; 简单可视化鼠标手势 v1.5 By FeiYue #NoEnv #SingleInstance, force SetWinDelay -1 SetBatchLines, -1 CoordMode, Mouse CoordMode, ToolTip 生成画板() tip:= { 0 : 0 , "上" : "上翻页" , "下" : "下翻页" , "左" : "后退" , "右" : "前进" , "右下左" : "退出" , 0 : 0 } return 上: 下: 左: 右: k:=A_ThisLabel MsgBox, 4096,, % k " > " tip[k], 1 return 右下左: ExitApp Esc:: ExitApp start_01() { static init:=start_01() SetTitleMatchMode, 2 ;//匹配部分标题 GroupAdd, MyBrowser, 360安全浏览器 GroupAdd, MyBrowser, 360极速浏览器 GroupAdd, MyBrowser, 搜狗高速浏览器 GroupAdd, MyBrowser, 世界之窗浏览器 GroupAdd, MyBrowser, 2345加速浏览器 GroupAdd, MyBrowser, GreenBrowser GroupAdd, MyBrowser, Firefox GroupAdd, MyBrowser, Chrome GroupAdd, MyBrowser, ahk_class IEFrame GroupAdd, MyBrowser, ahk_class 360se5_Frame GroupAdd, MyBrowser, ahk_class 360se6_Frame GroupAdd, MyBrowser, ahk_class Chrome_WidgetWin_1 GroupAdd, MyBrowser, ahk_class ShockwaveFlashFullScreen } #If !WinActive("ahk_group MyBrowser") RButton:: 显示画板(), 轨迹:=方向:=上次方向:="", arr:=[], p:=Tan(60*ATan(1)/45) MouseGetPos, x1, y1 While GetKeyState("RButton", "P") { Sleep, 10 MouseGetPos, x2, y2 Loop, % (i:=arr.MaxIndex())>10 ? 10 : i if ((dx:=x2-arr[i].3)*0+(dy:=y2-arr[i--].4)*0+Abs(dx)>5 or Abs(dy)>5) { 方向:=(Abs(dy)>=Abs(dx)*p) ? (dy<0 ? "上":"下") : (Abs(dx)>=Abs(dy)*p) ? (dx<0 ? "左":"右") : 方向 Break } if (方向!=上次方向) 轨迹.=方向, 上次方向:=方向 if (x1!=x2 or y1!=y2) { arr.Push([x1,y1,x2,y2]), x1:=x2, y1:=y2 ToolTip, % 轨迹 " > " (tip[轨迹] ? tip[轨迹]:"没有设置动作") } color:=A_MSec<500 ? 0xFF9050 : 0x5090FF For k,v in arr 划线(v.1, v.2, v.3, v.4, color) 更新() } ToolTip 清空(), 更新(), 隐藏画板() if (轨迹="") { Click, R return } if IsLabel(轨迹) Goto, %轨迹% else MsgBox, 4096,, % 轨迹 " > 没有设置动作", 1 return #If ;========== 下面是函数 ========== 生成画板() { global my_gdi Gui, My_DrawingBoard: New Gui, +LastFound +AlwaysOnTop -Caption +ToolWindow +E0x80000 +OwnDialogs +Hwndmy_id +E0x20 ; 下面两行结合Bitblt更新与UpdateLayeredWindow更新互斥 ; Gui, Color, 0x000000 ; WinSet, TransColor, 0x000000 w:=A_ScreenWidth, h:=A_ScreenHeight Gui, Show, Hide x0 y0 w%w% h%h%, 画板 my_gdi := new GDI(my_id, w, h), 清空() return } 显示画板() { Gui, My_DrawingBoard: Show, NA } 隐藏画板() { Gui, My_DrawingBoard: Hide } 划线(x,y,x2,y2,color=0xFF0000) { global my_gdi my_gdi.DrawLine(x, y, x2, y2, Color, 4) } 更新(color=0x000000) { global my_gdi ; my_gdi.Bitblt() my_gdi.UpdateLayeredWindow(0, 0, 0, 0, color) } 清空(color=0x000000) { global my_gdi my_gdi.FillRectangle(0, 0, my_gdi.CliWidth, my_gdi.CliHeight, color) } class GDI { ; thanks dwitter, RUNIE __New(hWnd, CliWidth=0, CliHeight=0) { if !(CliWidth && CliHeight) { VarSetCapacity(Rect, 16, 0) DllCall("GetClientRect", "Ptr", hWnd, "Ptr", &Rect) CliWidth := NumGet(Rect, 8, "Int") CliHeight := NumGet(Rect, 12, "Int") } this.CliWidth := CliWidth this.CliHeight := CliHeight this.hWnd := hWnd this.hDC := DllCall("GetDC", "UPtr", hWnd, "UPtr") this.hMemDC := DllCall("CreateCompatibleDC", "UPtr", this.hDC, "UPtr") this.hBitmap := DllCall("CreateCompatibleBitmap", "UPtr", this.hDC, "Int", CliWidth, "Int", CliHeight, "UPtr") this.hOriginalBitmap := DllCall("SelectObject", "UPtr", this.hMemDC, "UPtr", this.hBitmap) } __Delete() { DllCall("SelectObject", "UPtr", this.hMemDC, "UPtr", this.hOriginalBitmap) DllCall("DeleteObject", "UPtr", this.hBitmap) DllCall("DeleteObject", "UPtr", this.hMemDC) DllCall("ReleaseDC", "UPtr", this.hWnd, "UPtr", this.hDC) } Resize(w, h) { this.CliWidth := w this.CliHeight := h this.hBitmap := DllCall("CreateCompatibleBitmap", "UPtr", this.hDC, "Int", w, "Int", h, "UPtr") hPrevBitmap := DllCall("SelectObject", "UPtr", this.hMemDC, "UPtr", this.hBitmap) DllCall("DeleteObject", "UPtr", hPrevBitmap) } BitBlt(x=0, y=0, w=0, h=0) { w := w ? w : this.CliWidth h := h ? h : this.CliHeight DllCall("BitBlt", "UPtr", this.hDC, "Int", x, "Int", y , "Int", w, "Int", h, "UPtr", this.hMemDC, "Int", 0, "Int", 0, "UInt", 0xCC0020) ;SRCCOPY } UpdateLayeredWindow(x=0, y=0, w=0, h=0, color=0, Alpha=255) { w := w ? w : this.CliWidth h := h ? h : this.CliHeight DllCall("UpdateLayeredWindow", "Ptr", this.hWnd, "Ptr", 0 , "Int64*", x|y<<32, "Int64*", w|h<<32 , "Ptr", this.hMemDC, "Int64*", 0, "uint", color , "UInt*", Alpha<<16|1<<24, "uint", 1) } DrawLine(x, y, x2, y2, Color, Width=1) { Pen := new GDI.Pen(Color, Width) DllCall("MoveToEx", "UPtr", this.hMemDC, "Int", this.TranslateX(x), "Int", this.TranslateY(y), "UPtr", 0) hOriginalPen := DllCall("SelectObject", "UPtr", this.hMemDC, "UPtr", Pen.Handle, "UPtr") DllCall("LineTo", "UPtr", this.hMemDC, "Int", this.TranslateX(x2), "Int", this.TranslateY(y2)) DllCall("SelectObject", "UPtr", this.hMemDC, "UPtr", hOriginalPen, "UPtr") } SetPixel(x, y, Color) { x := this.TranslateX(x) y := this.TranslateY(y, this.Invert) ; Move up 1 px if inverted (drawing "up" instead of down) DllCall("SetPixelV", "UPtr", this.hMemDC, "Int", x, "Int", y, "UInt", Color) } FillRectangle(x, y, w, h, Color, BorderColor=-1) { if (w == 1 && h == 1) return this.SetPixel(x, y, Color) Pen := new this.Pen(BorderColor < 0 ? Color : BorderColor) Brush := new this.Brush(Color) ; Replace the original pen and brush with our own hOriginalPen := DllCall("SelectObject", "UPtr", this.hMemDC, "UPtr", Pen.Handle, "UPtr") hOriginalBrush := DllCall("SelectObject", "UPtr", this.hMemDC, "UPtr", Brush.Handle, "UPtr") x1 := this.TranslateX(x) y1 := this.TranslateY(y) x2 := this.TranslateX(x+w) y2 := this.TranslateY(y+h) DllCall("Rectangle", "UPtr", this.hMemDC , "Int", x1, "Int", y1 , "Int", x2, "Int", y2) ; Reselect the original pen and brush DllCall("SelectObject", "UPtr", this.hMemDC, "UPtr", hOriginalPen, "UPtr") DllCall("SelectObject", "UPtr", this.hMemDC, "UPtr", hOriginalBrush, "UPtr") } FillEllipse(x, y, w, h, Color, BorderColor=-1) { Pen := new this.Pen(BorderColor < 0 ? Color : BorderColor) Brush := new this.Brush(Color) ; Replace the original pen and brush with our own hOriginalPen := DllCall("SelectObject", "UPtr", this.hMemDC, "UPtr", Pen.Handle, "UPtr") hOriginalBrush := DllCall("SelectObject", "UPtr", this.hMemDC, "UPtr", Brush.Handle, "UPtr") x1 := this.TranslateX(x) y1 := this.TranslateY(y) x2 := this.TranslateX(x+w) y2 := this.TranslateY(y+h) DllCall("Ellipse", "UPtr", this.hMemDC , "Int", x1, "Int", y1 , "Int", x2, "Int", y2) ; Reselect the original pen and brush DllCall("SelectObject", "UPtr", this.hMemDC, "UPtr", hOriginalPen, "UPtr") DllCall("SelectObject", "UPtr", this.hMemDC, "UPtr", hOriginalBrush, "UPtr") } TranslateX(X) { return Floor(X) } TranslateY(Y, Offset=0) { if this.Invert return this.CliHeight - Floor(Y) - Offset return Floor(Y) } class Pen { __New(Color, Width=1, Style=0) { this.Handle := DllCall("CreatePen", "Int", Style, "Int", Width, "UInt", Color, "UPtr") } __Delete() { DllCall("DeleteObject", "UPtr", this.Handle) } } class Brush { __New(Color) { this.Handle := DllCall("CreateSolidBrush", "UInt", Color, "UPtr") } __Delete() { DllCall("DeleteObject", "UPtr", this.Handle) } } }