; #Include <GetDesktopIconUnderMouse> #If IsDesktopUnderMouse() ~LButton:: LButton_presses++ ;记录现在是第几次按下鼠标 if (LButton_presses=2) ;GetDesktopIconUnderMouse() 能在桌面图标隐藏后也取到图标,此时双击看起来是空白的原图标位置就将因为识别到图标而不切换显隐状态 ;所以鼠标下没有取到图标,或者取到图标但当前全部桌面图标是已隐藏的状态,则切换一遍显隐状态 if (!IsObject(GetDesktopIconUnderMouse()) or DesktopIconsIsShow=0) DesktopIconsIsShow:=HideOrShowDesktopIcons() SetTimer, KeyLButton, -300 ;多少毫秒以内的连续点击算作双击 return KeyLButton: LButton_presses := 0 return IsDesktopUnderMouse() ;鼠标下的是桌面吗 { MouseGetPos, , , OutputVarWin WinGetClass, OutputVarClass, % "ahk_id" OutputVarWin if (OutputVarClass="WorkerW" or OutputVarClass="Progman") return, 1 else return, 0 } HideOrShowDesktopIcons() ;返回值为0代表当前桌面图标已隐藏,1代表已显示 { ControlGet, OutputVarHwnd, Hwnd,, SysListView321, ahk_class WorkerW if (OutputVarHwnd="") ControlGet, OutputVarHwnd, Hwnd,, SysListView321, ahk_class Progman if (DllCall("IsWindowVisible", UInt, OutputVarHwnd)) { WinHide, ahk_id %OutputVarHwnd% return, 0 } else { WinShow, ahk_id %OutputVarHwnd% return, 1 } } #If ; =============================================================================================================================== ; GetDesktopIconUnderMouse() ; https://www.autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?p=260761 ; Function: Gets the desktop icon under the mouse. See the "Return values" section below for more information about the ; icon and associated file data retrieved. ; Parameters: None ; Return values: If there is an icon under the mouse, an associative array with the following keys: ; - left: the left position of the icon in screen coordinates ; - top: the top position of the icon in screen coordinates ; - right: the right position of the icon in screen coordinates ; - bottom: the bottom position of the icon in screen coordinates ; - name: the name of the file represented by the icon, e.g. New Text Document.txt ; - size: the size of the file represented by the icon, e.g. 1.72 KB. Note: this value is blank for folders ; - type: the type of the file represented by the icon, e.g. TXT File, JPEG image, File folder ; - date: the modified date of the file represented by the icon, e.g. 9/9/2016 10:39 AM ; Otherwise, a blank value ; Global vars: None ; Dependencies: None ; Tested with: AHK (A32/U32/U64) ; Tested on: Win 7 (x64) ; Written by: iPhilip ; =============================================================================================================================== GetDesktopIconUnderMouse() { static MEM_COMMIT := 0x1000, MEM_RELEASE := 0x8000, PAGE_ReadWRITE := 0x04 , PROCESS_VM_OPERATION := 0x0008, PROCESS_VM_READ := 0x0010 , LVM_GETITEMCOUNT := 0x1004, LVM_GETITEMRECT := 0x100E Icon := "" MouseGetPos, x, y, hwnd if not (hwnd = WinExist("ahk_class Progman") || hwnd = WinExist("ahk_class WorkerW")) return ControlGet, hwnd, HWND, , SysListView321 if not WinExist("ahk_id" hwnd) return WinGet, pid, PID if (hProcess := DllCall("OpenProcess" , "UInt", Process_VM_OPERATION|Process_VM_Read, "Int", false, "UInt", pid)) { VarSetCapacity(iCoord, 16) SendMessage, %LVM_GETITEMCOUNT%, 0, 0 loop, %ErrorLevel% { pItemCoord := DllCall("VirtualAllocEx", "Ptr", hProcess, "Ptr", 0, "UInt", 16, "UInt", MEM_COMMIT, "UInt", PAGE_ReadWRITE) SendMessage, %LVM_GETITEMRECT%, % A_Index-1, %pItemCoord% DllCall("ReadProcessMemory", "Ptr", hProcess, "Ptr", pItemCoord, "Ptr", &iCoord, "UInt", 16, "UInt", 0) DllCall("VirtualFreeEx", "Ptr", hProcess, "Ptr", pItemCoord, "UInt", 0, "UInt", MEM_RELEASE) left := NumGet(iCoord, 0, "Int") top := NumGet(iCoord, 4, "Int") Right := NumGet(iCoord, 8, "Int") bottom := NumGet(iCoord, 12, "Int") if (left < x and x < Right and top < y and y < bottom) { ControlGet, list, List RegExMatch(StrSplit(list, "`n")[A_Index], "O)(.*)\t(.*)\t(.*)\t(.*)", Match) Icon := {left:left, top:top, Right:Right, bottom:bottom , name:Match[1], size:Match[2], type:Match[3] ; Delete extraneous date characters (https://goo.gl/pMw6AM): ; - Unicode LTR (Left-to-Right) mark (0x200E = 8206) ; - Unicode RTL (Right-to-Left) mark (0x200F = 8207) , date:RegExReplace(Match[4], A_IsUnicode ? "[\x{200E}-\x{200F}]" : "\?")} break } } DllCall("CloseHandle", "Ptr", hProcess) } return Icon }