

Bark iOS 通知配置说明




免安装AHK的版本链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1wKuPAOQhcTOHbDZwAbxYQg   提取码:6666



#SingleInstance Force
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% 

if FileExist( A_ScriptDir "\删掉此文件可恢复托盘图标.ini") 
    Menu, Tray, NoIcon
Menu Tray, Icon, shell32.dll, 147

Gui开机启动显示 := FileExist( A_StartMenu "\Programs\Startup\Bark推送开机自启.vbs")="" ? "0" : "1"
Gui隐藏托盘图标显示 := FileExist( A_ScriptDir "\删掉此文件可恢复托盘图标.ini")="" ? "0" : "1"
RegRead, 服务端口注册表保存, HKCU\Software\dbgba, iOStoPCServerPath
服务端口注册表保存 := 服务端口注册表保存="" ? "33222" : 服务端口注册表保存
RegRead, 网页接力注册表保存和显示, HKCU\Software\dbgba, iOStoPCHandoff
Global 网页接力注册表保存和显示 := 网页接力注册表保存和显示="" ? "1" : 网页接力注册表保存和显示
RegRead, 推送链接注册表保存, HKCU\Software\dbgba, iOStoPCBarkSckeyURL
推送链接注册表保存 := 推送链接注册表保存="" ? "https://api.day.app/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/" : 推送链接注册表保存
RegRead, 推送热键注册表保存, HKCU\Software\dbgba, iOStoPCTriggerHotkey
推送热键注册表保存 := 推送热键注册表保存="" ? "+v" : 推送热键注册表保存
Hotkey, %推送热键注册表保存%, 自定义热键启用

; 以下是创建独立的HTTP服务,用于接收iOS向PC同步的信息
paths := {"/iOStoPC" : Func("iOStoPC")}
Server := new HttpServer()
Gosub 加载托盘菜单

; 以下是收到推送自动保存剪贴板的示例,有其它需求可以自行修改链接格式
PCtoiOS := ComObjCreate("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
PCtoiOS.Open("GET", 推送链接注册表保存 . EncodeDecodeURI(Clipboard)  "?automaticallyCopy=1", true)

Menu, Tray, NoStandard
Menu, Tray, DeleteAll
Menu, Tray, UseErrorLevel
Menu, Tray, Add, 推送设置(&S), 推送设置
Menu, Tray, Icon, 推送设置(&S), shell32.dll, 18, 16
Menu, Tray, Add,
Menu, Tray, Add, 编辑脚本(&E), 编辑脚本
Menu, Tray, Icon, 编辑脚本(&E), C:\Windows\System32\notepad.exe, 1, 16
Menu, Tray, Add,
Menu, Tray, Add, 关于脚本(&A), HTTP关于界面
Menu, Tray, Icon, 关于脚本(&A), shell32.dll, 222, 16
Menu, Tray, Add,
Menu, Tray, Add, 关闭HTTP(&X), 关闭脚本
Menu, Tray, Icon, 关闭HTTP(&X), shell32.dll, 132, 16
Menu, Tray, Color, ffffff
Menu, Tray, Default, 关闭HTTP(&X)

Run "C:\Windows\System32\notepad.exe" "%A_ScriptFullPath%"


Gui New, -MaximizeBox -MinimizeBox
Gui Add, Text, x16 y108 w54 h22, 测试推送
Gui Add, Edit, x72 y104 w288 h20 vGui测试推送内容
Gui Add, Text, x16 y12 w54 h22, 推送热键
Gui Add, Hotkey, x72 y8 w106 h20 vGui推送热键更新显示 g推送热键更新, %推送热键注册表保存%
Gui Add, Text, x16 y44 w54 h22, 服务端口
Gui Add, Edit, x72 y40 w106 h20 Limit5 Number vGui服务端口更新显示 g服务端口更新, %服务端口注册表保存%
Gui Add, Text, x16 y76 w54 h22, 推送链接
Gui Add, Edit, x72 y72 w288 h20 vGui推送链接更新显示 g推送链接更新, %推送链接注册表保存%
Gui Add, Button, x110 y136 w180 h23 g测试推送发送, 测试推送
Gui Add, Text, x221 y13 w97 h21, 开机启动
Gui Add, CheckBox, x204 y8 w17 h22 Checked%Gui开机启动显示% g开机启动更新
Gui Add, Text, x306 y13 w97 h21, 网页接力
Gui Add, CheckBox, x289 y8 w17 h22 Checked%网页接力注册表保存和显示% g网页接力更新
Gui Add, Text, x221 y45 w150 h21, 启动后,隐藏托盘图标
Gui Add, CheckBox, x204 y40 w17 h22 Checked%Gui隐藏托盘图标显示% g隐藏托盘图标
if (SubStr(A_IPAddress1, -1)!=".1") && (SubStr(A_IPAddress1, -1)!=".0")
    本机IP确认 := A_IPAddress1
  else if (SubStr(A_IPAddress2, -1)!=".1") && (SubStr(A_IPAddress2, -1)!=".0")
    本机IP确认 := A_IPAddress2
  else if (SubStr(A_IPAddress3, -1)!=".1") && (SubStr(A_IPAddress3, -1)!=".0")
    本机IP确认 := A_IPAddress3
  else if (SubStr(A_IPAddress4, -1)!=".1") && (SubStr(A_IPAddress4, -1)!=".0")
    本机IP确认 := A_IPAddress4
    本机IP确认 := A_IPAddress1
Gui Show, w374 h180, 本机IP:%本机IP确认%:%服务端口注册表保存% 【关闭窗口后设置生效】

Hotkey, %推送热键注册表保存%, off
GuiControlGet, 推送热键注册表保存,, Gui推送热键更新显示
RegWrite, REG_SZ, HKCU\Software\dbgba,iOStoPCTriggerHotkey, %推送热键注册表保存%
if (推送热键注册表保存!="")
    Hotkey, %推送热键注册表保存%, 自定义热键启用

GuiControlGet, 服务端口注册表保存,, Gui服务端口更新显示
if (服务端口注册表保存<65535)
    RegWrite, REG_SZ, HKCU\Software\dbgba,iOStoPCServerPath, %服务端口注册表保存%
  else {
    ToolTip 服务端口设置不能大于65535!
    SetTimer 弹窗关闭, -2000
    } Return


GuiControlGet, 推送链接注册表保存,, Gui推送链接更新显示
if (SubStr(推送链接注册表保存, -0)!="/") && (SubStr(推送链接注册表保存, -0)!="")
    推送链接注册表保存 := 推送链接注册表保存 "/"
RegWrite, REG_SZ, HKCU\Software\dbgba,iOStoPCBarkSckeyURL, %推送链接注册表保存%

GuiControlGet, 测试推送内容,, Gui测试推送内容
PCtoiOS := ComObjCreate("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
PCtoiOS.Open("GET", 推送链接注册表保存 . EncodeDecodeURI(测试推送内容)  "?automaticallyCopy=1", true)

网页接力注册表保存和显示 := !网页接力注册表保存和显示
RegWrite, REG_SZ, HKCU\Software\dbgba,iOStoPCHandoff, %网页接力注册表保存和显示%

if FileExist( A_StartMenu "\Programs\Startup\Bark推送开机自启.vbs") 
    FileDelete, %A_StartMenu%\Programs\Startup\Bark推送开机自启.vbs
Gui开机启动显示 := FileExist( A_StartMenu "\Programs\Startup\Bark推送开机自启.vbs")="" ? "0" : "1"

if FileExist( A_ScriptDir "\删掉此文件可恢复托盘图标.ini") 
    FileDelete, %A_ScriptDir%\删掉此文件可恢复托盘图标.ini
    FileAppend, 删掉此文件可恢复托盘图标`n, %A_ScriptDir%\删掉此文件可恢复托盘图标.ini
Gui隐藏托盘图标显示 := FileExist( A_ScriptDir "\删掉此文件可恢复托盘图标.ini")="" ? "0" : "1"

Gui, Destroy

Gui, HTTP_About:New, -MaximizeBox -MinimizeBox
Gui, HTTP_About:Margin, , 16
Gui, HTTP_About:Add, Picture, w48 h-1 Icon18, shell32.dll
Gui, HTTP_About:Font, S12 Bold
Gui, HTTP_About:Add, Text, x+10 yp+1 vTAppName Section,   HTTPBark v1.0
Gui, HTTP_About:Font
Gui, HTTP_About:Add, Text, xs+4 y+10 g点击复制外网IP到剪贴板, % "外网IP:" NetIPAPI[1] " 点击复制"
Gui, HTTP_About:Add, Text, xs+8 y+10, 感谢:AutoHotkey|中文社区
Gui, HTTP_About:Add, Button, x116 y123 w70 Default gHTTP_AboutGuiClose, 确定
Gui, Add, Link, x78 y81, <a href="tencent://groupwpa/?subcmd=all&param=7B22457874506172616D223A7B226170704964223A223231227D2C2267726F757055696E223A3731373934373634372C2276697369746F72223A317D">QQ群:717947647</a>
Gui, HTTP_About:Add, Text, x78 y101,  Copyright (C) 2021 dbgba
GuiControlGet, rcCtrl, HTTP_About:Pos, TAppName
Gui, HTTP_About:Show, Autosize

RegRead, 服务端口注册表读取, HKCU\Software\dbgba, iOStoPCServerPath
Clipboard := "http://" NetIPAPI[1] ":" 服务端口注册表读取 "/iOStoPC"

Gui, HTTP_About:Destroy

; 接收iOS推送的函数
iOStoPC(ByRef req, ByRef res) {
    HttpReqBodyArray:="", HttpReqBodyArray := Object()
    For each, Pair in StrSplit(req.body,"&")
        Part := StrSplit(Pair, "="), HttpReqBodyArray.Push([Part[1], Part[2]])
    一次解码 := EncodeDecodeURI(HttpReqBodyArray[1,2], false)
    Clipboard := EncodeDecodeURI(一次解码, false)
    if (SubStr(Clipboard, 1, 4)="http") && (网页接力注册表保存和显示=1)
        Run %Clipboard%
    SoundPlay *-1 ; 接收提示音【不喜欢可删掉这句】
    res.SetBodyText(""), res.status := 200

; URL编解码函数
EncodeDecodeURI(str, encode := true, component := true) {            ; By teadrinker
   static Doc, JS                                ; https://www.autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?f=76&t=84825
   if !Doc {
      Doc := ComObjCreate("htmlfile")
      Doc.write("<meta http-equiv=""X-UA-Compatible"" content=""IE=9"">")
      JS := Doc.parentWindow
      ( Doc.documentMode < 9 && JS.execScript() )
   Return JS[ (encode ? "en" : "de") . "codeURI" . (component ? "Component" : "") ](str)

; 添加开机自启动
PowerBoot() {
    FileDelete, %A_StartMenu%\Programs\Startup\Bark推送开机自启.vbs
    StartupPath := InStr(A_AhkPath, "\AutoHotkey.exe")=0 ? A_AhkPath : A_ScriptFullPath
    FileAppend, Set shell=Wscript.CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")`nSet fs=Wscript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")`nif fs.FileExists("%StartupPath%") then`na=shell.run("""%StartupPath%"""`,0)`nend if, %A_StartMenu%\Programs\Startup\Bark推送开机自启.vbs

; 获取外网IP函数
GetNetIPAPI(url:="http://whois.pconline.com.cn/ipJson.jsp?json=true") {
    if ipobj:=UrlDownloadToVars(url,,,,,,,,,3){   ;设定超时时长
        iJson:= Json_toObj(ipobj)
        ipLocal:= iJson["pro"] iJson["city"] "-" iJson["addr"]
        return [ iJson["ip"], ipLocal, ipLocal]

UrlDownloadToVars(URL,Charset="",URLCodePage="",Proxy="",ProxyBypassList="",Cookie="",Referer="",UserAgent="",EnableRedirects="",Timeout=-1) {
    ComObjError(0)  ;禁用 COM 错误通告。禁用后,检查 A_LastError 的值,脚本可以实现自己的错误处理
    WebRequest := ComObjCreate("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
    if (URLCodePage<>"")    ;设置URL的编码
    if (EnableRedirects<>"")
    if (Proxy<>"")  ;设置代理服务器。微软的代码 SetProxy() 是放在 Open() 之前的,所以我也放前面设置,以免无效
    WebRequest.Open("GET", URL, true)   ;true为异步获取,默认是false。龟速的根源!!!卡顿的根源!!!
    if (Cookie<>"") ;设置Cookie。SetRequestHeader() 必须 Open() 之后才有效
        WebRequest.SetRequestHeader("Cookie","tuzi")    ;先设置一个cookie,防止出错,见官方文档
    if (Referer<>"")    ;设置Referer
    if (UserAgent<>"")  ;设置User-Agent
    WebRequest.WaitForResponse(Timeout) ;WaitForResponse方法确保获取的是完整的响应
    if (Charset="") ;设置字符集
    else {
        ADO:=ComObjCreate("adodb.stream")   ;使用 adodb.stream 编码返回值。参考 http://bbs.howtoadmin.com/ThRead-814-1-1.html
        ADO.Type:=1 ;以二进制方式操作
        ADO.Mode:=3 ;可同时进行读写
        ADO.Open()  ;开启物件
        ADO.Write(WebRequest.ResponseBody())    ;写入物件。注意 WebRequest.ResponseBody() 获取到的是无符号的bytes,通过 adodb.stream 转换成字符串string
        ADO.Position:=0 ;从头开始
        ADO.Type:=2 ;以文字模式操作
        ADO.Charset:=Charset    ;设定编码方式
        return,RegExReplace(ADO.ReadText(),"^\s+|\s+$")   ;将物件内的文字读出

Json_toObj(ByRef src, args*) {
    static q := Chr(34)
    key := "", is_key := false
    stack := [ tree := [] ]
    is_arr := { (tree): 1 }
    next := q . "{[01234567890-tfn"
    pos := 0
    while ( (ch := SubStr(src, ++pos, 1)) != "" ) {
        if InStr(" `t`n`r", ch)
        if !InStr(next, ch, true) {
            ln := ObjLength(StrSplit(SubStr(src, 1, pos), "`n"))
            col := pos - InStr(src, "`n",, -(StrLen(src)-pos+1))
            msg := Format("{}: line {} col {} (char {})"
            ,   (next == "")      ? ["Extra data", ch := SubStr(src, pos)][1]
              : (next == "'")     ? "Unterminated string starting at"
              : (next == "\")     ? "Invalid \escape"
              : (next == ":")     ? "Expecting ':' delimiter"
              : (next == q)       ? "Expecting object key enclosed in double quotes"
              : (next == q . "}") ? "Expecting object key enclosed in double quotes or object closing '}'"
              : (next == ",}")    ? "Expecting ',' delimiter or object closing '}'"
              : (next == ",]")    ? "Expecting ',' delimiter or array closing ']'"
              : [ "Expecting JSON value(string, number, [true, false, null], object or array)"
                , ch := SubStr(src, pos, (SubStr(src, pos)~="[\]\},\s]|$")-1) ][1]
            , ln, col, pos)
            throw Exception(msg, -1, ch)
        is_array := is_arr[obj := stack[1]]
        if i := InStr("{[", ch) {
            val := (proto := args[i]) ? new proto : {}
            is_array? ObjPush(obj, val) : obj[key] := val
            ObjInsertAt(stack, 1, val)
            is_arr[val] := !(is_key := ch == "{")
            next := q . (is_key ? "}" : "{[]0123456789-tfn")
        } else if InStr("}]", ch) {
            ObjRemoveAt(stack, 1)
            next := stack[1]==tree ? "" : is_arr[stack[1]] ? ",]" : ",}"
        } else if InStr(",:", ch) {
            is_key := (!is_array && ch == ",")
            next := is_key ? q : q . "{[0123456789-tfn"
        } else {
            if (ch == q) {
                i := pos
                while i := InStr(src, q,, i+1) {
                    val := StrReplace(SubStr(src, pos+1, i-pos-1), "\\", "\u005C")
                    static end := A_AhkVersion<"2" ? 0 : -1
                    if (SubStr(val, end) != "\")
                if !i ? (pos--, next := "'") : 0
                pos := i ; update pos
                  val := StrReplace(val,    "\/",  "/")
                , val := StrReplace(val, "\" . q,    q)
                , val := StrReplace(val,    "\b", "`b")
                , val := StrReplace(val,    "\f", "`f")
                , val := StrReplace(val,    "\n", "`n")
                , val := StrReplace(val,    "\r", "`r")
                , val := StrReplace(val,    "\t", "`t")
                i := 0
                while i := InStr(val, "\",, i+1) {
                    if (SubStr(val, i+1, 1) != "u") ? (pos -= StrLen(SubStr(val, i)), next := "\") : 0
                        continue 2
                    xxxx := Abs("0x" . SubStr(val, i+2, 4))
                    if (A_IsUnicode || xxxx < 0x100)
                        val := SubStr(val, 1, i-1) . Chr(xxxx) . SubStr(val, i+6)
                if is_key
                    key := val, next := ":"
            } else {
                val := SubStr(src, pos, i := RegExMatch(src, "[\]\},\s]|$",, pos)-pos)
                static null := "" ; for #Warn
                if InStr(",true,false,null,", "," . val . ",", true) ; if var in
                    val := %val%
                else if (Abs(val) == "") ? (pos--, next := "#") : 0
                val := val + 0, pos += i-1
            is_array? ObjPush(obj, val) : obj[key] := val
            next := obj==tree ? "" : is_array ? ",]" : ",}"
    return tree[1]

;========== AHKhttp.ahk https://github.com/Skiouros/AHKhttp/blob/master/AHKhttp.ahk ==========
class Uri
    Decode(str) {
            If RegExMatch(str, "i)(?<=%)[\da-f]{1,2}", hex)
                StringReplace, str, str, `%%hex%, % Chr("0x" . hex), All
            Else Break
        Return, str

    Encode(str) {
        f = %A_FormatInteger%
        SetFormat, Integer, Hex
        If RegExMatch(str, "^\w+:/{0,2}", pr)
            StringTrimLeft, str, str, StrLen(pr)
        StringReplace, str, str, `%, `%25, All
            If RegExMatch(str, "i)[^\w\.~%]", char)
                StringReplace, str, str, %char%, % "%" . Asc(char), All
            Else Break
        SetFormat, Integer, %f%
        Return, pr . str

class HttpServer
    static servers := {}

    LoadMimes(file) {
        if (!FileExist(file))
            return false

        FileRead, data, % file
        types := StrSplit(data, "`n")
        this.mimes := {}
        for i, data in types {
            info := StrSplit(data, " ")
            type := info.Remove(1)
            ; Seperates type of content and file types
            info := StrSplit(LTrim(SubStr(data, StrLen(type) + 1)), " ")

            for i, ext in info {
                this.mimes[ext] := type
        return true

    GetMimeType(file) {
        default := "text/plain"
        if (!this.mimes)
            return default

        SplitPath, file,,, ext
        type := this.mimes[ext]
        if (!type)
            return default
        return type

    ServeFile(ByRef response, file) {
        f := FileOpen(file, "r")
        length := f.RawRead(data, f.Length)

        response.SetBody(data, length)
        res.headers["Content-Type"] := this.GetMimeType(file)

    SetPaths(paths) {
        this.paths := paths

    Handle(ByRef request) {
        response := new HttpResponse()
        if (!this.paths[request.path]) {
            func := this.paths["404"]
            response.status := 404
            if (func)
                func.(request, response, this)
            return response
        } else {
            this.paths[request.path].(request, response, this)
        return response

    Serve(port) {
        this.port := port
        HttpServer.servers[port] := this

        AHKsock_Listen(port, "HttpHandler")

HttpHandler(sEvent, iSocket = 0, sName = 0, sAddr = 0, sPort = 0, ByRef bData = 0, bDataLength = 0) {
    static sockets := {}

    if (!sockets[iSocket]) {
        sockets[iSocket] := new Socket(iSocket)
        AHKsock_SockOpt(iSocket, "SO_KEEPALIVE", true)
    socket := sockets[iSocket]

    if (sEvent == "DISCONNECTED") {
        socket.request := false
        sockets[iSocket] := false
    } else if (sEvent == "SEND") {
        if (socket.TrySend()) {

    } else if (sEvent == "RECEIVED") {
        server := HttpServer.servers[sPort]

        text := StrGet(&bData, "UTF-8")

        ; New request or old?
        if (socket.request) {
            ; Get data and append it to the existing request body
            socket.request.bytesLeft -= StrLen(text)
            socket.request.body := socket.request.body . text
            request := socket.request
        } else {
            ; Parse new request
            request := new HttpRequest(text)

            length := request.headers["Content-Length"]
            request.bytesLeft := length + 0

            if (request.body) {
                request.bytesLeft -= StrLen(request.body)

        if (request.bytesLeft <= 0) {
            request.done := true
        } else {
            socket.request := request

        if (request.done || request.IsMultipart()) {
            response := server.Handle(request)
            if (response.status) {
        if (socket.TrySend()) {
            if (!request.IsMultipart() || request.done) {


class HttpRequest
    __New(data = "") {
        if (data)

    GetPathInfo(top) {
        results := []
        while (pos := InStr(top, " ")) {
            results.Insert(SubStr(top, 1, pos - 1))
            top := SubStr(top, pos + 1)
        this.method := results[1]
        this.path := Uri.Decode(results[2])
        this.protocol := top

    GetQuery() {
        pos := InStr(this.path, "?")
        query := StrSplit(SubStr(this.path, pos + 1), "&")
        if (pos)
            this.path := SubStr(this.path, 1, pos - 1)

        this.queries := {}
        for i, value in query {
            pos := InStr(value, "=")
            key := SubStr(value, 1, pos - 1)
            val := SubStr(value, pos + 1)
            this.queries[key] := val

    Parse(data) {
        this.raw := data
        data := StrSplit(data, "`n`r")
        headers := StrSplit(data[1], "`n")
        this.body := LTrim(data[2], "`n")

        this.headers := {}

        for i, line in headers {
            pos := InStr(line, ":")
            key := SubStr(line, 1, pos - 1)
            val := Trim(SubStr(line, pos + 1), "`n`r ")

            this.headers[key] := val

    IsMultipart() {
        length := this.headers["Content-Length"]
        expect := this.headers["Expect"]

        if (expect = "100-continue" && length > 0)
            return true
        return false

class HttpResponse
    __New() {
        this.headers := {}
        this.status := 0
        this.protocol := "HTTP/1.1"


    Generate() {
        FormatTime, date,, ddd, d MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
        this.headers["Date"] := date

        headers := this.protocol . " " . this.status . "`r`n"
        for key, value in this.headers {
            headers := headers . key . ": " . value . "`r`n"
        headers := headers . "`r`n"
        length := this.headers["Content-Length"]

        buffer := new Buffer((StrLen(headers) * 2) + length)


        return buffer

    SetBody(ByRef body, length) {
        this.body := new Buffer(length)
        this.body.Write(&body, length)
        this.headers["Content-Length"] := length

    SetBodyText(text) {
        this.body := Buffer.FromString(text)
        this.headers["Content-Length"] := this.body.length


class Socket
    __New(socket) {
        this.socket := socket

    Close(timeout = 5000) {
        AHKsock_Close(this.socket, timeout)

    SetData(data) {
        this.data := data

    TrySend() {
        if (!this.data || this.data == "")
            return false

        p := this.data.GetPointer()
        length := this.data.length

        this.dataSent := 0
        loop {
            if ((i := AHKsock_Send(this.socket, p, length - this.dataSent)) < 0) {
                if (i == -2) {
                } else {
                    ; Failed to send

            if (i < length - this.dataSent) {
                this.dataSent += i
            } else {
        this.dataSent := 0
        this.data := ""

        return true

class Buffer
    __New(len) {
        this.SetCapacity("buffer", len)
        this.length := 0

    FromString(str, encoding = "UTF-8") {
        length := Buffer.GetStrSize(str, encoding)
        buffer := new Buffer(length)
        return buffer

    GetStrSize(str, encoding = "UTF-8") {
        encodingSize := ((encoding="utf-16" || encoding="cp1200") ? 2 : 1)
        ; length of string, minus null char
        return StrPut(str, encoding) * encodingSize - encodingSize

    WriteStr(str, encoding = "UTF-8") {
        length := this.GetStrSize(str, encoding)
        VarSetCapacity(text, length)
        StrPut(str, &text, encoding)

        this.Write(&text, length)
        return length

    ; data is a pointer to the data
    Write(data, length) {
        p := this.GetPointer()
        DllCall("RtlMoveMemory", "uint", p + this.length, "uint", data, "uint", length)
        this.length += length

    Append(ByRef buffer) {
        destP := this.GetPointer()
        sourceP := buffer.GetPointer()

        DllCall("RtlMoveMemory", "uint", destP + this.length, "uint", sourceP, "uint", buffer.length)
        this.length += buffer.length

    GetPointer() {
        return this.GetAddress("buffer")

    Done() {
        this.SetCapacity("buffer", this.length)

;========== AHKsock.ahk https://github.com/jleb/AHKsock/blob/master/AHKsock.ahk ==========
AHKsock_Listen(sPort, sFunction = False) {
    ;Check if there is already a socket listening on this port
    If (sktListen := AHKsock_Sockets("GetSocketFromNamePort", A_Space, sPort)) {
        ;Check if we're stopping the listening
        If Not sFunction {
            AHKsock_Close(sktListen) ;Close the socket
        ;Check if we're retrieving the current function
        } Else If (sFunction = "()") {
            Return AHKsock_Sockets("GetFunction", sktListen)
        ;Check if it's a different function
        } Else If (sFunction <> AHKsock_Sockets("GetFunction", sktListen))
            AHKsock_Sockets("SetFunction", sktListen, sFunction) ;Update it
        Return ;We're done
    ;Make sure we even have a function
    If Not IsFunc(sFunction)
        Return 2 ;sFunction is not a valid function.
    ;Make sure Winsock has been started up
    If (i := AHKsock_Startup())
        Return (i = 1) ? 3 ;The WSAStartup() call failed. The error is in ErrorLevel.
                       : 4 ;The Winsock DLL does not support version 2.2.
    ;Resolve the local address and port to be used by the server
    VarSetCapacity(aiHints, 16 + 4 * A_PtrSize, 0)
    NumPut(1, aiHints,  0, "Int") ;ai_flags = AI_PASSIVE
    NumPut(2, aiHints,  4, "Int") ;ai_family = AF_INET
    NumPut(1, aiHints,  8, "Int") ;ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM
    NumPut(6, aiHints, 12, "Int") ;ai_protocol = IPPROTO_TCP
    iResult := DllCall("Ws2_32\GetAddrInfo", "Ptr", 0, "Ptr", &sPort, "Ptr", &aiHints, "Ptr*", aiResult)
    If (iResult != 0) Or ErrorLevel { ;Check for error
        ErrorLevel := ErrorLevel ? ErrorLevel : iResult
        Return 5 ;The getaddrinfo() call failed. The error is in ErrorLevel.
    sktListen := -1 ;INVALID_SOCKET
    sktListen := DllCall("Ws2_32\socket", "Int", NumGet(aiResult+0, 04, "Int")
                                        , "Int", NumGet(aiResult+0, 08, "Int")
                                        , "Int", NumGet(aiResult+0, 12, "Int"), "Ptr")
    If (sktListen = -1) Or ErrorLevel { ;Check for INVALID_SOCKET
        sErrorLevel := ErrorLevel ? ErrorLevel : AHKsock_LastError()
        DllCall("Ws2_32\FreeAddrInfo", "Ptr", aiResult)
        ErrorLevel := sErrorLevel
        Return 6 ;The socket() call failed. The error is in ErrorLevel.
    ;Setup the TCP listening socket
    iResult := DllCall("Ws2_32\bind", "Ptr", sktListen, "Ptr", NumGet(aiResult+0, 16 + 2 * A_PtrSize), "Int", NumGet(aiResult+0, 16, "Ptr"))
    If (iResult = -1) Or ErrorLevel { ;Check for SOCKET_ERROR
        sErrorLevel := ErrorLevel ? ErrorLevel : AHKsock_LastError()
        DllCall("Ws2_32\closesocket",  "Ptr", sktListen)
        DllCall("Ws2_32\FreeAddrInfo", "Ptr", aiResult)
        ErrorLevel := sErrorLevel
        Return 7 ;The bind() call failed. The error is in ErrorLevel.
    DllCall("Ws2_32\FreeAddrInfo", "Ptr", aiResult)
    ;Add socket to array with A_Space for Name and IP to indicate that it's a listening socket
    AHKsock_Sockets("Add", sktListen, A_Space, A_Space, sPort, sFunction)
    ;We must now actually register the socket
    If AHKsock_RegisterAsyncSelect(sktListen) {
        sErrorLevel := ErrorLevel
        DllCall("Ws2_32\closesocket", "Ptr", sktListen)
        AHKsock_Sockets("Delete", sktListen) ;Remove from array
        ErrorLevel := sErrorLevel
        Return 8 ;The WSAAsyncSelect() call failed. The error is in ErrorLevel.
    ;Start listening for incoming connections
    iResult := DllCall("Ws2_32\listen", "Ptr", sktListen, "Int", 0x7FFFFFFF) ;SOMAXCONN
    If (iResult = -1) Or ErrorLevel { ;Check for SOCKET_ERROR
        sErrorLevel := ErrorLevel ? ErrorLevel : AHKsock_LastError()
        DllCall("Ws2_32\closesocket", "Ptr", sktListen)
        AHKsock_Sockets("Delete", sktListen) ;Remove from array
        ErrorLevel := sErrorLevel
        Return 9 ;The listen() call failed. The error is in ErrorLevel.

AHKsock_Connect(sName, sPort, sFunction) {
    Static aiResult, iPointer, bProcessing, iMessage
    Static sCurName, sCurPort, sCurFunction, sktConnect
    ;Check if it's just to inquire whether or not a call is possible
    If (Not sName And Not sPort And Not sFunction)
        Return bProcessing
    ;Check if we're busy
    If bProcessing And (sFunction != iMessage) {
        ErrorLevel := sCurName A_Tab sCurPort
        Return 1 ;AHKsock_Connect is still processing a connection attempt. ErrorLevel contains the name and the port,
                 ;delimited by a tab.
    } Else If bProcessing { ;sFunction = iMessage. The connect operation has finished.
        ;Check if it was successful
        If (i := sPort >> 16) {
            ;Close the socket that failed
            DllCall("Ws2_32\closesocket", "Ptr", sktConnect)
            ;Get the next pointer. ai_next
            iPointer := NumGet(iPointer+0, 16 + 3 * A_PtrSize)
            ;Check if we reached the end of the linked structs
            If (iPointer = 0) {
                ;We can now free the chain of addrinfo structs
                DllCall("Ws2_32\FreeAddrInfo", "Ptr", aiResult)
                ;This is to ensure that the user can call AHKsock_Connect() right away upon receiving the message.
                bProcessing := False
                ;Raise an error (can't use Return 1 because we were called asynchronously)
                ErrorLevel := i
                AHKsock_RaiseError(1) ;The connect() call failed. The error is in ErrorLevel.
                ;Call the function to signal that connection failed
                If IsFunc(sCurFunction)
                    %sCurFunction%("CONNECTED", -1, sCurName, 0, sCurPort)
        } Else { ;Successful connection!
            ;Get the IP we successfully connected to
            sIP := DllCall("Ws2_32\inet_ntoa", "UInt", NumGet(NumGet(iPointer+0, 16 + 2 * A_PtrSize)+4, 0, "UInt"), "AStr")
            ;We can now free the chain of ADDRINFO structs
            DllCall("Ws2_32\FreeAddrInfo", "Ptr", aiResult)
            ;Add socket to array
            AHKsock_Sockets("Add", sktConnect, sCurName, sIP, sCurPort, sCurFunction)
            ;This is to ensure that the user can call AHKsock_Connect() right away upon receiving the message.
            bProcessing := False
            ;Do this small bit in Critical so that AHKsock_AsyncSelect doesn't receive
            ;any FD messages before we call the user function
            ;We must now actually register the socket
            If AHKsock_RegisterAsyncSelect(sktConnect) {
                sErrorLevel := ErrorLevel ? ErrorLevel : AHKsock_LastError()
                DllCall("Ws2_32\closesocket", "Ptr", sktConnect)
                AHKsock_Sockets("Delete", sktConnect) ;Remove from array
                ErrorLevel := sErrorLevel
                AHKsock_RaiseError(2) ;The WSAAsyncSelect() call failed. The error is in ErrorLevel.
                If IsFunc(sCurFunction) ;Call the function to signal that connection failed
                    %sCurFunction%("CONNECTED", -1, sCurName, 0, sCurPort)
            } Else If IsFunc(sCurFunction) ;Call the function to signal that connection was successful
                %sCurFunction%("CONNECTED", sktConnect, sCurName, sIP, sCurPort)
    } Else { ;We were called
        ;Make sure we even have a function
        If Not IsFunc(sFunction)
            Return 2 ;sFunction is not a valid function.
        bProcessing := True ;Block future calls to AHKsock_Connect() until we're done
        ;Keep the values
        sCurName := sName
        sCurPort := sPort
        sCurFunction := sFunction
        ;Make sure Winsock has been started up
        If (i := AHKsock_Startup()) {
            bProcessing := False
            Return (i = 1) ? 3 ;The WSAStartup() call failed. The error is in ErrorLevel.
                           : 4 ;The Winsock DLL does not support version 2.2.
        ;Resolve the server address and port    
        VarSetCapacity(aiHints, 16 + 4 * A_PtrSize, 0)
        NumPut(2, aiHints,  4, "Int") ;ai_family = AF_INET
        NumPut(1, aiHints,  8, "Int") ;ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM
        NumPut(6, aiHints, 12, "Int") ;ai_protocol = IPPROTO_TCP
        iResult := DllCall("Ws2_32\GetAddrInfo", "Ptr", &sName, "Ptr", &sPort, "Ptr", &aiHints, "Ptr*", aiResult)
        If (iResult != 0) Or ErrorLevel { ;Check for error
            ErrorLevel := ErrorLevel ? ErrorLevel : iResult
            bProcessing := False
            Return 5 ;The getaddrinfo() call failed. The error is in ErrorLevel.
        ;Start with the first struct
        iPointer := aiResult
    ;Create a SOCKET for connecting to server
    sktConnect := DllCall("Ws2_32\socket", "Int", NumGet(iPointer+0, 04, "Int")
                                         , "Int", NumGet(iPointer+0, 08, "Int")
                                         , "Int", NumGet(iPointer+0, 12, "Int"), "Ptr")
    If (sktConnect = 0xFFFFFFFF) Or ErrorLevel { ;Check for INVALID_SOCKET
        sErrorLevel := ErrorLevel ? ErrorLevel : AHKsock_LastError()
        DllCall("Ws2_32\FreeAddrInfo", "Ptr", aiResult)
        bProcessing := False
        ErrorLevel := sErrorLevel
        If (sFunction = iMessage) { ;Check if we were called asynchronously
            AHKsock_RaiseError(3) ;The socket() call failed. The error is in ErrorLevel.
            ;Call the function to signal that connection failed
            If IsFunc(sCurFunction)
                %sCurFunction%("CONNECTED", -1)
        Return 6 ;The socket() call failed. The error is in ErrorLevel.
    ;Register the socket to know when the connect() function is done. FD_CONNECT = 16
    iMessage := AHKsock_Settings("Message") + 1
    If AHKsock_RegisterAsyncSelect(sktConnect, 16, "AHKsock_Connect", iMessage) {
        sErrorLevel := ErrorLevel
        DllCall("Ws2_32\FreeAddrInfo", "Ptr", aiResult)
        DllCall("Ws2_32\closesocket",  "Ptr", sktConnect)
        bProcessing := False
        ErrorLevel := sErrorLevel
        If (sFunction = iMessage) { ;Check if we were called asynchronously
            AHKsock_RaiseError(4) ;The WSAAsyncSelect() call failed. The error is in ErrorLevel.
            ;Call the function to signal that connection failed
            If IsFunc(sCurFunction)
                %sCurFunction%("CONNECTED", -1)
        Return 7 ;The WSAAsyncSelect() call failed. The error is in ErrorLevel.
    ;Connect to server (the connect() call also implicitly binds the socket to any host address and any port)
    iResult := DllCall("Ws2_32\connect", "Ptr", sktConnect, "Ptr", NumGet(iPointer+0, 16 + 2 * A_PtrSize), "Int", NumGet(iPointer+0, 16))
    If ErrorLevel Or ((iResult = -1) And (AHKsock_LastError() != 10035)) { ;Check for any error other than WSAEWOULDBLOCK
        sErrorLevel := ErrorLevel ? ErrorLevel : AHKsock_LastError()
        DllCall("Ws2_32\FreeAddrInfo", "Ptr", aiResult)
        DllCall("Ws2_32\closesocket",  "Ptr", sktConnect)
        bProcessing := False
        ErrorLevel := sErrorLevel
        If (sFunction = iMessage) { ;Check if we were called asynchronously
            AHKsock_RaiseError(5) ;The connect() call failed. The error is in ErrorLevel.
            ;Call the function to signal that connection failed
            If IsFunc(sCurFunction)
                %sCurFunction%("CONNECTED", -1)
        Return 8 ;The connect() call failed. The error is in ErrorLevel.

AHKsock_Send(iSocket, ptrData = 0, iLength = 0) {
    ;Make sure the socket is on record. Fail-safe
    If Not AHKsock_Sockets("Index", iSocket)
        Return -4 ;The socket specified in iSocket is not a recognized socket.
    ;Make sure Winsock has been started up
    If Not AHKsock_Startup(1)
        Return -1 ;WSAStartup hasn't been called yet.
    ;Make sure the socket is cleared for sending
    If Not AHKsock_Sockets("GetSend", iSocket)
        Return -5 ;The socket specified in iSocket is not cleared for sending.
    /*! Uncomment this block to simulate the possibility of an incomplete send()
    Random, iRand, 1, 100
    If (iRand <= 30) { ;Probability of failure of 30%
        Random, iRand, 1, iLength - 1 ;Randomize how much of the data will not be sent
        iLength -= iRand
    iSendResult := DllCall("Ws2_32\send", "Ptr", iSocket, "Ptr", ptrData, "Int", iLength, "Int", 0)
    If (iSendResult = -1) And ((iErr := AHKsock_LastError()) = 10035) { ;Check specifically for WSAEWOULDBLOCK
        AHKsock_Sockets("SetSend", iSocket, False) ;Update socket's send status
        Return -2 ;Calling send() would have blocked the thread. Try again once you get the proper update.
    } Else If (iSendResult = -1) Or ErrorLevel {
        ErrorLevel := ErrorLevel ? ErrorLevel : iErr
        Return -3 ;The send() call failed. The error is in ErrorLevel.
    } Else Return iSendResult ;The send() operation was successful

AHKsock_ForceSend(iSocket, ptrData, iLength) {
    ;Make sure Winsock has been started up
    If Not AHKsock_Startup(1)
        Return -1 ;WSAStartup hasn't been called yet
    ;Make sure the socket is on record. Fail-safe
    If Not AHKsock_Sockets("Index", iSocket)
        Return -4
    ;Make sure that we're not in Critical, or we won't be able to wait for FD_WRITE messages
    If A_IsCritical
        Return -5
    ;Extra precaution to make sure FD_WRITE messages can make it
    Thread, Priority, 0
    ;We need to make sure not to fill up the send buffer in one call, or we'll get a performance hit.
    ;Get the socket's send buffer size
    If ((iMaxChunk := AHKsock_SockOpt(iSocket, "SO_SNDBUF")) = -1)
        Return -6
    ;Check if we'll be sending in chunks or not
    If (iMaxChunk <= 1) {
        ;We'll be sending as much as possible everytime!
        Loop { ;Keep sending the data until we're done or until an error occurs
            ;Wait until we can send data (ie. when FD_WRITE arrives)
            While Not AHKsock_Sockets("GetSend", iSocket)
                Sleep -1
            Loop { ;Keep sending the data until we get WSAEWOULDBLOCK or until an error occurs
                If ((iSendResult := AHKsock_Send(iSocket, ptrData, iLength)) < 0) {
                    If (iSendResult = -2) ;Check specifically for WSAEWOULDBLOCK
                        Break ;Calling send() would have blocked the thread. Break the loop and we'll try again after we
                              ;receive FD_WRITE
                    Else Return iSendResult ;Something bad happened with AHKsock_Send. Return the same value we got.
                } Else {
                    ;AHKsock_Send was able to send bytes. Let's check if it sent only part of what we requested
                    If (iSendResult < iLength) ;Move the offset up by what we were able to send
                        ptrData += iSendResult, iLength -= iSendResult
                    Else Return ;We're done sending all the data
    } Else {
        ;We'll be sending in chunks of just under the send buffer size to avoid the performance hit
        iMaxChunk -= 1 ;Reduce by 1 to be smaller than the send buffer
        Loop { ;Keep sending the data until we're done or until an error occurs
            ;Wait until we can send data (ie. when FD_WRITE arrives)
            While Not AHKsock_Sockets("GetSend", iSocket)
                Sleep -1
            ;Check if we have less than the max chunk to send
            If (iLength < iMaxChunk) {
                Loop { ;Keep sending the data until we get WSAEWOULDBLOCK or until an error occurs
                    ;Send using the traditional offset method
                    If ((iSendResult := AHKsock_Send(iSocket, ptrData, iLength)) < 0) {
                        If (iSendResult = -2) ;Check specifically for WSAEWOULDBLOCK
                            Break ;Calling send() would have blocked the thread. Break the loop and we'll try again after we
                                  ;receive FD_WRITE
                        Else Return iSendResult ;Something bad happened with AHKsock_Send. Return the same value we got.
                    } Else {
                        ;AHKsock_Send was able to send bytes. Let's check if it sent only part of what we requested
                        If (iSendResult < iLength) ;Move the offset up by what we were able to send
                            ptrData += iSendResult, iLength -= iSendResult
                        Else Return ;We're done sending all the data
            } Else {
                ;Send up to max chunk
                If ((iSendResult := AHKsock_Send(iSocket, ptrData, iMaxChunk)) < 0) {
                    If (iSendResult = -2) ;Check specifically for WSAEWOULDBLOCK
                        Continue ;Calling send() would have blocked the thread. Continue the loop and we'll try again after
                                 ;we receive FD_WRITE
                    Else Return iSendResult ;Something bad happened with AHKsock_Send. Return the same value we got.
                } Else ptrData += iSendResult, iLength -= iSendResult ;Move up offset by updating the pointer and length

AHKsock_Close(iSocket = -1, iTimeout = 5000) {
    ;Make sure Winsock has been started up
    If Not AHKsock_Startup(1)
        Return ;There's nothing to close
    If (iSocket = -1) { ;We need to close all the sockets
        ;Check if we even have sockets to close
        If Not AHKsock_Sockets() {
            AHKsock_Startup(2) ;Reset the value to show that we've turned off Winsock
            Return ;We're done!
        ;Take the current time (needed for time-outing)
        iStartClose := A_TickCount
        Loop % AHKsock_Sockets() ;Close all sockets and cleanup
            AHKsock_ShutdownSocket(AHKsock_Sockets("GetSocketFromIndex", A_Index))
        ;Check if we're in the OnExit subroutine
        If Not A_ExitReason {
            A_IsCriticalOld := A_IsCritical
            ;Make sure we can still receive FD_CLOSE msgs
            Critical, Off
            Thread, Priority, 0
            ;We can try a graceful shutdown or wait for a timeout
            While (AHKsock_Sockets()) And (A_TickCount - iStartClose < iTimeout)
                Sleep, -1
            ;Restore previous Critical
            Critical, %A_IsCriticalOld%
        /*! Used for debugging purposes only
        If (i := AHKsock_Sockets()) {
            If (i = 1)
                OutputDebug, % "Cleaning up now, with the socket " AHKsock_Sockets("GetSocketFromIndex", 1) " remaining..."
            Else {
                OutputDebug, % "Cleaning up now, with the following sockets remaining:"
                Loop % AHKsock_Sockets() {
                    OutputDebug, % AHKsock_Sockets("GetSocketFromIndex", A_Index)
        AHKsock_Startup(2) ;Reset the value to show that we've turned off Winsock
    ;Close only one socket
    } Else If AHKsock_ShutdownSocket(iSocket) ;Error-checking
        Return 1 ;The shutdown() call failed. The error is in ErrorLevel.

AHKsock_GetAddrInfo(sHostName, ByRef sIPList, bOne = False) {
    ;Make sure Winsock has been started up
    If (i := AHKsock_Startup())
        Return i ;Return the same error (error 1 and 2)
    ;Resolve the address and port    
    VarSetCapacity(aiHints, 16 + 4 * A_PtrSize, 0)
    NumPut(2, aiHints,  4, "Int") ;ai_family = AF_INET
    NumPut(1, aiHints,  8, "Int") ;ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM
    NumPut(6, aiHints, 12, "Int") ;ai_protocol = IPPROTO_TCP
    iResult := DllCall("Ws2_32\GetAddrInfo", "Ptr", &sHostName, "Ptr", 0, "Ptr", &aiHints, "Ptr*", aiResult)
    If (iResult = 11001) ;Check specifically for WSAHOST_NOT_FOUND since it's the most common error
        Return 3 ;Received WSAHOST_NOT_FOUND. No such host is known.
    Else If (iResult != 0) Or ErrorLevel { ;Check for any other error
        ErrorLevel := ErrorLevel ? ErrorLevel : iResult
        Return 4 ;The getaddrinfo() call failed. The error is in ErrorLevel.
    If bOne
        sIPList := DllCall("Ws2_32\inet_ntoa", "UInt", NumGet(NumGet(aiResult+0, 16 + 2 * A_PtrSize)+4, 0, "UInt"), "AStr")
    Else {
        ;Start with the first addrinfo struct
        iPointer := aiResult, sIPList := ""
        While iPointer {
            s := DllCall("Ws2_32\inet_ntoa", "UInt", NumGet(NumGet(iPointer+0, 16 + 2 * A_PtrSize)+4, 0, "UInt"), "AStr")
            iPointer := NumGet(iPointer+0, 16 + 3 * A_PtrSize) ;Go to the next addrinfo struct
            sIPList .=  s (iPointer ? "`n" : "") ;Add newline only if it's not the last one
    ;We're done
    DllCall("Ws2_32\FreeAddrInfo", "Ptr", aiResult)

AHKsock_GetNameInfo(sIP, ByRef sHostName, sPort = 0, ByRef sService = "") {
    ;Make sure Winsock has been started up
    If (i := AHKsock_Startup())
        Return i ;Return the same error (error 1 and 2)
    ;Translate to IN_ADDR
    iIP := DllCall("Ws2_32\inet_addr", "AStr", sIP, "UInt")
    If (iIP = 0 Or iIP = 0xFFFFFFFF) ;Check for INADDR_NONE or INADDR_ANY
        Return 3 ;The IP address supplied in sIP is invalid.
    ;Construct a sockaddr struct
    VarSetCapacity(tSockAddr, 16, 0)
    NumPut(2,   tSockAddr, 0, "Short") ;ai_family = AF_INET
    NumPut(iIP, tSockAddr, 4, "UInt") ;Put in the IN_ADDR
    ;Fill in the port field if we're also looking up the service name
    If sPort           ;Translate to network byte order
        NumPut(DllCall("Ws2_32\htons", "UShort", sPort, "UShort"), tSockAddr, 2, "UShort")
    ;Prep vars
    VarSetCapacity(sHostName, 1025 * 2, 0) ;NI_MAXHOST
    If sPort
        VarSetCapacity(sService, 32 * 2, 0) ;NI_MAXSERV
    iResult := DllCall("Ws2_32\GetNameInfoW", "Ptr", &tSockAddr, "Int", 16, "Str", sHostName, "UInt", 1025 * 2
                                           , sPort ? "Str" : "UInt", sPort ? sService : 0, "UInt", 32 * 2, "Int", 0)
    If (iResult != 0) Or ErrorLevel {
        ErrorLevel := ErrorLevel ? ErrorLevel : DllCall("Ws2_32\WSAGetLastError")
        Return 4 ;The getnameinfo() call failed. The error is in ErrorLevel.

AHKsock_SockOpt(iSocket, sOption, iValue = -1) {
    ;Prep variable
    VarSetCapacity(iOptVal, iOptValLength := 4, 0)
    If (iValue <> -1)
        NumPut(iValue, iOptVal, 0, "UInt")
    If (sOption = "SO_KEEPALIVE") {
        intLevel := 0xFFFF ;SOL_SOCKET
        intOptName := 0x0008 ;SO_KEEPALIVE
    } Else If (sOption = "SO_SNDBUF") {
        intLevel := 0xFFFF ;SOL_SOCKET
        intOptName := 0x1001 ;SO_SNDBUF
    } Else If (sOption = "SO_RCVBUF") {
        intLevel := 0xFFFF ;SOL_SOCKET
        intOptName := 0x1002 ;SO_SNDBUF
    } Else If (sOption = "TCP_NODELAY") {
        intLevel := 6 ;IPPROTO_TCP
        intOptName := 0x0001 ;TCP_NODELAY
    ;Check if we're getting or setting
    If (iValue = -1) {
        iResult := DllCall("Ws2_32\getsockopt", "Ptr", iSocket, "Int", intLevel, "Int", intOptName
                                              , "UInt*", iOptVal, "Int*", iOptValLength)
        If (iResult = -1) Or ErrorLevel { ;Check for SOCKET_ERROR
            ErrorLevel := ErrorLevel ? ErrorLevel : AHKsock_LastError()
            Return -1
        } Else Return iOptVal
    } Else {
        iResult := DllCall("Ws2_32\setsockopt", "Ptr", iSocket, "Int", intLevel, "Int", intOptName
                                              , "Ptr", &iOptVal, "Int",  iOptValLength)
        If (iResult = -1) Or ErrorLevel { ;Check for SOCKET_ERROR
            ErrorLevel := ErrorLevel ? ErrorLevel : AHKsock_LastError()
            Return -2

 Support functions  |

AHKsock_Startup(iMode = 0) {
    Static bAlreadyStarted
    iMode = 0 ;Turns on WSAStartup()
    iMode = 1 ;Returns whether or not WSAStartup has been called
    iMode = 2 ;Resets the static variable to force another call next time iMode = 0
    If (iMode = 2)
        bAlreadyStarted := False
    Else If (iMode = 1)
        Return bAlreadyStarted
    Else If Not bAlreadyStarted { ;iMode = 0. Call the function only if it hasn't already been called.
        ;Start it up - request version 2.2
        VarSetCapacity(wsaData, A_PtrSize = 4 ? 400 : 408, 0)
        iResult := DllCall("Ws2_32\WSAStartup", "UShort", 0x0202, "Ptr", &wsaData)
        If (iResult != 0) Or ErrorLevel {
            ErrorLevel := ErrorLevel ? ErrorLevel : iResult
            Return 1
        ;Make sure the Winsock DLL supports at least version 2.2
        If (NumGet(wsaData, 2, "UShort") < 0x0202) {
            DllCall("Ws2_32\WSACleanup") ;Abort
            ErrorLevel := "The Winsock DLL does not support version 2.2."
            Return 2
        bAlreadyStarted := True

AHKsock_ShutdownSocket(iSocket) {
    ;Check if it's a listening socket
    sName := AHKsock_Sockets("GetName", iSocket)
    If (sName != A_Space) { ;It's not a listening socket. Shutdown send operations.
        iResult := DllCall("Ws2_32\shutdown", "Ptr", iSocket, "Int", 1) ;SD_SEND
        If (iResult = -1) Or ErrorLevel {
            sErrorLevel := ErrorLevel ? ErrorLevel : AHKsock_LastError()
            DllCall("Ws2_32\closesocket", "Ptr", iSocket)
            AHKsock_Sockets("Delete", iSocket)
            ErrorLevel := sErrorLevel
            Return 1
        ;Mark it
        AHKsock_Sockets("SetShutdown", iSocket)
    } Else {
        DllCall("Ws2_32\closesocket", "Ptr", iSocket) ;It's only a listening socket
        AHKsock_Sockets("Delete", iSocket) ;Remove it from the array

 AsyncSelect functions  |
                                     ;FD_READ | FD_WRITE | FD_ACCEPT | FD_CLOSE
AHKsock_RegisterAsyncSelect(iSocket, fFlags = 43, sFunction = "AHKsock_AsyncSelect", iMsg = 0) {
    Static hwnd := False
    If Not hwnd { ;Use the main AHK window
        A_DetectHiddenWindowsOld := A_DetectHiddenWindows
        DetectHiddenWindows, On
        WinGet, hwnd, ID, % "ahk_pid " DllCall("GetCurrentProcessId") " ahk_class AutoHotkey"
        DetectHiddenWindows, %A_DetectHiddenWindowsOld%
    iMsg := iMsg ? iMsg : AHKsock_Settings("Message")
    If (OnMessage(iMsg) <> sFunction)
        OnMessage(iMsg, sFunction)
    iResult := DllCall("Ws2_32\WSAAsyncSelect", "Ptr", iSocket, "Ptr", hwnd, "UInt", iMsg, "Int", fFlags)
    If (iResult = -1) Or ErrorLevel { ;Check for SOCKET_ERROR
        ErrorLevel := ErrorLevel ? ErrorLevel : AHKsock_LastError()
        Return 1

AHKsock_AsyncSelect(wParam, lParam) {
    Critical ;So that messages are buffered
    ;wParam parameter identifies the socket on which a network event has occurred
    ;The low word of lParam specifies the network event that has occurred.
    ;The high word of lParam contains any error code
    ;Make sure the socket is on record. Fail-safe
    If Not AHKsock_Sockets("Index", wParam)
    iEvent := lParam & 0xFFFF, iErrorCode := lParam >> 16
    /*! Used for debugging purposes
    OutputDebug, % "AsyncSelect - A network event " iEvent " has occurred on socket " wParam
    If iErrorCode
        OutputDebug, % "AsyncSelect - Error code = " iErrorCode
    If (iEvent = 1) { ;FD_READ
        ;Check for error
        If iErrorCode { ;WSAENETDOWN is the only possible
            ErrorLevel := iErrorCode
            ;FD_READ event received with an error. The error is in ErrorLevel. The socket is in iSocket.
            AHKsock_RaiseError(6, wParam)
        VarSetCapacity(bufReceived, bufReceivedLength := AHKsock_Settings("Buffer"), 0)
        iResult := DllCall("Ws2_32\recv", "UInt", wParam, "Ptr", &bufReceived, "Int", bufReceivedLength, "Int", 0)
        If (iResult > 0) { ;We received data!
            VarSetCapacity(bufReceived, -1) ;Update the internal length
            ;Get associated function and call it
            If IsFunc(sFunc := AHKsock_Sockets("GetFunction", wParam))
                %sFunc%("RECEIVED", wParam, AHKsock_Sockets("GetName", wParam)
                                          , AHKsock_Sockets("GetAddr", wParam)
                                          , AHKsock_Sockets("GetPort", wParam), bufReceived, iResult)
        ;Check for error other than WSAEWOULDBLOCK
        } Else If ErrorLevel Or ((iResult = -1) And Not ((iErrorCode := AHKsock_LastError()) = 10035)) {
            ErrorLevel := ErrorLevel ? ErrorLevel : iErrorCode
            AHKsock_RaiseError(7, wParam) ;The recv() call failed. The error is in ErrorLevel. The socket is in iSocket.
            iResult = -1 ;So that if it's a spoofed call from FD_CLOSE, we exit the loop and close the socket
        ;Here, we bother with returning a value in case it's a spoofed call from FD_CLOSE
        Return iResult
    } Else If (iEvent = 2) { ;FD_WRITE
        ;Check for error
        If iErrorCode { ;WSAENETDOWN is the only possible
            ErrorLevel := iErrorCode
            ;FD_WRITE event received with an error. The error is in ErrorLevel. The socket is in iSocket.
            AHKsock_RaiseError(8, wParam)
        ;Update socket's setting
        AHKsock_Sockets("SetSend", wParam, True)
        ;Make sure the socket isn't already shut down
        If Not AHKsock_Sockets("GetShutdown", wParam)
            If IsFunc(sFunc := AHKsock_Sockets("GetFunction", wParam))
                %sFunc%("SEND", wParam, AHKsock_Sockets("GetName", wParam)
                                      , AHKsock_Sockets("GetAddr", wParam)
                                      , AHKsock_Sockets("GetPort", wParam))
    } Else If (iEvent = 8) { ;FD_ACCEPT
        ;Check for error
        If iErrorCode { ;WSAENETDOWN is the only possible
            ErrorLevel := iErrorCode
            ;FD_ACCEPT event received with an error. The error is in ErrorLevel. The socket is in iSocket.
            AHKsock_RaiseError(9, wParam)
        ;We need to accept the connection
        VarSetCapacity(tSockAddr, tSockAddrLength := 16, 0)
        sktClient := DllCall("Ws2_32\accept", "Ptr", wParam, "Ptr", &tSockAddr, "Int*", tSockAddrLength)
        If (sktClient = -1) And ((iErrorCode := AHKsock_LastError()) = 10035) ;Check specifically for WSAEWOULDBLOCK
            Return ;We'll be called again next time we can retry accept()
        Else If (sktClient = -1) Or ErrorLevel { ;Check for INVALID_SOCKET
            ErrorLevel := ErrorLevel ? ErrorLevel : iErrorCode
            ;The accept() call failed. The error is in ErrorLevel. The listening socket is in iSocket.
            AHKsock_RaiseError(10, wParam)
        ;Add to array
        sName := ""
        sAddr := DllCall("Ws2_32\inet_ntoa", "UInt", NumGet(tSockAddr, 4, "UInt"), "AStr")
        sPort := AHKsock_Sockets("GetPort", wParam)
        sFunc := AHKsock_Sockets("GetFunction", wParam)
        AHKsock_Sockets("Add", sktClient, sName, sAddr, sPort, sFunc)
        ;Go back to listening
        iResult := DllCall("Ws2_32\listen", "Ptr", wParam, "Int", 0x7FFFFFFF) ;SOMAXCONN       
        If (iResult = -1) Or ErrorLevel { ;Check for SOCKET_ERROR
            sErrorLevel := ErrorLevel ? ErrorLevel : AHKsock_LastError()
            DllCall("Ws2_32\closesocket", "Ptr", wParam)
            AHKsock_Sockets("Delete", wParam) ;Remove from array
            ErrorLevel := sErrorLevel
            ;The listen() call failed. The error is in ErrorLevel. The listening socket is in iSocket.
            AHKsock_RaiseError(12, wParam)
        ;Get associated function and call it
        If IsFunc(sFunc)
            %sFunc%("ACCEPTED", sktClient, sName, sAddr, sPort)
    } Else If (iEvent = 32) { ;FD_CLOSE
        ;Keep receiving data before closing the socket by spoofing an FD_READ event to call recv()
        While (AHKsock_AsyncSelect(wParam, 1) > 0)
            Sleep, -1
        ;Check if we initiated it
        If Not AHKsock_Sockets("GetShutdown", wParam) {
            ;Last chance to send data. Get associated function and call it.
            If IsFunc(sFunc := AHKsock_Sockets("GetFunction", wParam))
                %sFunc%("SENDLAST", wParam, AHKsock_Sockets("GetName", wParam)
                                          , AHKsock_Sockets("GetAddr", wParam)
                                          , AHKsock_Sockets("GetPort", wParam))
            ;Shutdown the socket. This is to attempt a graceful shutdown
            If AHKsock_ShutdownSocket(wParam) {
                ;The shutdown() call failed. The error is in ErrorLevel. The socket is in iSocket.
                AHKsock_RaiseError(13, wParam)
        ;We just have to close the socket then
        DllCall("Ws2_32\closesocket", "Ptr", wParam)
        ;Get associated data before deleting
        sFunc := AHKsock_Sockets("GetFunction", wParam)
        sName := AHKsock_Sockets("GetName", wParam)
        sAddr := AHKsock_Sockets("GetAddr", wParam)
        sPort := AHKsock_Sockets("GetPort", wParam)
        ;We can remove it from the array
        AHKsock_Sockets("Delete", wParam)
        If IsFunc(sFunc)
            %sFunc%("DISCONNECTED", wParam, sName, sAddr, sPort)

 Array controller  |

AHKsock_Sockets(sAction = "Count", iSocket = "", sName = "", sAddr = "", sPort = "", sFunction = "") {
    Static aSockets0 := 0
    Static iLastSocket := 0xFFFFFFFF ;Cache to lessen index lookups on the same socket
    Local i, ret, A_IsCriticalOld
    A_IsCriticalOld := A_IsCritical
    If (sAction = "Count") {
        ret := aSockets0
    } Else If (sAction = "Add") {
        aSockets0 += 1 ;Expand array
        aSockets%aSockets0%_Sock := iSocket
        aSockets%aSockets0%_Name := sName
        aSockets%aSockets0%_Addr := sAddr
        aSockets%aSockets0%_Port := sPort
        aSockets%aSockets0%_Func := sFunction
        aSockets%aSockets0%_Shutdown := False
        aSockets%aSockets0%_Send := False
    } Else If (sAction = "Delete") {
        ;First we need the index
        i := (iSocket = iLastSocket) ;Check cache
        ? iLastSocketIndex
        : AHKsock_Sockets("Index", iSocket)
        If i {
            iLastSocket := 0xFFFF ;Clear cache
            If (i < aSockets0) { ;Let the last item overwrite this one
                aSockets%i%_Sock := aSockets%aSockets0%_Sock
                aSockets%i%_Name := aSockets%aSockets0%_Name
                aSockets%i%_Addr := aSockets%aSockets0%_Addr
                aSockets%i%_Port := aSockets%aSockets0%_Port
                aSockets%i%_Func := aSockets%aSockets0%_Func
                aSockets%i%_Shutdown := aSockets%aSockets0%_Shutdown
                aSockets%i%_Send := aSockets%aSockets0%_Send
            aSockets0 -= 1 ;Remove element
    } Else If (sAction = "GetName") {
        i := (iSocket = iLastSocket) ;Check cache
        ? iLastSocketIndex
        : AHKsock_Sockets("Index", iSocket)
        ret := aSockets%i%_Name
    } Else If (sAction = "GetAddr") {
        i := (iSocket = iLastSocket) ;Check cache
        ? iLastSocketIndex
        : AHKsock_Sockets("Index", iSocket)
        ret := aSockets%i%_Addr
    } Else If (sAction = "GetPort") {
        i := (iSocket = iLastSocket) ;Check cache
        ? iLastSocketIndex
        : AHKsock_Sockets("Index", iSocket)
        ret := aSockets%i%_Port
    } Else If (sAction = "GetFunction") {
        i := (iSocket = iLastSocket) ;Check cache
        ? iLastSocketIndex
        : AHKsock_Sockets("Index", iSocket)
        ret := aSockets%i%_Func
    } Else If (sAction = "SetFunction") {
        i := (iSocket = iLastSocket) ;Check cache
        ? iLastSocketIndex
        : AHKsock_Sockets("Index", iSocket)
        aSockets%i%_Func := sName
    } Else If (sAction = "GetSend") {
        i := (iSocket = iLastSocket) ;Check cache
        ? iLastSocketIndex
        : AHKsock_Sockets("Index", iSocket)
        ret := aSockets%i%_Send
    } Else If (sAction = "SetSend") {
        i := (iSocket = iLastSocket) ;Check cache
        ? iLastSocketIndex
        : AHKsock_Sockets("Index", iSocket)
        aSockets%i%_Send := sName
    } Else If (sAction = "GetShutdown") {
        i := (iSocket = iLastSocket) ;Check cache
        ? iLastSocketIndex
        : AHKsock_Sockets("Index", iSocket)
        ret := aSockets%i%_Shutdown
    } Else If (sAction = "SetShutdown") {
        i := (iSocket = iLastSocket) ;Check cache
        ? iLastSocketIndex
        : AHKsock_Sockets("Index", iSocket)
        aSockets%i%_Shutdown := True
    } Else If (sAction = "GetSocketFromNamePort") {
        Loop % aSockets0 {
            If (aSockets%A_Index%_Name = iSocket)
            And (aSockets%A_Index%_Port = sName) {
                ret := aSockets%A_Index%_Sock
    } Else If (sAction = "GetSocketFromIndex") {
        ret := aSockets%iSocket%_Sock
    } Else If (sAction = "Index") {
        Loop % aSockets0 {
            If (aSockets%A_Index%_Sock = iSocket) {
                iLastSocketIndex := A_Index, iLastSocket := iSocket
                ret := A_Index
    ;Restore old Critical setting
    Critical %A_IsCriticalOld%
    Return ret

 Error Functions  |

AHKsock_LastError() {
    Return DllCall("Ws2_32\WSAGetLastError")

AHKsock_ErrorHandler(sFunction = """") {
    Static sCurrentFunction
    If (sFunction = """")
        Return sCurrentFunction
    Else sCurrentFunction := sFunction

AHKsock_RaiseError(iError, iSocket = -1) {
    If IsFunc(sFunc := AHKsock_ErrorHandler())
        %sFunc%(iError, iSocket)

 Settings Function  |

AHKsock_Settings(sSetting, sValue = "") {
    Static iMessage := 0x8000
    Static iBuffer := 65536
    If (sSetting = "Message") {
        If Not sValue
            Return iMessage
        Else iMessage := (sValue = "Reset") ? 0x8000 : sValue
    } Else If (sSetting = "Buffer") {
        If Not sValue
            Return iBuffer
        Else iBuffer := (sValue = "Reset") ? 65536 : sValue

