RunCMD 纯函数调用示例1
SetBatchLines -1 MsgBox % StrSplit(RunCmd("WMIC OS get version"), "`n", "`r ").2 ; OS version MsgBox % RunCmd(A_ComSpec . " /c ftype AutoHotkeyScript") ; executable for .ahk files MsgBox % RunCmd("Where user32.dll") ; fullpath to user32.dll MsgBox % RunCmd( A_Comspec . " /c Dir *.* /s", A_AhkPath . "\..\") ; AutoHotkey files ;--------------------------------------例子2---------------------------------------------- MsgBox % RunCmd("ping -n 1",,,"pingHelper") ; ahk官网的IP: pingHelper(Line, LineNum) { If (LineNum=2) { A_Args.RunCMD.PID := 0 ; Cancel RunCMD() Return StrSplit(Line, ["[","]"]).2 } } ;--------------------------------------例子3---------------------------------------------- MsgBox % "我的外网IP:" . ExternalIP() ; 似乎不能稳定获取 ExternalIP(P*) { If P.Count()=2 Return P[2]=6 ? StrSplit(P[1], ["Address: ","`r`n"]).2 : "" Return RunCmd("nslookup",,,A_ThisFunc) } ; 出处: ;-------------------------------------- RunCMD v0.97 -------------------------------------- RunCMD(CmdLine, WorkingDir:="", Codepage:="CP0", Fn:="RunCMD_Output", Slow:=1) { Local Global A_Args Slow := !! Slow , Fn := IsFunc(Fn) ? Func(Fn) : 0 , DllCall("CreatePipe", "PtrP",hPipeR:=0, "PtrP",hPipeW:=0, "Ptr",0, "Int",0) , DllCall("SetHandleInformation", "Ptr",hPipeW, "Int",1, "Int",1) , DllCall("SetNamedPipeHandleState","Ptr",hPipeR, "UIntP",PIPE_NOWAIT:=1, "Ptr",0, "Ptr",0) , P8 := (A_PtrSize=8) , VarSetCapacity(SI, P8 ? 104 : 68, 0) , NumPut(P8 ? 104 : 68, SI) , NumPut(STARTF_USESTDHANDLES:=0x100, SI, P8 ? 60 : 44,"UInt") , NumPut(hPipeW, SI, P8 ? 88 : 60) , NumPut(hPipeW, SI, P8 ? 96 : 64) , VarSetCapacity(PI, P8 ? 24 : 16) If not DllCall("CreateProcess", "Ptr",0, "Str",CmdLine, "Ptr",0, "Int",0, "Int",True,"Int",0x08000000 | DllCall("GetPriorityClass", "Ptr",-1, "UInt"), "Int",0,"Ptr",WorkingDir ? &WorkingDir : 0, "Ptr",&SI, "Ptr",&PI) Return Format("{1:}", "", ErrorLevel := -1, DllCall("CloseHandle", "Ptr",hPipeW), DllCall("CloseHandle", "Ptr",hPipeR)) DllCall("CloseHandle", "Ptr",hPipeW) , A_Args.RunCMD := { "PID": NumGet(PI, P8? 16 : 8, "UInt") } , File := FileOpen(hPipeR, "h", Codepage) , LineNum := 1, sOutput := "" While ( A_Args.RunCMD.PID | DllCall("Sleep", "Int",Slow) ) and DllCall("PeekNamedPipe", "Ptr",hPipeR, "Ptr",0, "Int",0, "Ptr",0, "Ptr",0, "Ptr",0) While A_Args.RunCMD.PID and StrLen(Line := File.ReadLine()) sOutput .= Fn ? Fn.Call(Line, LineNum++) : Line A_Args.RunCMD.PID := 0 , hProcess := NumGet(PI, 0) , hThread := NumGet(PI, A_PtrSize) , DllCall("GetExitCodeProcess", "Ptr",hProcess, "PtrP",ExitCode:=0) , DllCall("CloseHandle", "Ptr",hProcess) , DllCall("CloseHandle", "Ptr",hThread) , DllCall("CloseHandle", "Ptr",hPipeR) , ErrorLevel := ExitCode Return sOutput }
#NoEnv #SingleInstance, Force SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% SetBatchLines -1 Menu, Tray, Icon, %A_Comspec% Gui, Margin, 15, 15 Gui, Font, s9, Consolas Gui, Add, Text,, Output Gui, Add, Edit, y+3 -Wrap +HScroll R20 HwndhEdit1, % Format("{:81}", "") ControlGetPos,,,W,,,ahk_id %hEdit1% Gui, Add, Text,, Command Line Gui, Add, Edit, y+3 -Wrap HwndhEdit2 w%W%, Dir Gui, Add, Button, x+0 w0 h0 Default gRunCMD, <F2> RunCMD Gui, Add, StatusBar SB_SetParts(200,200), SB_SetText("`t<Esc> Cancel/Clear", 1), SB_SetText("`t<Enter> RunCMD", 2) GuiControl,, Edit1 Gui, Show,, RunCMD() - Realtime per line streaming demo RunCMD: SB_SetText("", 3) GuiControlGet, Cmd,, %hEdit2% GuiControl, Disable, Button1 ExitCode := RunCMD(A_Comspec . " /c " . Cmd) SB_SetText("`tExitCode : " ErrorLevel, 3) GuiControl, Enable, Button1 Edit_Append(hEdit2,"") GuiControl, Focus,Edit2 Return ; end of auto-execute section #IfWinActive RunCMD() ahk_class AutoHotkeyGUI Esc:: GuiControl, Focus,Edit2 Edit_Append(hEdit2,"") If (A_Args.RunCMD.PID) { A_Args.RunCMD.PID := 0 Return } SB_SetText("", 3) GuiControl,,Edit1 GuiControl,,Edit2 Return #IfWinActive RunCmd_Output(Line, LineNum) { Global If ( SubStr(Line,-1)!="`r`n" ) Line .= "`r`n" Edit_Append(hEdit1, Line) } Edit_Append(hEdit, Txt) { ; Modified version by SKAN Local ; Original by TheGood on 09-Apr-2010 @ L := DllCall("SendMessage", "Ptr",hEdit, "UInt",0x0E, "Ptr",0 , "Ptr",0) ; WM_GETTEXTLENGTH DllCall("SendMessage", "Ptr",hEdit, "UInt",0xB1, "Ptr",L , "Ptr",L) ; EM_SETSEL DllCall("SendMessage", "Ptr",hEdit, "UInt",0xC2, "Ptr",0 , "Str",Txt) ; EM_REPLACESEL } RunCMD(CmdLine, WorkingDir:="", Codepage:="CP0", Fn:="RunCMD_Output", Slow:=1) { Local Global A_Args Slow := !! Slow , Fn := IsFunc(Fn) ? Func(Fn) : 0 , DllCall("CreatePipe", "PtrP",hPipeR:=0, "PtrP",hPipeW:=0, "Ptr",0, "Int",0) , DllCall("SetHandleInformation", "Ptr",hPipeW, "Int",1, "Int",1) , DllCall("SetNamedPipeHandleState","Ptr",hPipeR, "UIntP",PIPE_NOWAIT:=1, "Ptr",0, "Ptr",0) , P8 := (A_PtrSize=8) , VarSetCapacity(SI, P8 ? 104 : 68, 0) , NumPut(P8 ? 104 : 68, SI) , NumPut(STARTF_USESTDHANDLES:=0x100, SI, P8 ? 60 : 44,"UInt") , NumPut(hPipeW, SI, P8 ? 88 : 60) , NumPut(hPipeW, SI, P8 ? 96 : 64) , VarSetCapacity(PI, P8 ? 24 : 16) If not DllCall("CreateProcess", "Ptr",0, "Str",CmdLine, "Ptr",0, "Int",0, "Int",True,"Int",0x08000000 | DllCall("GetPriorityClass", "Ptr",-1, "UInt"), "Int",0,"Ptr",WorkingDir ? &WorkingDir : 0, "Ptr",&SI, "Ptr",&PI) Return Format("{1:}", "", ErrorLevel := -1, DllCall("CloseHandle", "Ptr",hPipeW), DllCall("CloseHandle", "Ptr",hPipeR)) DllCall("CloseHandle", "Ptr",hPipeW) , A_Args.RunCMD := { "PID": NumGet(PI, P8? 16 : 8, "UInt") } , File := FileOpen(hPipeR, "h", Codepage) , LineNum := 1, sOutput := "" While ( A_Args.RunCMD.PID | DllCall("Sleep", "Int",Slow) ) and DllCall("PeekNamedPipe", "Ptr",hPipeR, "Ptr",0, "Int",0, "Ptr",0, "Ptr",0, "Ptr",0) While A_Args.RunCMD.PID and StrLen(Line := File.ReadLine()) sOutput .= Fn ? Fn.Call(Line, LineNum++) : Line A_Args.RunCMD.PID := 0 , hProcess := NumGet(PI, 0) , hThread := NumGet(PI, A_PtrSize) , DllCall("GetExitCodeProcess", "Ptr",hProcess, "PtrP",ExitCode:=0) , DllCall("CloseHandle", "Ptr",hProcess) , DllCall("CloseHandle", "Ptr",hThread) , DllCall("CloseHandle", "Ptr",hPipeR) , ErrorLevel := ExitCode Return sOutput }