; By 空 #NoEnv SetBatchLines, -1 #Include <Chrome> ; --- Create a new headless Chrome instance --- ChromeInst := new Chrome("User_Data", "https://baidu.com", "--headless") ; --- Connect to the page --- if !(PageInst := ChromeInst.GetPage()) { MsgBox, Could not retrieve page! ChromeInst.Kill() } else { PageInst.WaitForLoad() ; --- Export a PDF of the page --- ; Get the PDF in Base64 Base64PDF := PageInst.Call("Page.printToPDF").data ; 保存PNG截图的方法,对应文件名也应该改成.png ; Base64PNG := 标签.Call("Page.captureScreenshot").data ; Convert to a normal binary PDF Size := Base64_Decode(BinaryPDF, Base64PDF) ; Write the binary PDF to a file FileName := "Exported_" A_TickCount ".pdf" FileOpen(FileName, "w").RawWrite(BinaryPDF, Size) ; Open the file Run, %FileName% ; --- Close the Chrome instance --- try PageInst.Call("Browser.close") ; Fails when running headless catch ChromeInst.Kill() PageInst.Disconnect() } ExitApp return Base64_Encode(ByRef Out, ByRef In, InLen) { DllCall("Crypt32.dll\CryptBinaryToString", "Ptr", &In , "UInt", InLen, "UInt", 0x40000001, "Ptr", 0, "UInt*", OutLen) VarSetCapacity(Out, OutLen * (1+A_IsUnicode)) DllCall("Crypt32.dll\CryptBinaryToString", "Ptr", &In , "UInt", InLen, "UInt", 0x40000001, "Str", Out, "UInt*", OutLen) return OutLen } Base64_Decode(ByRef Out, ByRef In) { DllCall("Crypt32.dll\CryptStringToBinary", "Ptr", &In, "UInt", StrLen(In) , "UInt", 0x1, "Ptr", 0, "UInt*", OutLen, "Ptr", 0, "Ptr", 0) VarSetCapacity(Out, OutLen) DllCall("Crypt32.dll\CryptStringToBinary", "Ptr", &In, "UInt", StrLen(In) , "UInt", 0x1, "Str", Out, "UInt*", OutLen, "Ptr", 0, "Ptr", 0) return OutLen }