; 一款比较好用的鼠标坐标和按键历史记录工具
; 来源:https://autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=26059

; If the most recent event is a mouse-move and the mouse moves again,
; enable this to update it instead of adding another mouse-move event.
MERGE_MOVE := true


Gui, +LastFound -DPIScale
WinSet, Transparent, 200
Gui, +ToolWindow +AlwaysOnTop
Gui, Margin, 10, 10
Gui, Font,, Lucida Console
Gui, Add, Text, vMH, .                                 .
GuiControlGet, MH, Pos
GuiControl,, MH  ; clear dummy sizing text
gosub Resize
OnMessage(0x201, "WM_LBUTTONDOWN")

#MaxThreadsBuffer, On
#MaxThreadsBuffer, Off
    history_size := #MouseHistory() + ((A_ThisHotkey="!WheelUp") ? +1 : -1)
    #MouseHistory(history_size>0 ? history_size : 1)
    ; Delay resize to improve hotkey responsiveness.
    SetTimer, Resize, -10

    ; Resize label to fit mouse history.
    gui_h := MHH*(#MouseHistory())
    GuiControl, Move, MH, h%gui_h%
    gui_h += 20

    Gui, +LastFound
    ; Determine visibility.
    WinGet, style, Style
    gui_visible := style & 0x10000000
    ; Determine current position and height.
    WinGetPos, gui_x, gui_y, , gui_h_old
    ; Use old height to determine if we should reposition, *only when shrinking*.
    ; This way we can move the GUI somewhere else, and the script won't reposition it.
    ;if (gui_h_old < gui_h)
    ;    gui_h_old := gui_h
    ; Determine working area (primary screen size minus taskbar.)
    SysGet, wa_, MonitorWorkArea

    SysGet, twc_h, 51 ; SM_CYSMCAPTION
    SysGet, bdr_h, 8  ; SM_CYFIXEDFRAME
    if (!gui_visible)
        gui_x = 10 ; Initially on the left side.
        gui_y := wa_bottom-(gui_h+twc_h+bdr_h*2+10)
    {   ; Move relative to bottom edge when closer to the bottom.
        if (gui_y+gui_h//2 > (wa_bottom-wa_top)//2)
            gui_y += gui_h_old-(gui_h+twc_h+bdr_h*2)
    Gui, Show, x%gui_x% y%gui_y% h%gui_h% NA, Mouse History

    SetFormat, FloatFast, .2
    text =
    buf_size := #MouseHistory()
    Loop, % buf_size
        SetFormat, IntegerFast, D
        if MouseHistory(A_Index, msg, x, y, mouseData, flags, time, elapsed)
            SetFormat, IntegerFast, H
            msg := (msg + 0) ""
            SetFormat, IntegerFast, D
            if msg in 0x201,0x202,0x203,0xA1,0xA2,0xA3
                btn = Left
            else if msg in 0x204,0x205,0x206,0xA4,0xA5,0xA6
                btn = Right
            else if msg in 0x207,0x208,0x209,0xA7,0xA8,0xA9
                btn = Middle
            else if msg in 0x20B,0x20C,0x20D,0xAB,0xAC,0xAD
                btn := (mouseData & 0x10000) ? "X1" : "X2"
            ; WM_MOUSEWHEEL
            else if msg = 0x20A
                mouseData := mouseData << 32 >> 48
                btn := (mouseData < 0) ? "WD" : "WU"
            ; WM_MOUSEHWHEEL
            else if msg = 0x20E
                mouseData := mouseData << 32 >> 48
                btn := (mouseData < 0) ? "WL" : "WR"
            ; WM_MOUSEMOVE
            else if msg = 0x200
                btn =
            ; ???
            else btn := msg
            clickCount =
            if msg in 0x203,0xA3,0x206,0xA6,0x209,0xA9,0x20D,0xAD
                clickCount := 2
            else if msg in 0x20A,0x20E
                clickCount := Abs(mouseData)
                if !clickCount
                    clickCount =
            ; WM_L/R/M/XBUTTONDOWN, WM_NC..
            else if msg in 0x201,0x204,0x207,0x20B,0xA1,0xA4,0xA7,0xAB
                clickCount = Down
            ; WM_L/R/M/XBUTTONUP, WM_NC..
            else if msg in 0x202,0x205,0x208,0x20C,0xA2,0xA5,0xA8,0xAC
                clickCount = Up

            text .= ((flags & 1) ? "* " : "  ")
                 ;.  SubStr(msg "      ", 1, 6)
                 .  SubStr(btn "        ", 1, 8)
                 .  SubStr("    " x, -4) "  " SubStr("    " y, -4)
                 .  SubStr("      " clickCount, -5)
                 .  SubStr("      " elapsed/1000.0, -6) "`n"
        else break
    GuiControl,, MH, % text


MouseHistory(N, ByRef msg, ByRef x, ByRef y, ByRef mouseData, ByRef flags, ByRef time, ByRef elapsed=-1)
    global MouseBuffer
    if N is not integer
        return false
    buf_max := #MouseHistory()
    if (N < 1 or N > buf_max)
        return false
    x           := NumGet(MouseBuffer, ofs:=(N-1)*24, "int") 
    y           := NumGet(MouseBuffer, ofs+4, "int")
    mouseData   := NumGet(MouseBuffer, ofs+8, "uint")
    flags       := NumGet(MouseBuffer, ofs+12, "uint")
    time        := NumGet(MouseBuffer, ofs+16, "uint")
    msg         := NumGet(MouseBuffer, ofs+20, "uint")
    elapsed := time - ((time2 := NumGet(MouseBuffer, N*24+16, "uint")) ? time2 : time)
    return !!msg

    global MouseBuffer
    static MouseHook, MouseHookProc

    if NewSize =    ; Get current history length.
        return (cap:=VarSetCapacity(MouseBuffer)//24)>0 ? cap-1 : 0

    if NewSize
        if !MouseHook
        {   ; Register the mouse hook.
            MouseHookProc := RegisterCallback("Mouse")
            MouseHook := DllCall("SetWindowsHookEx", "int", 14, "ptr", MouseHookProc, "uint", 0, "uint", 0, "ptr")
        new_cap := (NewSize+1)*24 ; sizeof(MSLLHOOKSTRUCT)=24
        cap := VarSetCapacity(MouseBuffer)
        if (cap > new_cap)
            cap := new_cap
        VarSetCapacity(old_buffer, cap)
        ; Back up previous history.
        DllCall("RtlMoveMemory", "ptr", &old_buffer, "ptr", &MouseBuffer, "ptr", cap)
        ; Set new history length.
        VarSetCapacity(MouseBuffer, 0) ; FORCE SHRINK
        VarSetCapacity(MouseBuffer, new_cap, 0)
        ; Restore previous history.
        DllCall("RtlMoveMemory", "ptr", &MouseBuffer, "ptr", &old_buffer, "ptr", cap)
        ; (Remember N+1 mouse events to simplify calculation of the Nth mouse event's elapsed time.)
        ; Put tick count so the initial mouse event has a meaningful value for "elapsed".
        NumPut(A_TickCount, MouseBuffer, 16, "uint")
        if MouseHook
        {   ; Unregister the mouse hook.
            DllCall("UnhookWindowsHookEx", "ptr", MouseHook)
            DllCall("GlobalFree", "ptr", MouseHookProc)
            MouseHook =
        ; Clear history entirely.
        VarSetCapacity(MouseBuffer, 0)

; Mouse hook callback - records mouse events into MouseBuffer.
Mouse(nCode, wParam, lParam)
    global MouseBuffer, MERGE_MOVE
    if (buf_max:=#MouseHistory()) > 0
        if MERGE_MOVE && NumGet(MouseBuffer, 20, "uint") = 0x200
        ;if MERGE_MOVE && wParam = 0x200 && NumGet(MouseBuffer, 20, "uint") = 0x200
            ; Update the most recent (mouse-move) event.
            DllCall("RtlMoveMemory", "ptr", &MouseBuffer, "ptr", lParam, "ptr", 20)
            ; Push older mouse events to the back.
            if (buf_max > 1)
                DllCall("RtlMoveMemory", "ptr", &MouseBuffer+24, "ptr", &MouseBuffer, "ptr", buf_max*24)
            ; Copy current mouse event to the buffer.
            DllCall("RtlMoveMemory", "ptr", &MouseBuffer, "ptr", lParam, "ptr", 20)
        NumPut(wParam, MouseBuffer, 20, "uint") ; Put wParam in place of dwEventInfo.
        ; "gosub Show" slows down the mouse hook and causes problems, so use a timer.        
        SetTimer, Show, -10
    return DllCall("CallNextHookEx", "uint", 0, "int", nCode, "ptr", wParam, "ptr", lParam, "ptr")

WM_LBUTTONDOWN(wParam, lParam)
    global text
    StringReplace, Clipboard, text, `n, `r`n, All

