:*:!catface::🐱                          ; animal, rodent
:*:!dragonface::🐲                          ; animal
:*:!spouting-whale::🐳                          ; animal
:*:!horseface::🐴                          ; animal, farm
:*:!monkeyface::🐵                          ; animal, zoo
:*:!dogface::🐶                          ; animal, farm
:*:!pigface::🐷                          ; animal, farm
:*:!frogface::🐸                          ; animal
:*:!hamsterface::🐹                          ; animal, rodent
:*:!wolfface::🐺                          ; animal, zoo
:*:!bearface::🐻                          ; animal, zoo
:*:!pandaface::🐼                          ; animal, zoo
:*:!pignose::🐽                          ; animal, farm
:*:!pawprints::🐾                          ; animal
:*:!chipmunk::🐿                          ; animal
:*:!eyes::👀                                   ; face, head
:*:!eye::👁                                   ; face, head
:*:!ear::👂                                   ; face, head
:*:!nose::👃                                   ; face, head
:*:!mouth::👄                                   ; face, head
:*:!tongue::👅                                   ; face, head
:*:!crown::👑                          ; clothes, garments
:*:!womans-hat::👒                          ; clothes, garments
:*:!eyeglasses::👓                          ; clothes, garments
:*:!necktie::👔                          ; clothes, garments
:*:!t-shirt::👕                          ; clothes, garments
:*:!jeans::👖                          ; clothes, garments
:*:!dress::👗                          ; clothes, garments
:*:!kimono::👘                          ; clothes, garments
:*:!bikini::👙                          ; clothes, garments
:*:!womans-clothes::👚                          ; clothes, garments
:*:!purse::👛                          ; accessories, handbag
:*:!handbag::👜                          ; accessories, purse
:*:!mans-shoe::👞                          ; shoes
:*:!athletic-shoe::👟                          ; shoes
:*:!high-heeled-shoe::👠                          ; shoes
:*:!womans-sandal::👡                          ; shoes
:*:!womans-boots::👢                          ; shoes
:*:!footprints::👣                          ; feet
:*:!bust-in-silhouette::👤                          ; people
:*:!busts-in-silhouette::👥                          ; people
:o:!boy::👦                          ; people
:o:!girl::👧                          ; people
:o:!man::👨                          ; people
:o:!woman::👩                          ; people
:*:!family::👪                          ; people
:*:!holding-hands::👫                          ; people
:*:!two-men-holding-hands::👬                          ; people
:*:!two-women-holding-hands::👭                          ; people
:*:!police-officer::👮                        ; occupation, job, career, profession, people
:*:!woman-with-bunny-ears::👯                          ; people
:*:!bride-with-veil::👰                          ; people, wedding
:*:!person-with-blond-hair::👱                          ; people
:*:!man-with-gua-pi-mao::👲                          ; people
:*:!man-with-turban::👳                          ; people
:*:!older-man::👴                          ; people
:*:!older-woman::👵                          ; people
:*:!baby::👶                          ; people
:*:!construction-worker::👷                        ; occupation, job, career, profession, people
:*:!princess::👸                         ; occupation, job, career, profession, people
:*:!japanese-ogre::👹                          ; people
:*:!japanese-goblin::👺                          ; people
:*:!ghost::👻                          ; people
:*:!baby-angel::👼                          ; people
:*:!extraterrestrial-alien::👽                          ; people
:*:!alien-monster::👾                          ; people
:*:!imp::👿                          ; people
:*:!skull::💀                          ; people, bones
:*:!information-desk-person::💁                        ; occupation, job, career, profession, people
:*:!guardsman::💂                        ; occupation, job, career, profession, people
:*:!dancer::💃                        ; occupation, job, career, profession, people
:*:!lipstick::💄                          ; makeup, cosmetics
:*:!nail-polish::💅                          ; makeup, cosmetics
:*:!face-massage::💆                          ; makeup, cosmetics, spa
:*:!haircut::💇                          ; makeup, cosmetics, barber
:*:!barber-pole::💈                        ; occupation, job, career, profession, people, haircut
:*:!syringe::💉                         ; medical, medicine
:*:!pill::💊                         ; medical, medicine
:*:!kiss-mark::💋                         ; love, romance
:*:!love-letter::💌                         ; romance
:*:!ring::💍                         ; love, romance, wedding
:*:!gem-stone::💎                         ; love, romance, jewels
:*:!kiss::💏                         ; love, romance
:*:!bouquet::💐                         ; love, romance, flowers
:*:!couple-with-heart::💑                         ; love, romance
:*:!wedding::💒                         ; love, romance
:*:!beating-heart::💓                         ; love, romance
:*:!broken-heart::💔                         ; love, romance
:*:!two-hearts::💕                         ; love, romance
:*:!sparkling-heart::💖                         ; love, romance
:*:!growing-heart::💗                         ; love, romance
:*:!heart-with-arrow::💘                         ; love, romance
:*:!blue-heart::💙                         ; love, romance
:*:!green-heart::💚                         ; love, romance
:*:!yellow-heart::💛                         ; love, romance
:*:!purple-heart::💜                         ; love, romance
:*:!heart-with-ribbon::💝                         ; love, romance
:*:!revolving-hearts::💞                         ; love, romance
:*:!heart-decoration::💟                         ; love, romance
:*:!electric-light-bulb::💡                         ; idea, thought
:*:!bomb::💣                         ; explosive
:*:!sleeping-symbol::💤                         ; napping
:*:!collision-symbol::💥                         ; accident
:*:!splashing-sweat-symbol::💦                         ; workout
:*:!droplet::💧                         ; rain
:*:!dash-symbol::💨                         ; speed
:*:!flexed-biceps::💪                         ; muscles, workout, strength
:*:!money-bag::💰                         ; money, cash
:*:!currency-exchange::💱                         ; money, cash
:*:!heavy-dollar-sign::💲                         ; money, cash
:*:!credit-card::💳                         ; money, cash
:*:!banknote-with-yen-sign::💴                         ; money, cash
:*:!banknote-with-dollar-sign::💵                         ; money, cash
:*:!banknote-with-euro-sign::💶                         ; money, cash
:*:!banknote-with-pound-sign::💷                         ; money, cash
:*:!money-with-wings::💸                         ; money, cash
:*:!seat::💺                         ; chair, furniture
:*:!personal-computer::💻                         ; pc, mac
:*:!minidisc::💽                         ; pc, mac, computer, drives
:*:!floppy-disk::💾                        ; pc, mac, computer, drives
:*:!optical-disc::💿                        ; pc, mac, computer, drives
:*:!dvd::📀                        ; pc, mac, computer, drives
:*:!file-folder::📁                        ; pc, mac, computer, drives
:*:!open-file-folder::📂                        ; pc, mac, computer, drives
:*:!calendar::📅                        ; dates, days, month
:*:!tear-off-calendar::📆                        ; dates, days, month
:*:!card-index::📇                        ; office, business, company
:*:!chart-with-upwards-trend::📈                        ; office, business, company, sales
:*:!chart-with-downwards-trend::📉                        ; office, business, company, sales
:*:!bar-chart::📊                        ; office, business, company, sales
:*:!clipboard::📋                        ; office, business, company, supplies
:*:!pushpin::📌                        ; office, business, company, supplies
:*:!round-pushpin::📍                        ; office, business, company, supplies
:*:!paperclip::📎                        ; office, business, company, supplies
:*:!straight-ruler::📏                        ; office, business, company, supplies
:*:!triangular-ruler::📐                        ; office, business, company, supplies
:*:!bookmark-tabs::📑                        ; office, business, company, supplies
:*:!ledger::📒                        ; office, business, company, supplies
:*:!notebook::📓                        ; office, business, company, supplies
:*:!notebook-with-decorative-cover::📔                        ; office, business, company, supplies
:*:!closed-book::📕                        ; office, business, company, supplies, reading, literature
:*:!open-book::📖                        ; office, business, company, supplies, reading, literature
:*:!green-book::📗                        ; office, business, company, supplies, reading, literature
:*:!blue-book::📘                        ; office, business, company, supplies, reading, literature
:*:!orange-book::📙                        ; office, business, company, supplies, reading, literature
:*:!books::📚                        ; office, business, company, supplies, reading, literature
:*:!name-badge::📛                        ; office, business, company, police, fireman
:*:!memo::📝                        ; office, business, company, supplies
:*:!telephone-receiver::📞                        ; office, business, company, supplies, call
:*:!pager::📟                        ; office, business, company, supplies, call
:*:!fax-machine::📠                        ; office, business, company, supplies, call
:*:!satellite-antenna::📡                        ; tv, television
:*:!public-address-loudspeaker::📢                        ; megaphone, speaker
:*:!cheering-megaphone::📣                        ; megaphone, speaker
:*:!outbox-tray::📤                        ; office, business, company, supplies
:*:!inbox-tray::📥                        ; office, business, company, supplies
:*:!package::📦                        ; office, business, company, mail
:*:!e-mail-symbol::📧                        ; office, business, company, mail
:*:!incoming-envelope::📨                        ; office, business, company, mail
:*:!envelope-with-downwards-arrow-above::📩                        ; office, business, company, mail
:*:!closed-mailbox-with-lowered-flag::📪                        ; office, business, company, mail
:*:!closed-mailbox-with-raised-flag::📫                        ; office, business, company, mail
:*:!open-mailbox-with-raised-flag::📬                        ; office, business, company, mail
:*:!open-mailbox-with-lowered-flag::📭                        ; office, business, company, mail
:*:!postbox::📮                        ; office, business, company, mail
:*:!left-pointing-magnifying-glass::🔍                         ; tools
:*:!right-pointing-magnifying-glass::🔎                         ; tools
:*:!electric-torch::🔦                         ; tools, flashlight
:*:!wrench::🔧                         ; tools
:o:!hammer::🔨                         ; tools
:*:!nut-and-bolt::🔩                         ; tools
:o:!knife::🔪                         ; kitchen tool, weapon
:*:!pistol::🔫                         ; gun, weapon
:*:!microscope::🔬                ; vision, view, tool
:*:!telescope::🔭                ; vision, view, tool
:*:!crystal-ball::🔮                ; vision, view, tool
:*:!kaaba::🕋                     ; building, church
:*:!mosque::🕌                     ; building, church
:*:!synagogue::🕍                     ; building, church
:*:!one-oclock::🕐                        ; time
:*:!two-oclock::🕑                        ; time
:*:!three-oclock::🕒                        ; time
:*:!four-oclock::🕓                        ; time
:*:!five-oclock::🕔                        ; time
:*:!six-oclock::🕕                        ; time
:*:!seven-oclock::🕖                        ; time
:*:!eight-oclock::🕗                        ; time
:*:!nine-oclock::🕘                        ; time
:*:!ten-oclock::🕙                        ; time
:*:!eleven-oclock::🕚                        ; time
:*:!twelve-oclock::🕛                        ; time
:*:!one-thirty::🕜                        ; time
:*:!two-thirty::🕝                        ; time
:*:!three-thirty::🕞                        ; time
:*:!four-thirty::🕟                        ; time
:*:!five-thirty::🕠                        ; time
:*:!six-thirty::🕡                        ; time
:*:!seven-thirty::🕢                        ; time
:*:!eight-thirty::🕣                        ; time
:*:!nine-thirty::🕤                        ; time
:*:!ten-thirty::🕥                        ; time
:*:!eleven-thirty::🕦                        ; time
:*:!twelve-thirty::🕧                        ; time
:*:!mantelpiece-clock::🕰                        ; time
:*:!sleuth-or-spy::🕵                        ; occupation, job, career, profession, people
:*:!spider::🕷                        ; bug, insect
:*:!spider-web::🕸                        ; bug, insect
:*:!linked-paperclips::🖇                        ; office, business, company, supplies
:*:!lower-left-ballpoint-pen::🖊                        ; office, business, company, supplies, writing
:*:!lower-left-fountain-pen::🖋                        ; office, business, company, supplies, writing
:*:!lower-left-paintbrush::🖌                        ; art
:*:!lower-left-crayon::🖍                        ; art
:*:!wave::🖐                        ; hand
:*:!computer::🖥                    ; pc, mac
:*:!pedestrian::🚶                        ; people, traffic, walking
:*:!crab::🦀                        ; animal, seafood
:*:!lionface::🦁                        ; animal
:*:!scorpion::🦂                        ; bug, insect
:*:!turkey::🦃                        ; animal, bird



